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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 22 เมษายน 2558 at 14:51:20

Source: 銃皇無尽のファフニール
Tags: Juuou Mujin no Unlimited Fafnir opening full Fantastica
BPM: 143
Filesize: 7538kb
Play Time: 03:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. F Ant's Easy (1.41 stars, 213 notes)
  2. Hard (2.72 stars, 524 notes)
  3. Insane (3.86 stars, 718 notes)
  4. Normal (1.8 stars, 312 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4th ranked map

Fafnir yay \o/

BG by me

Easy by Fantastica
one more version of fafnir XD
Nice Celsius ;)

ow and make sure about metadata

Topic Starter
oh nice
hmm.. not sure about artist , I got artist name from the ranked ver.
ups sorry...
nvm this is a full ver XD
I said to check about metadata because I think this is TV Size XD
About artist it's truly right

anyway here I have a sample of easy diff that I've just made
I make it because I love this song :) . Even that I have my version in TV Size XD

just Easy sample
Topic Starter

Fantastica wrote:

ups sorry...
nvm this is a full ver XD
I said to check about metadata because I think this is TV Size XD
About artist it's truly right

anyway here I have a sample of easy diff that I've just made
I make it because I love this song :) . Even that I have my version in TV Size XD

just Easy sample
nice, you can make easy gd if you want lol
here finished :3~~~

F Ant's Easy

I do it quickly because this is an Easy diff and I'm really enjoy the song d(^_^)b
Hope you like it..
Topic Starter

@fantastica I change some hitsound sample and I see that you also use same hitsound as mine so I changed it for you
from your queuueueueueueeuueueueueuueue

i was about to steal your bg but then i realized i would be breaking copyright laws omg

  1. combo colors should be adjusted so that there aren't two of the same shades next to each other. should go something like pink->orange->pink->orange instead of orange->orange->pink->pink. basically the reason why this map was popped: p/3494907
[insane]don't really like how you map some of the 3/4 vocals and ignore others but not gonna ask you to add 1/4 spam everywhere. just thought i'd mention it bugs me lol
  1. 00:12:385 (4,5) - would make sense to increase spacing between these. you've got some build up thing happening with your spacnig during 00:12:595 (5,6,1) - , but right now 00:12:385 (4,5) - is smaller spacing than 00:12:175 (3,4) - which is kind of counter build-up
  2. 00:08:294 (7,1) - is that spacing derp intentional? you don't do them at 00:16:371 (5,6,7,8,1) - 02:49:098 (7,8,9,10,1) - 01:00:007 (3,4,5,6,1) - etc sooo
  3. 00:58:189 (3) - gonna be really hard to hit this accurately and you know why. circles don't really have a large hitwindow so using here one makes for painful reading. making it into a 2/3 slider would actually make it practical though since the hitwindow for that is a lot more lenient.
  4. 01:30:007 (1) - 02:43:644 (3) - 03:48:888 (3) - comboing should be consistent prolly.
  5. 02:10:916 (1) - using the same rhythm you used the last time this happened really just fits a lot better. seems really weird to have so much emphasis on the slidertail here, whereas the otehr one was able to have emphasis on the introduction of the 1/3 stuff a lot better. (this is using that slider change mentioned earlier hopefully lol)
  6. 02:44:063 (5,6,1) - visually these are spaced the same, so 6->1 could be interpreted as another 1/4 jump like 5->6 which is probably not gud. moving it more down/left would make things less misinterpretable
  7. 02:54:133 (8) - curve on this um kind of just looks awkward with the over-curve and plays awkwardly because of the angle you have to follow the curve (second thing probably doesn't make sense idk how to explain it). curving less would make things k. if you wanted to keep retarded curve for some reason, angling more intuitively from the direction of 7 would be k
  8. 03:39:028 (3,4,5) - maybe i'm a bad person for saying htis but these would play better if they weren't overlapping. people just mash through 1/4 sliders overlapped like this usually, whereas if they're separated even a small amount there will be less wtfkeyboardsmash because each slider would be easier to read
if you designed the map with doubletime play in mind (which seems very possible), then these should also be taken into consideration. they don't really have much of an effect at low bpm, so if you don't care about doubletimestuff, these should be ignored:
  1. 02:00:427 (5,6,1) - controlling momentum on small linear things like 01:58:539 (3,4,5) - is easy, but when they're spaced large like this, it's a major pain to move in a straight line. if there were some sort of direction change between them it would be a lot more comfortable
  2. 02:26:651 (2,3,4,5,6) - pretty similar to the last thing -- these are probably too linear/circular/whatever. having sharper angles (at least for 2,3,4) would make things less eh
    yea that's all that i missed i thought played weird from a doubletime testplay lol
  1. 00:12:595 (3,4) - as the first bit of spacing to break distance snap, doing a jump that is more than double the previous distance snap is kinda extreme lol. can't really say more than spacing should be less intense right here
  2. 00:59:168 (1,2) - 02:13:014 (1,2) - stacking these would make for a lot more emphasis of the silence. using standard spacing makes it just seem... standard i guess, while the song is expressing something not so stnadard u feel okcoolllllllll
  3. 03:00:846 (4,1) - 03:49:308 (4,1) - is there any reason for these being different cuz um they kind of should be the same lol
  4. 03:18:469 (2,3,4,5) - i get what you're doing here, but i really think using a different rhythm would better express the song's quietness. yea there are beats on every 1/4 tick here but they aren't really worthy of mapping out. 03:18:574 (3) - being in the middle of a triplet doesn't really allow it to stand out as being an important note, since it's giving hte same amount of emphasis to 03:18:469 (2) - and head of 03:18:679 (4) - , which are mapped to almost nothing. to just capture what's important here without emphasizing unnecessary stuff, i'd really say go with this rhythm. you've probably already tried it before and reconsidered with your triple, but it really does fit a lot better. i could also say consistency with 00:15:112 (1,2) - but i noticed that after writing a bunch of bs OH WELL
  1. od4 would make a lot more sense because of od relative to ar somethingsomething. insane is ar8od7, hard is ar7od6, easy is ar3od2. normal should be ar5od_ correlationnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  2. 00:15:112 (1,2) - really not liking your rhythm choice here with the supergap. covering it with a slider would be a little less weird, but it would be ideal to do something like this or even this since that snare is so bam i am master vocabulary. if you're thinking the 3/4 slider is too hardcore for a normal... well it's not :p
  3. 00:42:804 (5,6) - seems really weird to cover the drum on the tail of 6 while ignoring it between 5 and 6. they're the exact same things so ignoring the first and covering the next is kinda wat. if you were to just make 5 a 1/2 slider that would be k
  4. 01:55:811 (1) - not really seeing why this needs a new combo. there's just a finish on it, rhythm isn't changing drastically or something :p
  5. 02:34:413 (1) - uhhhhhhhhhhhh this
  6. 02:46:581 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - so you're doing a 2 measure comboing pattern rightcool, but because of that gap thing between 02:44:483 (6,1) - your combos are all off by 1 measure. so for example 02:52:874 (5) - should have a new combo, 02:54:553 (1) - shouldn't, etc. fantastica did this right so look at his diff lol.
  7. 02:57:909 (1,2,3,4) - these things are the same as 01:42:385 (1,2) - so they should have their own combos prob
[easy]i've never seen any of your maps before so i was expecting this to be not a great diff but IT IS GREAT DAMN
  1. widescreen support dood disableit
  2. 00:08:399 - UH THE TIMING SECTION HERE SHOULD BE S:C3 RIGHT the default claps hurt. i also have no idea what you're diong with hitsounds on 00:11:755 (1) - so ok
  3. 01:57:070 (1) - would make a whole lot of sense to not slide during the song's complete cutting of all instruments. it's like following nothing which is not gud. so gap yay
  4. 02:05:881 (1) - new combo seems pretty unnecessary um
  5. 03:43:224 (5) - meanwhile a new combo seems pretty necessary here
hi there!
form your queue!
ill mod only one diff since im to lazy now (when you mod mine mod also 1 diff, prefer hard/insane)
00:03:364 (1,2) - line this two?
00:06:720 (1) - 86 336 stack
00:15:112 (1,2) - blanket?
00:20:776 (3,5) - fix blanket
00:27:490 (3,4) - ^^ i think
00:38:609 (1,2,3) - try this?
00:50:357 (1,2) - fix blanket
01:00:322 (6) - next 39? fix pls
01:20:147 (4,1) - fix blanket
01:49:518 (2,3) - ^^
02:19:098 (5,1) - blanket them?
02:25:602 (5,1) - ^^
02:30:217 (3,5) - fix blanket
02:34:413 (1,2) - blanket them?
02:37:769 (1,2) - fix blanket
02:57:909 (1,3) - ^^
03:10:077 (2,3) - ^^
03:12:909 (6,1) - swap NC?
03:18:574 (3) - reverse it?
03:19:727 (1,2) - fix blanket
03:32:315 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - the shape of the stream is a bit awkward to me, maybe change?
03:47:420 (3,5) - fix blanket

Milan- wrote:

im doing it like reallysoon tm and cool stuff (for ticket /w\) k
fkng pishi modded everything i could tell here aaaaaaaaa

  1. settings from ezy to normal arent really good if you compare the difference between the others diffs.
  2. why the lowers diff use tickrate 1 and the higher 2? all could 2
  1. 00:02:734 (1) - cancel nc, cuz obvious reasons
  2. 00:08:399 (1) - accept this nazi mod and move it to x248y196 cuz it looks cooler for me. k
  3. 00:29:378 (3) - i think it'd be better as triple, like you did here 00:22:665 (3,4,5) - to keep the constancy and looks better(?
  4. 00:34:623 (5,6,7) - vocals and music are going down and up, i'd be nice to do that kind of stuff instead of a linear pattern.
  5. 00:43:434 (5) - i think most of time, people would prefer if you ctrl g this. It's the most natural movement imo
  6. 01:57:699 - i dont see a good reason to ignore this kick-beat, it covers vocals as well...
  7. 01:58:748 (4,5) - i'd increase the spacing here, cuz 01:58:539 (3,4,5) - being linear when there's a clear cymbal on 4 makes no much sense besides asthetics(?.. (do something like i said before maybe)
  8. 02:12:595 (1,2,3,4) - i think this rhythm actually plays a lot better cuz you dont stream from where the violin starts at 02:13:014 - instead you do it after with a weird 1/2 gap inbetween. Also 1 feels better just as a circle (and makes more sense too..)
  9. 03:39:448 (5,1) - give these equal space >< better readability and playability
  10. The overall volumen is really low, increase it like 15-20% pls. i can barely hear anything ;w;
  11. 00:08:399 - to 00:13:434 - . this section could use that clap on every white tick, as you can hear clearly how it sounds
  12. 00:13:434 (1) - finish sounds ok here, you can lower the volumen if it's too loud for you.
  13. 00:25:811 (4) - whistle on tail. 00:57:070 (1) - on head
  14. 00:36:930 (1) - finish on head sounds ok to me o.o. Same for, 00:42:385 (2) - 00:59:378 (2) - 01:12:175 (1) - 01:26:441 (4) - 01:30:637 (1) - 01:58:748 (4) - 02:03:364 (4) - 02:03:783 (5) - 02:04:203 (1) - 02:13:224 (6) - 02:20:147 (3,4,1) - 02:26:021 (1) - 02:42:804 (1) - 03:31:476 (1) - 03:36:091 (5) - 03:37:769 (3) - 03:41:546 (1) - 03:44:902 (1) - 03:48:259 (1) -
  15. 00:40:706 (3,7) - cancel whistle, just keep the claps for cleaner sound
  16. 00:49:518 (5,6,1) - finishes on their heads
  17. 00:57:350 (2) - clap on head and tail sounds cool.
  18. 00:58:748 (1) - clap on head too. tail should be drum-clap tho (or whitsle, drum-clap sounds better tho). Similar stuff happens here 02:10:916 (1,2) - , claps sounds cool on some spots
  19. 01:30:637 - to 01:35:357 - sounds cool to add whistle on every note
  20. 01:35:252 (4) - clap sounds ok here, give some kind of ambient i guess
  21. 02:38:399 (2) - clap + finish sounds better on head
  1. 00:29:378 (3) - pls ;w; make the cymbals clickable. You can use a 1/2 instead of circle too.
  2. 01:10:497 (1,2,3) - this feels better imo
  3. 01:23:923 (1,2) - this just as a 1/1 slider fits vocals and plays much better
  4. 01:48:049 (2) - whistle on head. cuz insane has whistle on the blue tick and copypaste is bad bad bad
  5. 01:57:699 - same as insane, maybe.
  1. 00:33:154 (6,1) - flow here could be a lot better. Rotating 1 like 45° would help a lot
  2. 02:02:525 (4,5) - this makes more sense right now 5 start from nothing really important, also ignoring clear cymbal is bad
  1. the beggining using default clap is on purpuse?
  2. 01:27:280 - add finish. same with 02:41:126 (1) - 03:46:581 (1) -
  3. 01:57:070 (1) - this is more proper imo. cuz the clear pause.
  4. 02:05:881 (1) - cancel nc
  5. 03:43:224 (5) - add nc
have fun
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

from your queuueueueueueeuueueueueuueue

i was about to steal your bg but then i realized i would be breaking copyright laws omgomg

  1. combo colors should be adjusted so that there aren't two of the same shades next to each other. should go something like pink->orange->pink->orange instead of orange->orange->pink->pink. basically the reason why this map was popped: p/3494907 :arrow: fixed , made combo color more colorful
[insane]don't really like how you map some of the 3/4 vocals and ignore others but not gonna ask you to add 1/4 spam everywhere. just thought i'd mention it bugs me lol :arrow: probably my style for only focus on vocal that sound really loud or really emphasis lol the others that don't sound like that I just don't care much
  1. 00:12:385 (4,5) - would make sense to increase spacing between these. you've got some build up thing happening with your spacnig during 00:12:595 (5,6,1) - , but right now 00:12:385 (4,5) - is smaller spacing than 00:12:175 (3,4) - which is kind of counter build-up :arrow: ok
  2. 00:08:294 (7,1) - is that spacing derp intentional? you don't do them at 00:16:371 (5,6,7,8,1) - 02:49:098 (7,8,9,10,1) - 01:00:007 (3,4,5,6,1) - etc sooo I don't see any problem here >< but anyway fixed a bit lol since I find it looks not really good I mean the straight pattern is a bit bent here 00:08:294 (7,1) -
  3. 00:58:189 (3) - gonna be really hard to hit this accurately and you know why. circles don't really have a large hitwindow so using here one makes for painful reading. making it into a 2/3 slider would actually make it practical though since the hitwindow for that is a lot more lenient. :arrow: nice
  4. 01:30:007 (1) - 02:43:644 (3) - 03:48:888 (3) - comboing should be consistent prolly. :arrow: oops
  5. 02:10:916 (1) - using the same rhythm you used the last time this happened really just fits a lot better. seems really weird to have so much emphasis on the slidertail here, whereas the otehr one was able to have emphasis on the introduction of the 1/3 stuff a lot better. (this is using that slider change mentioned earlier hopefully lol) :arrow: ok
  6. 02:44:063 (5,6,1) - visually these are spaced the same, so 6->1 could be interpreted as another 1/4 jump like 5->6 which is probably not gud. moving it more down/left would make things less misinterpretable :arrow: ok
  7. 02:54:133 (8) - curve on this um kind of just looks awkward with the over-curve and plays awkwardly because of the angle you have to follow the curve (second thing probably doesn't make sense idk how to explain it). curving less would make things k. if you wanted to keep retarded curve for some reason, angling more intuitively from the direction of 7 would be k :arrow: I don't have any idea why I make it looks like that lol
  8. 03:39:028 (3,4,5) - maybe i'm a bad person for saying htis but these would play better if they weren't overlapping. people just mash through 1/4 sliders overlapped like this usually, whereas if they're separated even a small amount there will be less wtfkeyboardsmash because each slider would be easier to read :arrow: this is depend on the player whether they will just keyboard smash or play it gently lol eventhough the notes are spaced they(players) can still mash keyboard in my view but anyways fixed cus I'm not really picky about this thing lol
if you designed the map with doubletime play in mind (which seems very possible), then these should also be taken into consideration. they don't really have much of an effect at low bpm, so if you don't care about doubletimestuff, these should be ignored:I don't really care about dt when mapping but I'm thinking that most people gonna grind pp by dt this map so why not :P
  1. 02:00:427 (5,6,1) - controlling momentum on small linear things like 01:58:539 (3,4,5) - is easy, but when they're spaced large like this, it's a major pain to move in a straight line. if there were some sort of direction change between them it would be a lot more comfortable :arrow: ok
  2. 02:26:651 (2,3,4,5,6) - pretty similar to the last thing -- these are probably too linear/circular/whatever. having sharper angles (at least for 2,3,4) would make things less eh :arrow: ok
    yea that's all that i missed i thought played weird from a doubletime testplay lol
  1. 00:12:595 (3,4) - as the first bit of spacing to break distance snap, doing a jump that is more than double the previous distance snap is kinda extreme lol. can't really say more than spacing should be less intense right here :arrow: I'm too hardcore on jumps since I find this song really slow lol , well lower spacing a bit
  2. 00:59:168 (1,2) - 02:13:014 (1,2) - stacking these would make for a lot more emphasis of the silence. using standard spacing makes it just seem... standard i guess, while the song is expressing something not so stnadard u feel okcoolllllllll :arrow: I know that stack is good at emphasis things but this is not really what I aim for , I'm thinking that the instrument changing so suddenly here so I guess spacing would do the job better here
  3. 03:00:846 (4,1) - 03:49:308 (4,1) - is there any reason for these being different cuz um they kind of should be the same lol :arrow: I want to map some 1/4 drum there well you're right that they are different but I don't think that it affect anything because they are like 1 min far apart lol player wouldn't notice the different imo but I fixed because I didn't notice this 03:01:266 - beat ><
  4. 03:18:469 (2,3,4,5) - i get what you're doing here, but i really think using a different rhythm would better express the song's quietness. yea there are beats on every 1/4 tick here but they aren't really worthy of mapping out. 03:18:574 (3) - being in the middle of a triplet doesn't really allow it to stand out as being an important note, since it's giving hte same amount of emphasis to 03:18:469 (2) - and head of 03:18:679 (4) - , which are mapped to almost nothing. to just capture what's important here without emphasizing unnecessary stuff, i'd really say go with this rhythm. you've probably already tried it before and reconsidered with your triple, but it really does fit a lot better. i could also say consistency with 00:15:112 (1,2) - but i noticed that after writing a bunch of bs OH WELL :arrow: ok
  1. od4 would make a lot more sense because of od relative to ar somethingsomething. insane is ar8od7, hard is ar7od6, easy is ar3od2. normal should be ar5od_ correlationnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :arrow: I forgot to check easy diff's setting lol
  2. 00:15:112 (1,2) - really not liking your rhythm choice here with the supergap. covering it with a slider would be a little less weird, but it would be ideal to do something like this or even this since that snare is so bam i am master vocabulary. if you're thinking the 3/4 slider is too hardcore for a normal... well it's not :p :arrow: another thing I don't have idea why I make it like that lol
  3. 00:42:804 (5,6) - seems really weird to cover the drum on the tail of 6 while ignoring it between 5 and 6. they're the exact same things so ignoring the first and covering the next is kinda wat. if you were to just make 5 a 1/2 slider that would be k :arrow: make (5) a 1/2 slider
  4. 01:55:811 (1) - not really seeing why this needs a new combo. there's just a finish on it, rhythm isn't changing drastically or something :p :arrow: in my view it just feel something gonna happen like the tone of music is changing the way the instrument get ready to intense or w/e so I nc it :P
  5. 02:34:413 (1) - uhhhhhhhhhhhh this :arrow: ok and dat url code
  6. 02:46:581 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - so you're doing a 2 measure comboing pattern rightcool, but because of that gap thing between 02:44:483 (6,1) - your combos are all off by 1 measure. so for example 02:52:874 (5) - should have a new combo, 02:54:553 (1) - shouldn't, etc. fantastica did this right so look at his diff lol. :arrow: fixed , I'm too lazy to count measure there when I map this lol
  7. 02:57:909 (1,2,3,4) - these things are the same as 01:42:385 (1,2) - so they should have their own combos prob :arrow: need some variation
[easy]i've never seen any of your maps before so i was expecting this to be not a great diff but IT IS GREAT DAMN
  1. widescreen support dood disableit
  2. 00:08:399 - UH THE TIMING SECTION HERE SHOULD BE S:C3 RIGHT the default claps hurt. i also have no idea what you're diong with hitsounds on 00:11:755 (1) - so ok :arrow: oh no , I missed that sorry fantastica ;_;
Thanks a lots pishifat :)

ohad1881 wrote:

hi there!
form your queue!
ill mod only one diff since im to lazy now (when you mod mine mod also 1 diff, prefer hard/insane)
00:03:364 (1,2) - line this two? :arrow: fine as it is
00:06:720 (1) - 86 336 stack :arrow: k
00:15:112 (1,2) - blanket? :arrow: not aim for that
00:20:776 (3,5) - fix blanket :arrow: fine as it is
00:27:490 (3,4) - ^^ i think :arrow: not aim for that
00:38:609 (1,2,3) - try this? :arrow: I prefer mine
00:50:357 (1,2) - fix blanket :arrow: fine as it is
01:00:322 (6) - next 39? fix pls :arrow: not reall affect that much imo
01:20:147 (4,1) - fix blanket
01:49:518 (2,3) - ^^
02:19:098 (5,1) - blanket them?
02:25:602 (5,1) - ^^
02:30:217 (3,5) - fix blanket
02:34:413 (1,2) - blanket them?
02:37:769 (1,2) - fix blanket
02:57:909 (1,3) - ^^
03:10:077 (2,3) - ^^ :arrow: ^^ I fixed some but some I didn't fix because not aim for that or it looks fine
03:12:909 (6,1) - swap NC? :arrow: fine as it is
03:18:574 (3) - reverse it? :arrow: no,thanks
03:19:727 (1,2) - fix blanket :arrow: fine
03:32:315 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - the shape of the stream is a bit awkward to me, maybe change? :arrow: it's fine
03:47:420 (3,5) - fix blanket :arrow: fine

Milan- wrote:

Milan- wrote:

im doing it like reallysoon tm and cool stuff (for ticket /w\) k
fkng pishi modded everything i could tell here aaaaaaaaa

  1. settings from ezy to normal arent really good if you compare the difference between the others diffs. :arrow: fixed from pishi's mods
  2. why the lowers diff use tickrate 1 and the higher 2? all could 2 :arrow: it would make the tick in slider a bit more sense if I use 2 at lower diff most sliders will swarm with the tick and that sound a bit weird imo
  1. 00:02:734 (1) - cancel nc, cuz obvious reasons :arrow: oops
  2. 00:08:399 (1) - accept this nazi mod and move it to x248y196 cuz it looks cooler for me. k :arrow: fixed from pishi mods
  3. 00:29:378 (3) - i think it'd be better as triple, like you did here 00:22:665 (3,4,5) - to keep the constancy and looks better(? :arrow: fixed a bit
  4. 00:34:623 (5,6,7) - vocals and music are going down and up, i'd be nice to do that kind of stuff instead of a linear pattern. :arrow: mine also work imo
  5. 00:43:434 (5) - i think most of time, people would prefer if you ctrl g this. It's the most natural movement imo :arrow: I intend to make flow like that to express some feeling about the drum here which it hard to explain here lol
  6. 01:57:699 - i dont see a good reason to ignore this kick-beat, it covers vocals as well... :arrow: yea but it's just not sound right to me if I map that 1/2 kick
  7. 01:58:748 (4,5) - i'd increase the spacing here, cuz 01:58:539 (3,4,5) - being linear when there's a clear cymbal on 4 makes no much sense besides asthetics(?.. (do something like i said before maybe) :arrow: I think the current spacing is fine , it not need to emphasis that cymbal imo emphasis that would give a bit sudden jumps there which is not really right for me
  8. 02:12:595 (1,2,3,4) - i think this rhythm actually plays a lot better cuz you dont stream from where the violin starts at 02:13:014 - instead you do it after with a weird 1/2 gap inbetween. Also 1 feels better just as a circle (and makes more sense too..) :arrow: that would make flow a bit awkward for me also I want to follow the drum and some kick here instead of violin
  9. 03:39:448 (5,1) - give these equal space >< better readability and playability :arrow: :O it looks fine for me imo
  10. The overall volumen is really low, increase it like 15-20% pls. i can barely hear anything ;w; :arrow: huh? I can hear it clearly (60% window volume 100% osu! volume)
  11. 00:08:399 - to 00:13:434 - . this section could use that clap on every white tick, as you can hear clearly how it sounds :arrow: yea I know but I don't think it not really fit to do intense hitsound like that here I mean the song is quite still sound quite calp intense would make no sense for me imo instead at the end here 00:11:755 - it start to go like bulidup so I decide to do that 1/1 clap pattern
  12. 00:13:434 (1) - finish sounds ok here, you can lower the volumen if it's too loud for you. :arrow: ok
  13. 00:25:811 (4) - whistle on tail. 00:57:070 (1) - on head :arrow: ok
  14. 00:36:930 (1) - finish on head sounds ok to me o.o. Same for, 00:42:385 (2) - 00:59:378 (2) - 01:12:175 (1) - 01:26:441 (4) - 01:30:637 (1) - 01:58:748 (4) - 02:03:364 (4) - 02:03:783 (5) - 02:04:203 (1) - 02:13:224 (6) - 02:20:147 (3,4,1) - 02:26:021 (1) - 02:42:804 (1) - 03:31:476 (1) - 03:36:091 (5) - 03:37:769 (3) - 03:41:546 (1) - 03:44:902 (1) - 03:48:259 (1) - :arrow: added some
  15. 00:40:706 (3,7) - cancel whistle, just keep the claps for cleaner sound :arrow: ok
  16. 00:49:518 (5,6,1) - finishes on their heads :arrow: ok
  17. 00:57:350 (2) - clap on head and tail sounds cool. :arrow: whistle sound more cool imo
  18. 00:58:748 (1) - clap on head too. tail should be drum-clap tho (or whitsle, drum-clap sounds better tho). Similar stuff happens here 02:10:916 (1,2) - , claps sounds cool on some spots :arrow: I prefer mine
  19. 01:30:637 - to 01:35:357 - sounds cool to add whistle on every note :arrow: ok
  20. 01:35:252 (4) - clap sounds ok here, give some kind of ambient i guess :arrow: I prefer only whistle
  21. 02:38:399 (2) - clap + finish sounds better on head :arrow: the current sound fine
  1. 00:29:378 (3) - pls ;w; make the cymbals clickable. You can use a 1/2 instead of circle too. :arrow: lol ok
  2. 01:10:497 (1,2,3) - this feels better imo :arrow: cool
  3. 01:23:923 (1,2) - this just as a 1/1 slider fits vocals and plays much better :arrow: I prefer my rhythm
  4. 01:48:049 (2) - whistle on head. cuz insane has whistle on the blue tick and copypaste is bad bad bad :arrow: lol ok
  5. 01:57:699 - same as insane, maybe. :arrow: same
  1. 00:33:154 (6,1) - flow here could be a lot better. Rotating 1 like 45° would help a lot :arrow: looks fine
  2. 02:02:525 (4,5) - this makes more sense right now 5 start from nothing really important, also ignoring clear cymbal is bad :arrow: yea but I find that beat on (5) is something uhh it sound like I should focus on it more than the cymbal so it doesn't feel that bad imo
  1. the beggining using default clap is on purpuse? :arrow: my bad ><
have fun
thanks for the mods :)

pishifat wrote:

from your queuueueueueueeuueueueueuueueueueueeueueueue :3

i was about to steal your bg but then i realized i would be breaking copyright laws omg omg

[easy]i've never seen any of your maps before so i was expecting this to be not a great diff but IT IS GREAT DAMN yay :)
  1. widescreen support dood disableit okay ;)
  2. 00:08:399 - UH THE TIMING SECTION HERE SHOULD BE S:C3 RIGHT the default claps hurt. i also have no idea what you're diong with hitsounds on 00:11:755 (1) - so ok okay changed and I make 00:11:755 (1) - claps too for consistency (because f I make all of them use normal sampleset so green line will useless XD).
  3. 01:57:070 (1) - would make a whole lot of sense to not slide during the song's complete cutting of all instruments. it's like following nothing which is not gud. so gap yay to be honest, I want to make the gap between notes not more than 1 beat (exception for part before kiais). but I think I'll make an exception for this part too because it looks forced right ? XD
  4. 02:05:881 (1) - new combo seems pretty unnecessary um Done
  5. 03:43:224 (5) - meanwhile a new combo seems pretty necessary here Done

Milan- wrote:

Milan- wrote:

im doing it like reallysoon tm and cool stuff (for ticket /w\) k
fkng pishi modded everything i could tell here aaaaaaaaa uwoo :o .... calm~~~ calm~~~ :3

  1. the beggining using default clap is on purpuse?
  2. 01:27:280 - add finish. same with 02:41:126 (1) - 03:46:581 (1) - done
  3. 01:57:070 (1) - this is more proper imo. cuz the clear pause.
  4. 02:05:881 (1) - cancel nc
  5. 03:43:224 (5) - add nc
no reply mod was modded by pishifat :3 and all fixed.

have fun
Thanks for mods all :)

CelsiusLK wrote:

pishifat wrote:

  1. 00:08:399 - UH THE TIMING SECTION HERE SHOULD BE S:C3 RIGHT the default claps hurt. i also have no idea what you're diong with hitsounds on 00:11:755 (1) - so ok :arrow: oh no , I missed that sorry fantastica ;_;

Milan- wrote:

  1. the beggining using default clap is on purpuse? :arrow: my bad ><
It's okay, it's okay, Anyway Thanks for doing some hitsound change for me Celsius :) :)

and Here's the update :

edit : and I've make the consistency of combo colour too ;)
Topic Starter
all updated
Hey :) M4M from your queue


00:15:112 (1,2) - Not perfect blanket
00:41:546 (7) - Move it to x:240 y:196 so it's in a straight line with 00:41:126 (5) and 00:41:336 (6) looks better imo
00:43:224 (4) - Ctrl+G would improve the flow slightly (it's fine already but I think it's better like this)
00:47:839 (3) - Move to x:336 y:176 so 00:47:000 (1) blankets it better
Move 02:00:427 (5) to about x:300 y:44 and 02:00:637 (6) to about x:368 y:204 so the pattern is more triangular
02:17:210 (5) - Blanket this under 02:17:630 (1)
Thats about it for this diff


00:03:364 (1) - Improve blanket
00:13:434 (5) - NC?
01:55:392 (4) - Move it to about x:312 y:296 so the pattern is more of a star
Not much I can find in this diff


00:15:112 (5) - NC?
00:57:070 (6) - ^
I can't find anything else

Took a look at the easy diff and couldn't find anything

Sorry for the short mod I couldn't find much which is actually a good thing
Good luck with this map :D

Overall Impression

Notice: If my understanding level is too low, I am not sure this mod will be really helpful.


  1. My understanding level of you map: 90%
  2. My rating of you map: 90%
AR 9 or 8.5 will be better
00:03:364 (1,2) - I suggest make a straight one or like this00:11:965 (2,4) - Ctrl-G
00:15:741 (3,5) - this is why I think AR 9 or AR 8.5 will be better
00:16:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - for better flow, try this00:18:469 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:32:734 (5) - I wont recommend you do this at this point
00:36:511 (4,1) - 00:43:644 (1,4) - personally i do not like this, I would recommend separate.
00:47:630 (2) - x120y128
00:50:357 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^Hope these give you an idea of mine standard of note placing, some are just small suggestion though. I would like to stop here, if you think mine patterns are helpful, you can ask me for recheck and finish whole diff.
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 95%
00:10:916 (3) - 01:18:049 - fill in something because you did 01:17:210 (1,2) -
01:57:909 (1) - you can do tripple here
03:09:658 (1) - sounds weird, find another finish plz
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 95%
00:45:951 (4) -
easy I usually omit :/ you can simply ask the bn to check it at last moment.
Mostly just suggestions :33

F Ant's Easy
00:36:930 (1,3) I prefer it when (3) would be just curvy. Somehow i like that more than the current one
01:40:706 (1,2) I think the blank can be improved here, there no reason to not blank them
02:19:308 (3) Somehow a ctrl+g feels better here. To fix the DS between 02:20:567 (4,1) shouldnt be a problem if you fix it
03:16:371 I think adding the same finish as 03:09:658 (1) here would fit

00:21:825 (4) ctrl+g this one maybe? Somehow i like it better
01:46:371 (4) There is no need for a slider here since 01:46:581 there is nothing. Why not just a single circle instead?

00:20:986 (4) I think this slider should start here 00:20:776
01:18:049 Why dont you add a circle here? Somehow it feels weird since you havent done that before
02:31:895 ^
03:30:637 ^ There is clearly a drum there, why do you skip it

Well, couldnt find anything.

Overall i love the mapset, its a very calm song, and so is the map, love it~ ^_^
Good luck~
M4M from your queue

  1. Disable letterbox during breaks?
  1. Fine.
  1. 00:06:720 (3,4,5) - I suggest change rhythm in order to fit vocal 03:38:189 (4,5) - same
  2. 00:13:224 (3) - not needed
  3. 01:07:140 (1,2) - keep pace with 01:03:783 (1,2,3) -
  4. 01:26:860 (6,1) - nazi blanket
  5. 01:44:692 (2,3) - ^
  6. 02:24:972 (2) - split it into a 1/1 and a note because there is vocal at 02:25:392 -
Totally fine.

  1. 00:30:951 (3) - Overmap here, avoid doing this in hard difficulties. 00:34:308 (3) - same
  2. 00:51:196 (3) - I suggest this pattern here, flow loooks better.
  3. 00:55:182 - not recommend to miss here. 01:18:049 - 02:31:895 - same
  4. 01:00:007 (3) - You may add a clap here.
  5. 01:13:434 (5) - 1/4 reversed slider to follow drumbeats.
  6. 01:18:888 (1) - 3/4 here? I heard 3/4 sound.
  7. 03:36:511 (1) - split it into a 3/4 slider and a circle bacause there's a vocal at 03:36:930 -
Overall nice.

  1. 00:06:720 (1,2,3) - Why don't follow vocal? It's obvious that the vocal take the most important place here.
  2. 00:21:825 (1,2,3,4) - You may use green line to increase sv for these sliders gradually, that would be better.
  3. 00:28:539 (1,2,3,4) - same^
  4. 00:43:224 (4,5) - You may swap 4 and 5
  5. 01:20:147 (4,1) - nazi blanket
  6. 02:03:364 (4,5) - You may also increase sv of these two sliders imo
  7. 02:46:021 (4) - circle here
  8. 03:33:154 (1) - increase sv imo

Overall nice map, good luck.
Topic Starter

TheKoala wrote:

Hey :) M4M from your queue


00:15:112 (1,2) - Not perfect blanket :arrow: not intentionally blanket
00:41:546 (7) - Move it to x:240 y:196 so it's in a straight line with 00:41:126 (5) and 00:41:336 (6) looks better imo :arrow: looks fine for me
00:43:224 (4) - Ctrl+G would improve the flow slightly (it's fine already but I think it's better like this) :arrow: it's fine as it is
00:47:839 (3) - Move to x:336 y:176 so 00:47:000 (1) blankets it better :arrow: looks fine
Move 02:00:427 (5) to about x:300 y:44 and 02:00:637 (6) to about x:368 y:204 so the pattern is more triangular :arrow: tried
02:17:210 (5) - Blanket this under 02:17:630 (1) :arrow: looks fine
Thats about it for this diff


00:03:364 (1) - Improve blanket :arrow: fixed
00:13:434 (5) - NC? :arrow: no need to nc
01:55:392 (4) - Move it to about x:312 y:296 so the pattern is more of a star :arrow: I want to make spacing consistent
Not much I can find in this diff


00:15:112 (5) - NC? :arrow: oops
00:57:070 (6) - ^ :arrow: no need to nc
I can't find anything else

Took a look at the easy diff and couldn't find anything

Sorry for the short mod I couldn't find much which is actually a good thing
Good luck with this map :D

Shad0w1and wrote:


Overall Impression

Notice: If my understanding level is too low, I am not sure this mod will be really helpful.


  1. My understanding level of you map: 90%
  2. My rating of you map: 90%
AR 9 or 8.5 will be better :arrow: let's get more opinions
00:03:364 (1,2) - I suggest make a straight one or like this :arrow: I prefer mine
00:11:965 (2,4) - Ctrl-G :arrow: it's fine as it is
00:15:741 (3,5) - this is why I think AR 9 or AR 8.5 will be better :arrow: lol yea but I would want some more opinion about this ar setting
00:16:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - for better flow, try this :arrow: I prefer mine
00:18:469 (1,2,3,4,5) - :arrow: ^
00:32:734 (5) - I wont recommend you do this at this point :arrow: what? but it play fine for me ;_;
00:36:511 (4,1) - :arrow: mine also works
00:43:644 (1,4) - personally i do not like this, I would recommend separate. :arrow: fixed a bit
00:47:630 (2) - x120y128 :arrow: why? I think the current flow plays fine
00:50:357 (1,2,3,4,5) - :arrow: fixed on my own
^Hope these give you an idea of mine standard of note placing, some are just small suggestion though. I would like to stop here, if you think mine patterns are helpful, you can ask me for recheck and finish whole diff.
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 95%
00:10:916 (3) - :arrow: curved a bit
01:18:049 - fill in something because you did 01:17:210 (1,2) - :arrow: I think it sound better when leave it empty like that lol
01:57:909 (1) - you can do tripple here :arrow: no,thans
03:09:658 (1) - sounds weird, find another finish plz :arrow: I like this finish sound ;_;
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 95%
00:45:951 (4) - :arrow: mine looks better
easy I usually omit :/ you can simply ask the bn to check it at last moment.
thanks for the mods :)

Come[Back]Home wrote:

Mostly just suggestions :33

F Ant's Easy
00:36:930 (1,3) I prefer it when (3) would be just curvy. Somehow i like that more than the current one
01:40:706 (1,2) I think the blank can be improved here, there no reason to not blank them
02:19:308 (3) Somehow a ctrl+g feels better here. To fix the DS between 02:20:567 (4,1) shouldnt be a problem if you fix it
03:16:371 I think adding the same finish as 03:09:658 (1) here would fit

00:21:825 (4) ctrl+g this one maybe? Somehow i like it better :arrow: ok
01:46:371 (4) There is no need for a slider here since 01:46:581 there is nothing. Why not just a single circle instead? :arrow: there is a beat there ><

00:20:986 (4) I think this slider should start here 00:20:776 :arrow: I can still hear a beat on white tick that might feel weird if I skip it
01:18:049 Why dont you add a circle here? Somehow it feels weird since you havent done that before :arrow: somehow it sound better when there isn't any notes there lol
02:31:895 ^ :arrow: ^
03:30:637 ^ There is clearly a drum there, why do you skip it :arrow: ^

Well, couldnt find anything.

Overall i love the mapset, its a very calm song, and so is the map, love it~ ^_^
Good luck~
thanks for the mods :)

[Teichan] wrote:

M4M from your queue

  1. Disable letterbox during breaks? :arrow: I have break so no
  1. Fine.
  1. 00:06:720 (3,4,5) - I suggest change rhythm in order to fit vocal 03:38:189 (4,5) - same :arrow: I prefer mine
  2. 00:13:224 (3) - not needed :arrow: need :3
  3. 01:07:140 (1,2) - keep pace with 01:03:783 (1,2,3) - :arrow: need some variation , depend on tone of music tho
  4. 01:26:860 (6,1) - nazi blanket :arrow: looks fine
  5. 01:44:692 (2,3) - ^ :arrow: looks fine
  6. 02:24:972 (2) - split it into a 1/1 and a note because there is vocal at 02:25:392 - :arrow: hardly follow vocal :3 unless it really sound loud or emphasized >_<
Totally fine.

  1. 00:30:951 (3) - Overmap here, avoid doing this in hard difficulties. 00:34:308 (3) - same :arrow: I can hear 1/4 beat
  2. 00:51:196 (3) - I suggest this pattern here, flow loooks better. :arrow: I prefer mine
  3. 00:55:182 - not recommend to miss here. 01:18:049 - 02:31:895 - same :arrow: it sound better without a note there
  4. 01:00:007 (3) - You may add a clap here. :arrow: not sound right
  5. 01:13:434 (5) - 1/4 reversed slider to follow drumbeats. :arrow: it might give awkward feeling here 01:13:434 (5,1) - imo
  6. 01:18:888 (1) - 3/4 here? I heard 3/4 sound. :arrow: current is fine
  7. 03:36:511 (1) - split it into a 3/4 slider and a circle bacause there's a vocal at 03:36:930 - :arrow: hardly follow vocal
Overall nice.

  1. 00:06:720 (1,2,3) - Why don't follow vocal? It's obvious that the vocal take the most important place here. :arrow: not sound emphasized to me :3
  2. 00:21:825 (1,2,3,4) - You may use green line to increase sv for these sliders gradually, that would be better. :arrow: that might feel a bit weird , not really my style lol
  3. 00:28:539 (1,2,3,4) - same^ :arrow: ^
  4. 00:43:224 (4,5) - You may swap 4 and 5 :arrow: fine as it is
  5. 01:20:147 (4,1) - nazi blanket :arrow: fine as it is
  6. 02:03:364 (4,5) - You may also increase sv of these two sliders imo^
  7. 02:46:021 (4) - circle here :arrow: slider work better
  8. 03:33:154 (1) - increase sv imo :arrow: no,thanks

Overall nice map, good luck.
thanks for the mods :)

Come[Back]Home wrote:

Mostly just suggestions :33

F Ant's Easy
00:36:930 (1,3) I prefer it when (3) would be just curvy. Somehow i like that more than the current one but if I make them curvy, I can't make flow like mine now. Look at this => . 00:36:930 (1,3) - looks weird isn't it ? and I'm not make it sharp curve (red dots) without reason. If you see that ticks was curved in one beat(white tick).
01:40:706 (1,2) I think the blank can be improved here, there no reason to not blank them I just copy 01:40:706 (1) - , paste at 01:41:546 - , rotate 90 degrees, ctrl+h, and put it on that position. So it's not unreasonable
02:19:308 (3) Somehow a ctrl+g feels better here. To fix the DS between 02:20:567 (4,1) shouldnt be a problem if you fix it But I'll lose 02:20:567 (4,1) - 's blanket T.T
03:16:371 I think adding the same finish as 03:09:658 (1) here would fit for 03:09:658 (1) - I see Celsius use this Hitsound because there was something special at that part, not just general instrument in the song (drum and guitar). That's why I follow Celsius to use that Hitsound too because I think it's fit with that special part. but I hear nothing special part like that here.

Overall i love the mapset, its a very calm song, yay... someone like this song too :) and so is the map, love it~ ^_^ ^_^
Good luck~
I see I didn't change anything here T.T . Anyway Thanks for your mod :)
Hi from your M4M queue

I had a lot of fun playing your insane so I'll start with that first

00:58:748 (1) - Maybe end this slider at 00:59:063 and remove the clap
00:59:168 (2) - Add a note here and add a clap
^ It gives more emphasis on the drum imo
01:30:637 (1,2) - When you come out of the chorus its hard to tell these notes are 1/1's when they are stacked
01:50:776 (5) - Make this into a slider ending at 01:51:196
01:56:860 (3,4) - I'm not sure if its just me but I always think these are 1/4's because they are stacked and (2) isnt. Maybe unstack them?
02:46:581 (1,2) - Turn these 2 circles into one slider
03:26:021 (5) - I think this would play better if you took out the reverse and let it end at 03:26:231 (6)

01:26:441 (3) - Maybe turn this into 2 circles and make them stack? Gives emphasis on the drum
01:44:483 (2) - How about turning these into 2 circles. 02:02:105 (4) - Curve to the right a bit
02:04:832 (2) - Move to 02:05:042
02:05:252 (3) - Move to 02:04:832
^ Better flow imo
02:13:853 (3) - Delete this note and end (2) here

03:09:658 (1) - The custom hitsound sounds weird here
All I could find.

Hope this mod was helpful. I really like this song and hope you get it ranked. Good luck!
จาก M4M

00:20:776 (2) extend slider to (3). Just like what you did in 2 previous section
00:27:490 (2) ^

01:46:161 (2) use note instated of slider and move extend (3-head) to 01:46:371 (vocal bo~ 01:46:161, ni~: 01:46:371)

01:11:126 (4) remove it and extend (3) like this. It looks like vocal still sing on the same word but very slightly different pitch
01:50:567 (4) NC starts here ?
03:01:266 (1) remove NC
03:25:602 (3,4,5) I'm not sure will player can handle these jumps on 3.88 stars map. Each note is 3.87x further away. You should bring them closer imo.

เท่าที่หาเจอก็มีเค่นี้แหละตรับ 8-)
Good luck getting this map ranked ;)

Edit: อ่าว จะโพส mod พอดี คิวดันปิดซะงั้น แหม่ :P
Topic Starter

Hi Im Nathan wrote:

Hi from your M4M queue

I had a lot of fun playing your insane so I'll start with that first

00:58:748 (1) - Maybe end this slider at 00:59:063 and remove the clap :arrow: the current one is fine
00:59:168 (2) - Add a note here and add a clap :arrow: ^
^ It gives more emphasis on the drum imo
01:30:637 (1,2) - When you come out of the chorus its hard to tell these notes are 1/1's when they are stacked :arrow: what? this si not that hard to read imo
01:50:776 (5) - Make this into a slider ending at 01:51:196 :arrow: sound not right to me
01:56:860 (3,4) - I'm not sure if its just me but I always think these are 1/4's because they are stacked and (2) isnt. Maybe unstack them? :arrow: ok
02:46:581 (1,2) - Turn these 2 circles into one slider :arrow: I prefer the current rhythm
03:26:021 (5) - I think this would play better if you took out the reverse and let it end at 03:26:231 (6) :arrow: ending at downbeat is pretty sound awkward to me

01:26:441 (3) - Maybe turn this into 2 circles and make them stack? Gives emphasis on the drum :arrow: current one is fine
01:44:483 (2) - How about turning these into 2 circles. :arrow: that play a bit awkward imo
02:02:105 (4) - Curve to the right a bit :arrow: current one is fine imo
02:04:832 (2) - Move to 02:05:042 :arrow: I prefer mine
02:05:252 (3) - Move to 02:04:832 :arrow: ^
^ Better flow imo
02:13:853 (3) - Delete this note and end (2) here :arrow: no , I want to emphasis the instrument there with this circle

03:09:658 (1) - The custom hitsound sounds weird here :arrow: sound best for me B )
All I could find.

Hope this mod was helpful. I really like this song and hope you get it ranked. Good luck!
thanks for the mods :)

makemek wrote:

จาก M4M

00:20:776 (2) extend slider to (3). Just like what you did in 2 previous section :arrow: current is fine
00:27:490 (2) ^ :arrow: ^

01:46:161 (2) use note instated of slider and move extend (3-head) to 01:46:371 (vocal bo~ 01:46:161, ni~: 01:46:371) :arrow: current is fine

01:11:126 (4) remove it and extend (3) like this. It looks like vocal still sing on the same word but very slightly different pitch :arrow: sound weird for me
01:50:567 (4) NC starts here ? :arrow: no , better start here 01:50:776 -
03:01:266 (1) remove NC :arrow: ok
03:25:602 (3,4,5) I'm not sure will player can handle these jumps on 3.88 stars map. Each note is 3.87x further away. You should bring them closer imo.
:arrow: ok
เท่าที่หาเจอก็มีเค่นี้แหละตรับ 8-)
Good luck getting this map ranked ;)

Edit: อ่าว จะโพส mod พอดี คิวดันปิดซะงั้น แหม่ :P :arrow: เอา ticket ไปแทน
thanks for the mods :)
Insane :
Maybe AR 8.5 ?
00:07:140 (2) - x:364 y:284
00:12:595 (5,6) - Same slider shape ?
00:15:322 (2) - End on white tick , and add two notes ?
00:37:769 (3,4) - Connect it ? Don't need a jump I think
00:43:224 (4) - CTRL + G
00:54:762 (4,5) -
00:58:748 (1) - Add whistle to end ?
01:00:007 (3,5) - Add whistles
01:06:720 (5,6) - Unstack ? I think it would be more fun to play
01:06:511 (4,4) - Stack these properly if you were planning to do it
01:11:546 (5) - Whistle
01:17:839 (3,6) - Stack the ends properly ! Take off grid snap
01:22:665 (2,3) - Jumps
01:22:665 (2,3,5,6) - ^
01:26:651 (5,6,7) - A bit more distance ?
01:45:741 (1) -
02:00:846 (1,2) - Same slider shape ?
02:13:853 (4,6,1) - Whistles
02:19:937 (2,3) - Stack ?
02:40:706 (5,6,7,8,1) - Lower this !
02:44:762 (1) - Moove this to here ? 02:44:692 -
03:15:322 (2) - Two circles a lot better

Hard :
00:03:993 - Circle here
00:13:434 (5) - NC
00:36:511 (4) - Reduce distance to 2.0x
01:02:105 (1,2,3) - Lower these just a bit ?
01:13:853 (1) - More distance ! 1.7x
01:27:280 (1) - More distance here !
02:31:895 - Note here
02:37:769 (1) - A bit more distance
02:45:462 (3) - Repeat slider maybe ?
03:15:322 (2) - 2 notes here instead of slider
03:18:049 (1,2,3) -
03:30:637 - Dont skip this

Normal :

seems fine to me lol ;w; sorry I'm really bad at normals rip

Easy :
00:47:000 (1) - Instead of this long repeat slider use this rhythm instead :
01:10:497 (1) - Lower this just a bit
02:22:665 (3) - Move this to the right a bit
02:44:483 (1) - NC
02:49:518 (1) - Angle the ends a bit
03:14:692 (2) - Smooth the sides more a bit
or a suggestion , use a spinner 03:14:692 (2) - and end here maybe ? 03:18:049 -

Nice map ! Fafnir <3 :)
Topic Starter

Aerous wrote:

Insane :
Maybe AR 8.5 ? :arrow: rip dt pp the dream , pls ;_;
00:07:140 (2) - x:364 y:284 :arrow: fixed on my own
00:12:595 (5,6) - Same slider shape ? :arrow: current is fine imo
00:15:322 (2) - End on white tick , and add two notes ? :arrow: that make flow a bit awkward imo
00:37:769 (3,4) - Connect it ? Don't need a jump I think :arrow: too mainstream
00:43:224 (4) - CTRL + G :arrow: I need to tell everyone who will mod this that this flow is 100% perfectly nice B )
00:54:762 (4,5) - :arrow: current one give more impact imo
00:58:748 (1) - Add whistle to end ? :arrow: uhh..nope only clap is fine imo lol
01:00:007 (3,5) - Add whistles :arrow: sound weird
01:06:720 (5,6) - Unstack ? I think it would be more fun to play :arrow: idk where to put so I stack lol , it fit the song tho
01:06:511 (4,4) - Stack these properly if you were planning to do it :arrow:wat lol k
01:11:546 (5) - Whistle :arrow: ok
01:17:839 (3,6) - Stack the ends properly ! Take off grid snap :arrow: editor bug but w/e , I fixed it
01:22:665 (2,3) - Jumps :arrow: no jumps here , it might be too hard to play
01:22:665 (2,3,5,6) - ^ :arrow: what do you mean?
01:26:651 (5,6,7) - A bit more distance ? :arrow: current is fine
01:45:741 (1) - :arrow: current is fine
02:00:846 (1,2) - Same slider shape ? :arrow: current is fine imo
02:13:853 (4,6,1) - Whistles :arrow: sound weird imo
02:19:937 (2,3) - Stack ? :arrow: that make flow awkward and not really fit the song here imo
02:40:706 (5,6,7,8,1) - Lower this ! :arrow: it's fine
02:44:762 (1) - Moove this to here ? 02:44:692 - :arrow: I think beat is on 1/3 here
03:15:322 (2) - Two circles a lot better :arrow: I prefer mine lol

Hard :
00:03:993 - Circle here :arrow: sound not right imo
00:13:434 (5) - NC :arrow: no
00:36:511 (4) - Reduce distance to 2.0x :arrow: 2.11x k ?
01:02:105 (1,2,3) - Lower these just a bit ? :arrow: it's fine
01:13:853 (1) - More distance ! 1.7x :arrow: I prefer 1.5x
01:27:280 (1) - More distance here ! :arrow: that make flow weird imo
02:31:895 - Note here :arrow: need small break
02:37:769 (1) - A bit more distance :arrow: current is fine
02:45:462 (3) - Repeat slider maybe ? :arrow: if I make it like this 02:44:762 (2) - it sound weird , if I make it short it might be too confusing
03:15:322 (2) - 2 notes here instead of slider :arrow: I prefer mine
03:18:049 (1,2,3) - :arrow: I prefer mine
03:30:637 - Dont skip this :arrow: wow does this break looks weird to everyone ? ;_; I just think that it sound weird if I map this

Normal :

seems fine to me lol ;w; sorry I'm really bad at normals rip :arrow: rip

Nice map ! Fafnir <3 :)
finally lol
thanks for the mods :)

Aerous wrote:

Easy :
00:47:000 (1) - Instead of this long repeat slider use this rhythm instead : Changed in other way. I make it same with 02:00:846 (1,2) - since they looks same in the song.
01:10:497 (1) - Lower this just a bit but it's still in playing area (I try it with 1024x768 resolution)
02:22:665 (3) - Move this to the right a bit same as above
02:44:483 (1) - NC Okay ;)
02:49:518 (1) - Angle the ends a bit I think it's okay to make it straight like this since it's still not out of mapping area
03:14:692 (2) - Smooth the sides more a bit About the red ticks, I make it follow the vocal.(Sorry I didn't really get it XD. Maybe you can say it with an image ? :3)
or a suggestion , use a spinner 03:14:692 (2) - and end here maybe ? 03:18:049 - This is a good Idea too. But this time I'll keep mine

Nice map ! Fafnir <3 :) Fafnir <3 :)
Thanks for mod :)

Edit: My bad.... I forgot to post the update XD
Update :
Topic Starter
m4m wtf i thought this was tv size

  1. Looks like you need somebody's name in tags
  1. Should use slidertick claps since this diff ignores a lot of them
  2. 03:38:189 (2,1) - the slider should repeat/end on 03:39:028 since that's where the music's emphasis is
I love this part 01:44:063 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4). Good job with this diff.

  1. 00:20:776 (2) - Sounds better to extend to be 1 beat long
  2. 00:27:490 (2) - ^
  3. 01:44:692 (2,3) - can blanket better
  4. 01:46:371 (4) - the slider end sounds too loud and out of place, it's better to only have a circle at 01:46:371
  5. 01:48:049 (2) - You want the emphasis and slider to start on 01:48:259
  6. 02:33:574 (5,1) - blanket
  7. 03:29:797 (1) - curve the other way for flow
  1. Read what I said in Insane about the notes at the beginning
  2. 03:00:846 (4) - use circle for the last tick? stays consistent with your other repeating 1/4 sliders
Great placement!

Should follow 3/4 vocals more since this is insane
  1. 00:03:783 (2) - there is no sound on this note, so i suggest you just follow vocals: make 00:03:364 (1,2,3) - a 3/4 repeating slider
  2. 00:05:042 (1,2) - ^
  3. 00:06:720 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:27:490 (3,4) - blanket
  5. 00:36:511 (4,5,1,2) - the flow to the slider is weird, so i suggest this: rotate the slider counterclockwise and move it left, move 4 and 5 right, and stack 2 on 4
Good luck with ranking!
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:

m4m wtf i thought this was tv size :arrow: GG lmao

  1. Looks like you need somebody's name in tags :arrow: pfft..I forgot to put fantastica in tags
  1. Should use slidertick claps since this diff ignores a lot of them
  2. 03:38:189 (2,1) - the slider should repeat/end on 03:39:028 since that's where the music's emphasis is
I love this part 01:44:063 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4). Good job with this diff.

  1. 00:20:776 (2) - Sounds better to extend to be 1 beat long :arrow: ok
  2. 00:27:490 (2) - ^ :arrow: ok
  3. 01:44:692 (2,3) - can blanket better :arrow: looks fine
  4. 01:46:371 (4) - the slider end sounds too loud and out of place, it's better to only have a circle at 01:46:371 :arrow: mmhm it sound fine for me
  5. 01:48:049 (2) - You want the emphasis and slider to start on 01:48:259 :arrow: I prefer my rhythm
  6. 02:33:574 (5,1) - blanket :arrow: looks fine
  7. 03:29:797 (1) - curve the other way for flow :arrow: hmm..this one flow really good for me
  1. Read what I said in Insane about the notes at the beginning :arrow: yea
  2. 03:00:846 (4) - use circle for the last tick? stays consistent with your other repeating 1/4 sliders :arrow: ok
Great placement! :arrow: <3

Should follow 3/4 vocals more since this is insane :arrow: oh I have to say that nowaday I hardly follow vocal lol so I guess I don't want to care about vocal much now (it sound weird to follow vocal tbh ) I will follow only if the vocal is really emphasized or the instrument rhythm play or sound weird (which occur really rare) the diff is also insane enough with some jumps tho imo and the spread is already good too imo
  1. 00:03:783 (2) - there is no sound on this note, so i suggest you just follow vocals: make 00:03:364 (1,2,3) - a 3/4 repeating slider :arrow: huh , I think I can still hear a background sound there , w/e fixed since somehow would be better if those rhythm consistent with first 3/4 reverse in this diff
  2. 00:05:042 (1,2) - ^ :arrow: ^
  3. 00:06:720 (1,2) - ^ :arrow: ^
  4. 00:27:490 (3,4) - blanket :arrow: looks fine
  5. 00:36:511 (4,5,1,2) - the flow to the slider is weird, so i suggest this: rotate the slider counterclockwise and move it left, move 4 and 5 right, and stack 2 on 4 :arrow: I prefer my flow it play better imo , I don't like how flow from (5) to (1) go directly visible like that (the pic ) I mean some how it flow awkward for me
Good luck with ranking!
thanks for the mods :)
@Fantastica I have added your name to tag in your diff now :)

xxdeathx wrote:

wtf i thought this was tv size

xxdeathx wrote:

m4m wtf i thought this was tv size same to me.. I thought it was tv size too XD

  1. Should use slidertick claps since this diff ignores a lot of them I won't do it. because I won't confuse a new player with something like "uh ? why there's a hitsound ? I'm still not on the slider's note" and eded up with miss or 100 point. (and it will sound awkward when we play it with double time.) That's why start with my fafnir tv size version I didn't use any slider ticks hitsound until now.
  2. 03:38:189 (2,1) - the slider should repeat/end on 03:39:028 since that's where the music's emphasis is yeah I'll make it like that if the instrument was like 02:32:734 (3) - and 01:18:888 (3) - . But this part have different instrument. I won't ignore the combination of snare and cymbal at 03:38:818 - .That's why I make this 3/2 repeated slider. maybe you're right the music's emphasis was at 03:39:028 - we can see it by hearing the vocal. But I think 03:38:818 - have a big effect in the song that I can't ignore.
I love this part 01:44:063 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4). Good job with this diff. thanks >w<

Good luck with ranking!
Thanks for your mod :)

CelsiusLK wrote:

@Fantastica I have added your name to tag in your diff now :)
yay :)
oh... and I've found something in the song when I check it. I've lost the clap at 02:22:245 - , 02:23:923 - , and 02:25:602 -
can you add it for me ? :3
From queue

  1. 00:57:070 (1,2) - Try not to have a gap like this in an easy difficulty, maybe you could turn 00:59:378 (2) - into a spinner, although you would have to remove the next note for more recovery time
  1. 00:28:958 (2,3) - 2.6x spacing is a bit too much especially compared to other jumps, + a harsh flow change
  2. 01:37:350 (1) - Lacking emphasis for the new measure, the flow is wayyyyy to straightforward coming from 01:36:930 (4)
  1. 00:26:231 (5,6,7) - Linear flow here is awkward to snap on coming from 00:25:811 (4), make it like a triangle or something?
  2. 02:38:399 (2,3) - Sort of the same thing here, the different spacing between 3 and the tail of 2 makes it awkward to play the linear spacing of 02:38:818 (3,4,5)
Nice set, I wish hard had just a bit more 1/4 circles though, with the amount of streams Insane has
Will recheck
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

From queue

  1. 00:28:958 (2,3) - 2.6x spacing is a bit too much especially compared to other jumps, + a harsh flow change :arrow: ok lower spacing
  2. 01:37:350 (1) - Lacking emphasis for the new measure, the flow is wayyyyy to straightforward coming from 01:36:930 (4) :arrow: I think this is fine the beat here 01:37:350 - start kinda sudden and if I make emphasis this like using higher spacing or break flow or whatever , it will give like wtf feeling to hard players imo
  1. 00:26:231 (5,6,7) - Linear flow here is awkward to snap on coming from 00:25:811 (4), make it like a triangle or something? :arrow: ok make triangle
  2. 02:38:399 (2,3) - Sort of the same thing here, the different spacing between 3 and the tail of 2 makes it awkward to play the linear spacing of 02:38:818 (3,4,5) :arrow: fixed flow
Nice set, I wish hard had just a bit more 1/4 circles though, with the amount of streams Insane has :arrow: hmm...I think spread from hard to insane is fine now the different in speed grain is pretty balance now
Hard 4.43 --> Insane 5.64 = 1.21 difference in speed grain

the stream in insane is not really hard to play because this is low bpm song and those stream also just a short stream so it doesn't affect spread much imo , ahh anyways I added some 1/4 in hard here is the place I added 01:28:014 - , 02:36:825 - ,02:48:783 - ,02:53:609 - ,02:56:965 - k

Will recheck
yeeee :)

@fantastica added clap there

sukiNathan wrote:

From queue

  1. 00:57:070 (1,2) - Try not to have a gap like this in an easy difficulty, maybe you could turn 00:59:378 (2) - into a spinner, although you would have to remove the next note for more recovery time I think it's okay to make some of this gap. for reference, let's see this mapset. It have this gap in easy diff even it have a bigger bpm. so maybe no change (and I won't ignore 00:59:378 - that have a big effect in the song)
Nice set, I wish hard had just a bit more 1/4 circles though, with the amount of streams Insane has
Will recheck
yayyyy :)
@Celsius yayyyy :)
oh ye one more thing

HP on hard and insane could be lowered a bit imo, it's fairly low bpm compared to faster songs with a similar drain value

Anyways I did the recheck already, just tell me if you change hp or not
Topic Starter
ok I will use
hp 6 on insane
hp 5 on hard
hi i'm claiming heart before map is even bubbled bye
Topic Starter
lol ok

pishi mutual with me pls ;w;
Both of our versions were bubbled XD
Better be careful they both aren't qualified then.
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:


pishifat wrote:


pishifat wrote:


pishifat wrote:

I was forced

pishifat wrote:


pishifat wrote:


pishifat wrote:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

yay... gratzz...
I must wait for this to be out of qualify before I rank mine XD
I'm back just to play auto convert map then i found this one. :) I like it, mania mode somehow is accurate here :D
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