Currently, the only concerning issue for me now is the snappings of the notes here ( timing issues ), so my query here is not only open up to mania BNs specifically
Planning to Bubble this if this issue gets fixed
Timing issues :
00:51:763 - TO 00:59:178 - | The main issue here is that the start of the vocal "chants" here is very subjective, so I'm currently not sure on how the mapper is supposed to map it so that fits well and feels accurate/correct when playing it, so I'm asking for suggestions on how this can be fixed or how else it can be mapped, if all suggestions here fail, this section should be left blank for the benefit of playability in the area of accuracy.
01:36:939 - Onwards | Some stuff here are not snapped to a very "nice" divisor, I suspect a slight inaccuracy on these notes, therefore this is an area of concern for me also
01:07:942 - TO 01:14:171 - | Personally, not sure about these notes here also
If there are any other areas of concern for this map, please do post also ~