
Hello there ^///^

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Hello there!
My 'gamer' name is Danaides, or just simply Dana, I'm 25 years old and have the hand-eye coordination of a toddler :P
Originally I'm from the Netherlands, but have been in the UK for nearly 3 years now.
The game I spend most of my time in is World Of Warcraft.

I discovered OSU a while back, after seeing it on YouTube and was fascinated by it.
I forgot the name but yesterday I remembered it again and decided to download it and try it :)
Honestly, I don't think my hand-eye coordination will ever let me play super difficult maps, but I'm having fun nonetheless n_n

It's nice to meet you all and if anyone wants to chat or w/e I'm totally up for that :D

Much love, Dana
Cerulean Veyron
Hi, Dana! Welcome~

Enjoy your stay on the game :p
Welcome n.n
Welcome to osu!! I also just started osu like 2 months ago and I've improved quite a lot i must say, i hope the same goes to u too! XD
Practice makes perfect teehee :P
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KokoaCrunch wrote:

Welcome to osu!! I also just started osu like 2 months ago and I've improved quite a lot i must say, i hope the same goes to u too! XD
Practice makes perfect teehee :P
I can see this becoming an addiction >o< teehee...

Danaides wrote:

KokoaCrunch wrote:

Welcome to osu!! I also just started osu like 2 months ago and I've improved quite a lot i must say, i hope the same goes to u too! XD
Practice makes perfect teehee :P
I can see this becoming an addiction >o< teehee...
Not really......... well...maybe
I've only played like 30 mins once every 2 days but right now i'm having holidays so yea :P
Topic Starter

KokoaCrunch wrote:

Not really......... well...maybe
I've only played like 30 mins once every 2 days but right now i'm having holidays so yea :P
I'm at my parents with not so great internet and not much too do... So glad I remembered the name of this game! :D
Welcome to the forums
Welcome to osu!
Well, the game will tell you that a lot.

Anyways, HYiesu8sVZaHHbdj I used to play WoW!!!1!
I haven't played Warlords of Draenor yet doe.
What expansion was your favorite? 8-)
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NolanM wrote:

Welcome to osu!
Well, the game will tell you that a lot.

Anyways, HYiesu8sVZaHHbdj I used to play WoW!!!1!
I haven't played Warlords of Draenor yet doe.
What expansion was your favorite? 8-)
I started in WOTLK and I think raiding-wise that was my favorite n_n.
W.o.D. is nice too but I think the style changed a lot :) As long as I can heal on my druid I'm happy ;)

Perhaps OSU will help with my eye-hand coordination lol, watch out world... mew :p
Welcome to the forums
Hihi Dana!
Welcome to the wonderful world of osu!
Hope you're having fun!
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