
How long do your osu tablets last?

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I wanna know how long other people's tablets tend to last since mine seem to break very quickly. People say that dragging your pen shortens the life and I do drag mine, I am inept at hovering.

I have had 2 Huion 420s, the first lasted 3/4 months before dying and the second lasted 1 month and a day exactly.
Mine is still alive, Pogge. 8-)
Wacom 4 lyfe

Lagel wrote:

Wacom 4 lyfe
E m i
previous owner + 8 months
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Kheldragar wrote:

Mine is still alive, Pogge. 8-)
Damnit Khel break already! :x
CTH-470 Medium with 2-3 years of use and still going. I'm not sure how your tablets died so quickly.

Poggle566 wrote:

Kheldragar wrote:

Mine is still alive, Pogge. 8-)
Damnit Khel break already! :x
That's my combo, not my tablet that keeps breaking.
how do you break a tablet? :\
That's my secret, I don't have a tablet
I've had my Huion 420 for about 2 months almost when I started osu but I never had problems with it yet.
I have my tablet since 5 years and it still works perfectly :P

You just need to know how to use it gently~
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Andrea wrote:

I have my tablet since 5 years and it still works perfectly :P

You just need to know how to use it gently~
Well I'm always very careful with it. I unplug when not using and take the battery out of the pen each time as it says in the manual. I've never dropped it or got angry and smashed it over someone's head, and I use my pen with a gliding motion rather than a stabbing motion. :P
I don't really know how I could be more careful with it.

EDIT In case you didn't notice you are at leet rank (#1337) right now. gg

Andrea wrote:

I have my tablet since 5 years and it still works perfectly :P

You just need to know how to use it gently~
Can I use you gently? :p
Huion H58L
Yesh, I'm weird owo
2-3 months ago started, still works fine :3
And I drag too

Aurani wrote:

Andrea wrote:

I have my tablet since 5 years and it still works perfectly :P

You just need to know how to use it gently~
Can I use you gently? :p
D-Don't be lewd now! >///<

Anyways Poggle that's how I treat my tablet as well, just don't let your rage sometimes make you smash it or do something wrong with it that you might regret later at some point xD

Andrea wrote:

D-Don't be lewd now! >///<
I'm your secret fangirl.
My dream is to use an Italian as my toy. :p

You're perfect. Love me.
E m i
mine is to be Andrea's toy >_>

Poggle566 wrote:

Andrea wrote:

I have my tablet since 5 years and it still works perfectly :P

You just need to know how to use it gently~
Well I'm always very careful with it. I unplug when not using and take the battery out of the pen each time as it says in the manual. I've never dropped it or got angry and smashed it over someone's head, and I use my pen with a gliding motion rather than a stabbing motion. :P
I don't really know how I could be more careful with it.

EDIT In case you didn't notice you are at leet rank (#1337) right now. gg
You're supposed to take the pen out? Oops. I've had some problems with the tablet being unresponsive in the past, but I think it's just the cord that connects it to the computer. Like these headphone cords that are crapping out on me to where sometimes one ear goes silent or I hear static.
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Kheldragar wrote:

You're supposed to take the pen out? Oops. I've had some problems with the tablet being unresponsive in the past, but I think it's just the cord that connects it to the computer. Like these headphone cords that are crapping out on me to where sometimes one ear goes silent or I hear static.
Yeah I think my cables are the things that keep breaking. Three sets of headphones since about october last year, and I just tested my old tablet with my new wire and it works perfectly, so I have 2 working tablets and only one wire. :l
Is it actually possible to buy only the wire for these? That would make things so much easier.
E m i
probably usb - mini usb
9 months here, still fine (using ctl-480, drag)
use mouse it's stronger

CelegaS wrote:

use mouse it's stronger
anyway, ctl-480, 1 year 3 months
still works really fine
although sometimes i rage and throw the pen (yeah blame me), i wont do it again :x
I've had my Wacom CTH670 for three years now .

Still working smoothly as if I've just gotten it on my first day with it .
I have a H420 tablet too and it's starting to die on me ;A;
almost a year and a half <3
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sunpum wrote:

I have a H420 tablet too and it's starting to die on me ;A;
If it keeps disconnecting it's probably the USB to mini USB cable. My 'old' tablet actually still works with the new cable.

Lagel wrote:

Wacom 4 lyfe
E m i
to be honest, the thread title is pretty lewd...
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