
Nexus D

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[-D-] ... exus+D.osk

i dont know how to add screenshot-_- im newbie in skinning
just enjoy^^
Majority are uncredited elements. More details why at the next poster.
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what that?
it's a mixed skin

jgn kw post skin yg ad puny orang tu. klo begitu, y kita anggap itu adalah mixed skin. coba deh baca praturan ini t/22984
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itu bukan ngemix mky download dulu terus baca skin note padnya !

[-D-] wrote:

itu bukan ngemix mky download dulu terus baca skin note padnya !
jadi kenapa w liat ad cursor, scorebar-bg dn scorebar-colour ny sama? w pernah liat tu dari mana. pause-overlay ny juga. lain ny dari original puny. bisa kw buat credit dari pembuat skin itu yg kw ambil d main thread kw sblm thread ini kena lock?

@OsuMe65 handled that for him. this should do for his lesson
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makany download baca note pad nya yg didalam ya elah nih bocah ngeyel amat player PB lo !

[-D-] wrote:

makany download baca note pad nya yg didalam ya elah nih bocah ngeyel amat player PB lo !
kek ny kw g ngerti dehh. maksud w adlh buat credit ny d main thread, bukan lewat d notepad bodo

udah pensi w main PB. hue
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bukan notepad confiq yg authornya gue bikin lagu notepadnya !
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