
Hello osu forms! (^_^')

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I'm a little nervous to post thie but...
Hey Peoples of osu! I am Jam aka JamTheBean! :P I have been playing osu for quite a while now (originally started on CtB then moved onto osu!) I'm level 70 right now
The good days ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I've never posted on the osu forms before (or any forms for that matter) but I have decided to today (lol)

I watch anime and play osu, i am also from England so i'm screwed to get to the top but never give up XD I have times when i don't play osu and play different games but for now I am playing osu. I have never played a rhythm game before osu (except guitar hero which I was awful at) so i didn't know what to expect from osu but when I first played osu I didn't like it because i couldn't play CtB so I gave up instantly XD, but then I moved onto osu and i really liked it once i could do some songs XD. I still consider myself to be a newb to osu and the fourms. Im also trying to start youtube but dont know what to do lol, anyway I'm hoping to post more and ill see you all later o/
Welcome to the forums. Be nice now.
Hello Mr Bean

Welcome to the forums and have fun :)
Hellow and welcome! Enjoy your stay, eat cake all day.
hi there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) /
you must've delicious :^)
Welcome desu. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Welcome! Stop by Forum Games sometimes eh? Good times can happen there. :)
Raisha Millenia
Welcome to the forums~
Welcome to our family ^_^
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