
Hi There :3

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Well... I never really introduced myself, so I am basically just a person who plays osu!... Personality wise I can be anything, can be a weirdo, wanna-be funny, strict, serious, etc.

Interests? : Well for entertainment and sports it's Anime, Games, chatting with people, and Running ( Track ). For career wise I am going into the Medial Field.

What I think about people? :
I think of everyone as equal. Of course I may like some people more than others, but that doesn't mean I will shove you back. I don't judge a person by how they talk, what they think, their interests, dislikes, and in general their personality. Everyone has different ways of thinking, different DNA, etc. So no, I won't talk crap because you suck or the thinks you like. Every opinion I hear I respect. ( Unless it's cruel )

Hope to meet some of you in-game. ^-^ I am glad to be here.
Enjoy Your stay here.
Hi there. o/

That's a very informative introduction. :D
A pleasure it is to meet you. May our paths cross again. :)
Cerulean Veyron
Hello right there~ Welcome!

Nice intro btw
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