Dude, you're the one trolling. Asking useless stuff like shipping on this forum, you can ask people that on some dating website where you can talk about your fetishes, but not here.
nm plz
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1014085#osu/2122397 I like games relying on player skills cos you can play them for that sweet, sweet feeling of improvement and accomplishment once you have gotten better
character level focussed rpgs and stuff are still pretty cool to chill out with.
I believe being able to grind to become strong enough in order to complete content should be a viable option, both for the sake of progression and to compensate for lack of player skill. However, the game should also be able to be completed by player skill alone (no stat checks) to reward good players.
The number 33 in F33 is the value that if it is the result from calculating Formula 33, will guarantee that the fleet will reach a specific node, instead of going into a dead end.
My answer : i think the cheetah got horny and chases woman as result. Then the woman getting out her secret medicine weapon that make cheetah much calmer and satisfied cheetah's estrogen hormone. Thus makes cheetah didn't need to horny jail again.
beatmapsets/1443356#osu/2968949 Diva/Vivy is my fav character of this season Vivy Flourite's Eyes Song (amazing anime please watch, it's airing right now)
Answer: Cleveland starts with a C and Agano starts with an A. Based on one of the post that mention anime girls, you can relate this as like how they relate their "oppai" size using x cups where the size increases the further down the alphabet you go.