
target practice icon

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hey guys, although I'm not sure how many of you are using the mod icon set here ->

some months ago I created the missing selection-mod-target@2x.png for Quanteck and wondered why I didn't post it yet for everyone....
so here you have my somewhat (I guess :S) fitting icon:

DL Link:

if there are more people out there who have target practice icons for different sets or a better one than mine, they are of course encouraged to continue the thread :)
First; you may have created it for Quanteck but his other mod icons aren't his own. They are from the [Nightcore HD] skin where you also posted this, so don't spread false credits. There was no need for opening a topic for a SINGLE ELEMENT.
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edited: deleted unnecessary rant

yes, the mod icons originally belong (as far as my knowledge goes) to the creator, evil_genius, of the [Nightcore HD] skin

1. never credited it to Quanteck, double read before blaming me - I mentioned him to avoid having people message me because
they think I stole it and because I got to know the mod icon set through him /period

2. I posted this solo thread for the people who maybe don't check later pages on a thread for additions, especially if the first page gets updates..

3. I agree this thread may be useless after all, an efficient solution would be a major collection thread - but that is just me being a noob on this board

if mods deem it so of course I can bid this thread farewell since I have no merit whatsoever from this here :P
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