
Marvel vs. Capcom 3

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If it's broken enough to kill the tournament scene for it, it'd be a real shame, though.

MvC2 didn't die but glitches weren't found at this pace either.
Oh shi- Fraeon's in the osu! forum again..
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I actually don't see any infinites here except Akuma's lately; just 100% combos.
If anyone's been paying attention to the recent big tournies nobodies really pulled an infinite/glitch in a big match at all and we're seeing a lot less of Sentinel than you'd think. He's still a giant player and still probably the best character, but people are really learning how to punish him hard.
I've been really impressed with some Pheonix players recently especially in the Winter Brawl.
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Clockw0rk's Phoenix is a start to look at.

I don't see Sentinel often either in the actual big matches. However, I'm surprised that he isn't been made into assist fodder yet; his Alpha and Gamma assists are still insanely valuable.

Zekira wrote:

I don't see Sentinel often either in the actual big matches. However, I'm surprised that he isn't been made into assist fodder yet; his Alpha and Gamma assists are still insanely valuable.
Nobody has really been using him as point. He has basically been used as assist fodder, except people always get down to him and end up making comebacks because he's so good.

Basically Sentinel is so good even if you try to make him assist fodder he still isn't.
I suck at this game :(

Mostly using Zero but I'm trying to be flexible with the rest of the team to get to use them better. I'm also keen on using Viewtiful Joe (inb4 my choices suck because I refuse to use certain characters because everyone else uses them because they're better.)
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The tiering here doesn't seem exactly too far apart yet. As usual, team synergy is too important here, so always take into consideration that if you want to revolve your team around 1 point character, just make sure both of your other teammates fill the most appropriate assist that 1.) suits your style 2.) actually works
Yay beat it for the first time, I don't completely suck! (Team: Zero, Deadpool, Chun-Li)

You know I think I'm keeping Deadpool around more just for the comedic value.
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And if you develop your ninja reflexes, you can pretty much literally troll other people, mastering the timing of his Fourth Wall Crisis super.

I haven't actually tried Deadpool's other assists aside from B, but his Y assist seems to be runaway friendly.

Pokebis wrote:

Zekira wrote:

I don't see Sentinel often either in the actual big matches. However, I'm surprised that he isn't been made into assist fodder yet; his Alpha and Gamma assists are still insanely valuable.
Nobody has really been using him as point. He has basically been used as assist fodder, except people always get down to him and end up making comebacks because he's so good.

Basically Sentinel is so good even if you try to make him assist fodder he still isn't.
Sentinel is really a lifesaver, despite being punished by faster opponents :(
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Arthur Hyper Viper Bracelet?! TEN MORE YEARS

This was a couple of weeks ago.
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Adding more to the greatest moments in MvC3 list

Man, if I was part of the audience, I would've screamed along with the BIONIC AAAAAAAAAAAARM crowd... I just couldn't imagine how epic this would have been if I saw it live...

EDIT: Oh, March 22 patch nerfed Sentinel's life to 910000? Really? :D
lol , finally mvc3 thread <_<

k ..1st post ..
this my favorite unit

Speed Unit ( i think )
- Zero
- Wolverine
- Dante / ( sometimes i use Deadpool )

soon , i'll post my video gameplay :)

old unit ( 2 weeks ago )

Team B sucks LOL
Pretty cool game. It gets boring after a few days. You'll probably end up just practicing combos. :(
Mvc3 is a ton fun but the online is a shame. Sometimes ill search for ranked matches and ill find opponents really quickly and other times search will fail 5x in a row :( Also, no spectator mode?!!! i use wesker/ammy/dormmamu/chris/thor/viper

Nakao wrote:

Sometimes ill search for ranked matches and ill find opponents really quickly and other times search will fail 5x in a row
Go into Practice/Arcade and do a Ranked Search. It works much better and rarely fails.

Pokebis wrote:

Nakao wrote:

Sometimes ill search for ranked matches and ill find opponents really quickly and other times search will fail 5x in a row
Go into Practice/Arcade and do a Ranked Search. It works much better and rarely fails.
I gave up on doing finds matches quickly but the connection always drops right at the end. Either somethings wrong with it or people rage quit a loot
Likely the latter. Even had ragequitters on non-ranked. >.>
There are lots of casuals playing this and they're all babies who think combos are cheating.
Because they're not used to a man's fighting game.

Though, I'll admit that I initially got bored since I couldn't put time into it. Now I've got it on the 360, with a Hori fightstick (hey, free console, game, and fightstick from a family member, I can dig it). I'm getting more used to the speed of the game, and I'm starting to see which characters I really like to use (Crimson Viper has really grown on me, for instance).

Also, fuck Spider-Man. Because telegraphing your attacks that much is not okay.

Mogsworth wrote:

Also, fuck Spider-Man. Because telegraphing your attacks that much is not okay.
FUUUUUUUUUU Leave Spidey alone!! :x Take that back, NAO.

Spidey has been a all-around fighter (well for me of course) for years when Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter came onto the scene people who do that are pretty much noobs and mostly online, when i go into ranked matches i end up with Wolverine spammers spamming "Drill Claw" and "Berserker Barrage".

Pokebis wrote:

There are lots of casuals playing this and they're all babies who think combos are cheating.
I agree they don't get the idea that they NEED to use combos to quickly defeat their opponent.
I love Marvel VS Capcom, but I feel that they put too many Street Fighter characters in there. The Capcom side is lacking many of the characters that I was hoping to see(there are only 3 that I like). However, I'm just happy that Amaterasu and Viewtiful Joe are there. I don't know much about Marvel so I never really played as any of those characters.

Akai-Moeru wrote:

I love Marvel VS Capcom, but I feel that they put too many Street Fighter characters in there. The Capcom side is lacking many of the characters that I was hoping to see(there are only 3 that I like). However, I'm just happy that Amaterasu and Viewtiful Joe are there. I don't know much about Marvel so I never really played as any of those characters.
I saw a bunch of Captain Commando & Strider Hiryu fans cried the day they didn't appear in that game, plus they should've just kept their 50+ roster by changing the cast a bit instead of their lame reduced 40 + roster, but oh well I got my cash worth :| (I miss Ken, Ruby Heart & Son Son :( )
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I saw a bunch of Captain Commando & Strider Hiryu fans cried the day they didn't appear in that game
S-stop exposing me to the public OTL

In other news,


No really. Spencer is one of the best defensive characters ever IMO. Heavy damage for a medium-sized character as it's really easy to do re-launch combos or double Bionic Lancer combos... And the best part about this is being able to punish LIGHT ATTACKS...

Zekira wrote:

S-stop exposing me to the public OTL

In other news,


No really. Spencer is one of the best defensive characters ever IMO. Heavy damage for a medium-sized character as it's really easy to do re-launch combos or double Bionic Lancer combos... And the best part about this is being able to punish LIGHT ATTACKS...
Still wanted my Captain Commando :( Spence is ehhh, ok.
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"Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with Sentinel to begin with because he was never really an issue. The Sentinel patch came out and...

nothing changed. People still play him all the time.

Sentinel's not the bad guy, I mean, look at his face.

This is a Sentinel that you can be best friends with!

Or, go get a Cheeseburger.

He's not the bad guy...

But all of a sudden, in a giant red flash...

Everything you knew about your friend...

Is lost...

There's no reasoning with it...

There's no fighting it...

All you do is run...

He's coming for you...

It's okay, I can put our differences aside. One little fight doesn't mean we're not still friends. <3~
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EVERYONE wants him back.


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Still bitching out our money though ... announced_
Do you think Capcom know what Ultimate means?
Now that Frank West is in, I can buy this game.
But dead people can't buy games.
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Strider Hiryu, Phoenix Wright, Vergil. Now I'm totally distracted

EDIT: Someone re-upped the pics on imgur

Oh, that Nemesis. I thought it was like some Spiderman (note: I don't know the difference between Marvel and DC, just in case that's an issue) or whatnot sort of Nemesis, not RE3 STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS Nemesis. With that and P-Dub, I'm interested in watching/trying this game in a game store now.
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The older characters also seem to be getting new moves

Also, capcom responds to character leak:

""Today we announced Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for PS3 and X360 as well as the first four characters and a playable build for this week's San Diego Comic-Con. As part of that, you may have seen some of our new characters for the game pop up on the Internet a bit earlier than anticipated. We are very happy with the positive response to the lineup, but at this point we're only going to focus on the four characters (Strider, Firebrand, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye) we have officially revealed. As for the other eight additional characters, we will have a ton of info, videos, screens and playable code in the coming months. Stay tuned!""

source- gamespot
So is the release of ultimate admitting that they released an unfinished game?
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Zekira wrote:

Guess Street Fighter 2 will never be finished.
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Who else is watching the livestream right now?

On a side note, i hope they bring Captain Commando back or ELSE i'll ragequit >.>

Crimmi wrote:

On a side note, i hope they bring Captain Commando back or ELSE i'll ragequit >.>
Better ragequit fast, because the whole list is already confirmed and he ain't in it.

Pokebis wrote:

Crimmi wrote:

On a side note, i hope they bring Captain Commando back or ELSE i'll ragequit >.>
Better ragequit fast, because the whole list is already confirmed and he ain't in it.
Well now that Nemesis has been confirmed...

Oh my god.


My friend is upset Gene from God Hand isn't in it. Honestly, I didn't like God Hand (humor is okay, gameplay is horrendous, similar to NMH), but whatever.
I'm fine with Pheonix Wright, Firebrand, and Strider and I still have no clue who half of the Marvel characters are.
Phoenix Wright Gameplay
looks legit.

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Yeah I saw that yesterday and I was indeed laughing my ass off

Total genius lol...

Pokebis wrote:

My friend is upset Gene from God Hand isn't in it. Honestly, I didn't like God Hand (humor is okay, gameplay is horrendous, similar to NMH), but whatever.
You're a faggot.

Ivalset wrote:

Pokebis wrote:

My friend is upset Gene from God Hand isn't in it. Honestly, I didn't like God Hand (humor is okay, gameplay is horrendous, similar to NMH), but whatever.
You're a faggot.
Oh ya?
well ur a NIGGER

And I just couldn't stand the controls. I felt like a roomba.
Come back when you have good taste in games
Okay. Done.
That's a good game. Let's talk about it.
reposting this here for relevancy:
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@Pokebis: ...that vid was just posted above lol :P
It wasn't loaded right when I posted mine.
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VERGIL AND IRON FIST ... -trailers/

Vergil is looking NEAT! As a DMC fan who made his bases in DMC3, I'm really happy for that. Now I'm tempted to go back and try to SS the remaining DMD missions I haven't done so with Vergil ._.
I love fighting games,

as I always say, Capcom rocks!
Confirmed for Playstation Vita? May have just sold me the portable right there.

Man when are they going to stop taunting me and actually show us Wright in action?!
It's all just an elaborate troll. Wright isn't in the game.
The RE characters in this game are so cool. Frank West had more audience impact though, I think.
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LuigiHann wrote:

Man when are they going to stop taunting me and actually show us Wright in action?!
From the latest interview with Niistuma, apparently they're still making his trailer. It's possible that the next reveals would include him this time.
Time to sell my copy and wait for Ultimate. Any informations about the new modes yet?
I'm sure they're gonna show Frank West's reveal before Phoenix Wright's.
I hope he has an alternate costume or whatever that has sunglasses on
Like in Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
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wow, Zekira. You're insanely fast.


I'm kinda disappoint to the lack of more impact and loud sound effects in his Level 3
and his voice is kinda meh
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I camped out the trailers since 8 hours ago. Twitter stalking, GFaqs stalking, all while waiting for my DDR2Wii to 'arrive' and while I was doing much more other stuff, yeah

Phoenix Wright looks pretty complicated to use, but it's pretty interesting to see how he'll fit in a team. Gonna try him definitely. See if I can make a team with him. Would be better if I can use him effectively as an assist; point is out of the question because almost anyone can be a point character (...if they buffed Hsien-Ko that is, who is currently still the only exception to the rule >_< )
I actually expected his Magatama (the chains and stuff) as a Special Move or Hyper or something.
I actually didn't expect to see Maya involved.
they should have just used the same sounds as in the games, where applicable
Max has uploaded the breakdown.

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Phoenix Wright's level 3: Ace Attorney
-600000 points of damage
-Full Screen

Best part about it is that you don't need meter to enter Turnabout Mode, which is the only time you can use this hyper.

Rocket Raccoon

Frank West


Frank West has a cute little Level Counter beside his Portrait in the HP Bar
also apparently leveling up heals lost HP.
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Rocket Raccoon hype shot up.

I didn't care at first, but that gameplay is just so awesome.
So he really was a Heavy Weapons Guy Raccoon
also lol @ Rocket Raccoon to Chris "That's for letting them mess up Raccoon City ya wanker!"

Badass voice is badass
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Yeah; from the places I snoop around, I couldn't find the RR haters anywhere. That should say something o_O
I underestimated him too.
But then I thought "Why would Capcom choose him over other more kickass Marvel Characters?"
and then I realized that they did choose a kickass Marvel Character.
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And it wasn't Capcom who chose (the final decisions for Marvel characters are all by Marvel). I remember Niitsuma saying that they really wanted Juggernaut in too.
Oh, I see. But still, made a good choice.
Juggernaut Bitch, meh. The game already has too many oversized characters.
Frank West all day.

I'm gonna Servbot Head everyone all day.

All day.

Megaman X is in the game... as a DLC costume for Zero.

Phoenix Wright's DLC costume is pretty neat

Maximum Trolling, Capcom

Also, yay Younger Phoenix Wright!
I was expecting Hobo Wright/Naruhobo from Apollo Justice.
Now finally those Mega Man fanboys can put up and shut up already.
Only thins totally I have to say is "Marvel forever".
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2 more days oh god

I'm going to hold out for the inevitable third installment
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Shot was taken in my room. Yeah the guys gave me the poster too for being one of the first buyers yey


Why is this so amusing in so many ways.
Probably gonna get this when I get my PS3.
Bumping thread to say that I sort of have Phoenix Wright figured out to the point where I don't need to just button mash and hope for the best. Once you know how to do it, going into Turnabout Mode and pulling out his Lv 3 Hyper Combo isn't as hard as it looks.

Needless to say, my current UMvC3 team is Zero, Wright, and Chun-Li
Vergil, Phoenix and I'm thinking of using Wesker properly.
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Needless to say, my current UMvC3 team is Zero, Wright, and Chun-Li
I like it except for the fact that Chun-Li's in the team. Zero and Chun-Li is redundant. And I don't think Chun-Li is a good anchor too, I'm pretty sure she's always used as either a point or a middle character.
Oh, we got this game yesterday.

I suck at it. ^_^ I'm currently dinking around with Zero, Amaterasu and Firebrand, though I'm going to experiment and see if I can find characters that aren't quite as complicated for now. I'm kinda liking it so far. I think KoFXIII has better gameplay overall, but I'm liking this game too. I didn't start to take fighting games even remotely seriously until late last week, though, so we'll see.
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Zero, Amaterasu and Firebrand
Hope you can suck this up but this is outright a bad team.

Zero and Firebrand are redundant. Amaterasu can fulfill all roles but if you really want Firebrand then you would want to put Amaterasu on anchor/assist instead (3rd character). All of these characters have less than 900k health.
other info:
-Zero and Firebrand are not new-player friendly.
-Firebrand is low-tier so far.
-You'd want a horizontal projectile/beam assist for Zero.
-Drop Zero if you seriously want Firebrand instead
+Firebrand-Amaterasu actually works well. Amaterasu B-assist lockdown can help Firebrand set up his unblockables (the one with his level 3 hyper)

Zekira wrote:

Zero, Amaterasu and Firebrand
Hope you can suck this up but this is outright a bad team.

Zero and Firebrand are redundant. Amaterasu can fulfill all roles but if you really want Firebrand then you would want to put Amaterasu on anchor/assist instead (3rd character). All of these characters have less than 900k health.
other info:
-Zero and Firebrand are not new-player friendly.
-Firebrand is low-tier so far.
-You'd want a horizontal projectile/beam assist for Zero.
-Drop Zero if you seriously want Firebrand instead
+Firebrand-Amaterasu actually works well. Amaterasu B-assist lockdown can help Firebrand set up his unblockables (the one with his level 3 hyper)
Okay, thanks a lot! Yeah, I'll look to replace Firebrand and Zero then. After playing last night I found that I did much better with Amaterasu than the other two, so you're probably right.
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After playing last night I found that I did much better with Amaterasu than the other two, so you're probably right.
Alright... don't mention to me how you play her or I might go on a 3-post long lecturing spree again since I've been using Amaterasu ever since day 1 of the original and never removed her since, lol

In the meantime I'll actually be practicing my execution

Zekira wrote:

Alright... don't mention to me how you play her or I might go on a 3-post long lecturing spree again since I've been using Amaterasu ever since day 1 of the original and never removed her since, lol
That lecturing spree would actually be useful, though! I'm pretty new at fighting games, remember? :P
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OK, if you say so... well 3 pages is a bit exaggerated but I'll type a lot of shit later and you probably wouldn't be able to suck up everything.
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Nova's pretty cheap, IMO.

Just putting it out there.
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lol if you think Nova's cheap then I wonder why you haven't faced good Magnetos and Zeros yet.

Nova's high tier, I give you that, but he's not top tier material at least
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