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There's not much to say... I tried posting on the forums but it was all like "Try playing first!" So yeah I had to speed through a beatmap just so I could post here. Fair enough.

Anyway This is not my first osu account. Yeah you're thinking well "you're not supposed to have more than one account", but I had my other account such a long time ago I kinda forgot my account info etc, so yeah I guess it doesn't hurt to start back at osu again.

I don't just play osu. I also play world of tanks. My stat sig is in my signature. I have over 12k battles... yeah I have little life I guess. I'm better than 95% of players. I hope to get that to 99%.

Anyway I'm kind of into anime. All I watch nowadays is Attack on Titan, and your classics like naruto. That kind of stuff is the tru anime.

I guess you should consult a member of the staff about the account issue, just to be sure.

Welcome to the forums.
Well hopefully it's alright for you to make a new account, but I would still try to talk to staff or something. Welcome back anyway!
Hi there. o/
It's nice to meet you. :D

Actually, it does hurt to start a new account. Starting a new account can end up banning you from here. :(
You could try to contact support if you're struggling to find your old account.

A WoT player eh? How's the game been since I was last on (around October 2014)?
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a1l2d3r4e5d6 wrote:

A WoT player eh? How's the game been since I was last on (around October 2014)?
Well there have been quite a bit of changes. The company is going downhill gradually. They've focused their attention on attracting new players as a top priority. However with good management I'm sure WoT will still be around for like 2 years+. Artillery is still annoying as usual. There's been a new game Armored Warfare that is set to compete with WG... mainly because they are listening to the voice of the players like removing arty, and skill-based matchmaking, etc. Idk. WoT is still a fun game and really addicting. Why'd you quit WoT anyway?

Hello_Bang_Bye wrote:

Well there have been quite a bit of changes. The company is going downhill gradually. They've focused their attention on attracting new players as a top priority. However with good management I'm sure WoT will still be around for like 2 years+. Artillery is still annoying as usual. There's been a new game Armored Warfare that is set to compete with WG... mainly because they are listening to the voice of the players like removing arty, and skill-based matchmaking, etc. Idk. WoT is still a fun game and really addicting. Why'd you quit WoT anyway?
It's not that I quit. I'm just taking a really long break. It felt like RNG was always against me. (Tiger's 88mm gun bounced off an AMX 13 75 :p ) My laptop's also starting to strain under the game, so I'm just waiting for a new pc. (Like, I played at 10-15 fps, which drops to 5-10 fps when I fire or when being circled around by an enemy. ;w; )
Raisha Millenia
Welcome ;w;
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