
Henri Des - Petit Ours Brun~

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 16 novembre 2010 at 16:28:57

Artist: Henri Des
Title: Petit Ours Brun
Tags: Fight69 Dagonpater
BPM: 117,3
Filesize: 992kb
Play Time: 00:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dagonpater's Taiko (4,89 stars, 211 notes)
  2. Fight69's Hard (4,88 stars, 94 notes)
  3. Hard (4,91 stars, 111 notes)
  4. Normal (2,67 stars, 64 notes)
Download: Henri Des - Petit Ours Brun
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
2nd Ranked MAP ! YAY.
Taiko by Dagonpater
Hard by Fight69
CustomHS find by Inozuma
Thanks Guys~

James2250's Mod Fix'd
DJPop's Mod Fix'd
James2250's Mod2 Fix'd
Happy30's Big Mod Fix'd
James2250's Mod of the 5Days Fix'd xD
Andrea's Mod Fix'd

Met le Beat Snap Dvisior en 1/4 o.o

00:03:485 (6) - vire un retour :>
00:03:485 (6) - rallonge le slider de 1 tick ça fait plus cool :3
00:19:896 (3) - rallonge au tick blanc
00:24:426 (6) - à mettre à 00:24:511

Et mapper les breaks aussi :3
Comme je l'ai dis la timeline est plutôt propre,juste les positions à refaire car elle sont assez ilisible xD

Je remodderais quand tu aura fait les autres diff' :3
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Okay merci Scar :)
Go Modding all :)
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Rick Starred~
Here we go,

Song setup->Audio->Lead in 2s

[Mom Bear]
00:04:511 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Beat snap divisor 1/6 ? It's a 1/4 rtyhm don't use 1/6 or 1/3...
00:03:998 (4) - Spacing
00:04:511 (1) - Spacing
00:06:306 (1) - Spacing
00:06:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - SPACING !

Okay I stop here cause all the map is full of huge spacing errors. I mean you must remap all using the distance snap ON.

[Little Bear]
Same. Less but lot of spacing errors too.

Please use the distance snap, remap then i'll mod it seriously.
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Drafura wrote:

Here we go,

Song setup->Audio->Lead in 2s Fixed :D

[Mom Bear]
00:04:511 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Beat snap divisor 1/6 ? It's a 1/4 rtyhm don't use 1/6 or 1/3...
00:03:998 (4) - Spacing
00:04:511 (1) - Spacing
00:06:306 (1) - Spacing
00:06:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - SPACING !i change the integrately of the diff

Okay I stop here cause all the map is full of huge spacing errors. I mean you must remap all using the distance snap ON.

[Little Bear]
Same. Less but lot of spacing errors too.i view :3

Please use the distance snap, remap then i'll mod it seriously.
[Mom bear]
0:00:408 (1) right 1 grid
0:04:254 (1) right+down 1 grid
0:11:690 (3,4) (3) right+down 1 grid, (4) left 2 grid?
0:12:715 (1,2,3,1,2,3) (3) and next combo's (2) right 1 grid

looking forward for you to finish the whole song.

Just a reminder that you have to end kiai instead of occuping 70% of the song :D
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wmfchris wrote:

[Mom bear]
0:00:408 (1) right 1 grid
0:04:254 (1) right+down 1 grid
0:11:690 (3,4) (3) right+down 1 grid, (4) left 2 grid?
0:12:715 (1,2,3,1,2,3) (3) and next combo's (2) right 1 grid Fixed Thanks wmfchris

looking forward for you to finish the whole song.

Just a reminder that you have to end kiai instead of occuping 70% of the song :D

Baisse le volume des hitsounds de 4 barre
Supprime le fichier Henri Des - Petit Ours Brun (Little Bear Brown) (Sweyax).osb, il est inutile car le nom du fichier est mauvais et qu'il y a le Henri Des - Petit Ours Brun (Brown Little Bear) (Sweyax).osb

[Little bear]
00:11:669 (2) - Met un finish a la fin
00:15:507 (8) - Spacing Error
00:17:809 (3) - [Nazi] Bouge 1 grid a gauche
00:22:415 (2,1,2,3,4,1) - C'est quoi ce changement de spacing ? o_o, garde le meme du début a la fin.
Map jusqu'a la fin o_o tu vas pas mourrir pour 20seconde en plus

[Mom bear]

00:04:511 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Alors la wtf o_o ce stream en 1/3 qui sonne complétement faux, je te conseil fortement de me foutre en l'air sa et de mapper cette partie normalement.
00:16:819 (1,2,3) - ne change pas de spacing, garde 0.8x pour placer ces notes :<
00:24:767 (Break) - Map ce break !
00:33:998 (3) - Spacing ♪
Map jusqu'a la fin aussi
Niveau hitsound, enlève tous les clap sur les ticks rouge, sa fait déguelasse
Je te conseille fortement aussi de replacer toute les notes avec un distance snap constant (0.8x et le mieux ici je pense) et avec le grid level a 3. (Fais le dans toute les diffs)

Je ferais surement un recheck mais pour l'instant, star~~

[Little Bear]
Je trouve que c'est mieux d'utiliser des soft whistles à la place des claps.
00:02:973 (5,6,7) - Cette partie est un peu mélangeant

[Mom Bear]
00:04:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Cette partie me sonne faux aussi, essaie ça?

C'est tout pour l'instant, starred ;)

Pour le timing, j'ai un sérieux doute...
Essaye de demander a quelqu'un qui est bon en timing.

Little Bear :

00:02:973 (5,6,7) - Comme l'a dit Glass, un peu illisible.

Mom bear :

00:18:809 (7) - Ajoute un Clap
00:18:809 (7) - Idem ici
00:24:450 (6) - Finish ?

A part ca, j'ai pas trouvé grand chose :P

pretty nice

can't find anything wrong with this

Super o/ en plus elle fait 42 secondes :)

Card N'FoRcE
Timing help, as requested:

BPM: 117,2; Offset: 412
BPM: 117,2; Offset: 24998

This seems ok, i get the feeling that the same ~25 secs song is repeated twice and that's why there are two sections.
Gogo rank~
Si tu veut toujours une diff de ma part, dit le moi.

Étant donné que j'était censé la mapper y a longtemps :D
-49 second map......good luck (normally below 1 minute isn't allowed to be ranked but there is no solid rule saying it so?)
-If this "is" going to be allowed at least make another difficulty
-Make sure both difficulties have a preview point
-All of your lyrics in the folder could be cut down so there isn't any unnecessarily space around them (I don't see them used in map atm either?)
-Make sure the source is the same on both difficulties
-Not sure how perfect timing is but doesn't seem too bad
-Nazi- snap kiai to ticks
-Any tags?

AR/OD +2 at least
00:03:483 (6,7,8) - I would move these somewhere else so they don't overlap with previous notes (doesn't look good to me)
00:04:507 (8) - new combo
00:23:449 (2,3) - align?
00:24:998 (1,2,3) - slight spacing error
00:33:189 (1,2,1,2) - add hitsounds
00:45:475 (6) - new combo
Last part of the map could use some more hitsounds
Not sure about consistent combos throughout the map but ok~

Try and make combos match for example look at
00:00:412 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) and 00:24:998 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Not going to point them all out but seeing as the song just repeats try and make most of the combos match up
00:14:746 (4,5,7,8) - align these?
00:39:332 (4,5,7,8) - ^
00:47:779 (17) - don't have combos go this high

For such a short song it would be nice if you didn't use copy and paste as much
I would also suggest you ask a BAT if this is allowed to be ranked before you go much further with it
Good luck~ *star*
I don't think map below 1min can be ranked again, but good luck anyway.

- Normal -
00:02:971 (5) - new combo
00:12:698 (3) - ^
00:14:746 (7) - ^
00:19:353 (5) - ^
00:26:533 (4) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)

- Hard -
Not recommend to copy-paste, try to use different pattern.
00:04:763 (7) - new combo
00:10:650 (4) - ^
00:14:746 (4) - ^
00:22:681 (5) - ^
00:26:533 (4) - ^
00:31:397 (5) - ^
00:35:236 (4) - ^
00:39:332 (4) - ^
00:44:451 (8) - ^
00:45:475 (12) - ^
00:47:267 (16) - ^
00:48:547 (1) - remove new combo

Asked BATs and found that this map is rankable :) (Maps should not be below 35 sec)

What happened to preview points not added/source being different on difficulties etc? (I still say make another difficulty for such a short song but ok) Also I see no video link but I don't see a video?

Would prefer you get a few more mods before rebubble~
Louis Cyphre

- 00:03:483 (2,3) - Replace those 2 notes so that the spacing between them and (4) is 0.59x or 0.60x.
Then replace 00:02:971 (1) - using Shift so that the spacing is 0,60x for "Prev" and "Next".
Then it should look like this :
- 00:17:818 (3, 4) - One grid up, lvl 3.
- 00:28:581 (3) - use Shift so that the spacing is 0,60x for "Prev" and "Next".
- 00:33:189 (1,2,3,4) - Make these 3 sliders look better. &
- 00:38:820 (2) - Put this note somewhere else (spacing!)
- 00:45:475 (1) - Make this slider look smoother (symettry?)
- 00:49:059 (3) - Replace this note using Shift.


- 00:18:330 (4,5,6,7) - Make the slider look smoother, and then replace the following 3 notes. Example :
- 00:40:612 (6) - Replace this note using Shift
- 00:42:916 (4) - Same thing as for 00:18:330 (4,5,6,7) -

Nice map, too bad you were to lazy to map fully the [Hard] without copy/paste.
But oh well, have this star.

James2250 wrote:

I still say make another difficulty for such a short song

Download: Henri Des - Petit Ours Brun (Mustaash) [Fight69's Hard].osu
Download: customHS.rar
*Edits mod post*

BATs I asked aren't sure of timing rawr

Might want to decrease any jumps slightly seeing as its the easiest difficulty but ok
00:01:947 (4,1,2,3) - I still say don't overlap any of this part to make it look nicer
00:35:236 (1,2) - don't overlap?
00:39:332 (1) - add hitsounds to this as everything around it has some
00:41:380 (1,2,3) - ^

Whistles all by themselves seem lonely, why not add a few more following them in a pattern?

Idk about spinner length on taiko so? Someone tell me :P
00:23:961 (1) - don't think spinners this short are good for taiko personally. I would go through and change them

00:07:580 (9,10,1) - confusing spacing
00:15:002 (4,5,7) - keep spacing between these equal
00:36:516 (5,1) - spacing
Go through and make sure all the spacing makes sense~

After all that is fixed and timing is double checked I will bubble
(only 4 days since pop seems longer~)
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i will fix it tomorrow

-Use slider velo 1.4?
This is a standard for all Taiko maps.

- Let the spinners end earlier (1/2 beat?) and place regular notes on the place where the spinners used to end.
(does not apply to 00:23:961 (1) - )
it's weird to start kiai without a note ;)

other diffs are taking care of in irc...
Shitty IRC mod ~
Try this timing:

BPM: 117.30 Offset: 416
BPM: 117.30 Offset: 25,018

Right now the 2nd timing section is a bit early.

Plays fine for me with the new timing.
Note that 00:24:456 (4) and 00:49:059 (9) sound slightly off, but it's not worth putting in more sections just for those notes because people will still hit it with the same timing as the rest of the song.

Also if you change to that timing, you'll need to move some of your green timing sections back a bit in hard because some of the sliders will break: 00:08:600 (1) and 00:16:784 (1).
-Timing fixed
-New difficulties added
-All spacing fixed
-Source/tags etc fixed
-New hitsounds added

Rebubbled~ :P

00:03:996 (3) - Place correctly this note under the end of (2).

[Fight69's Hard]

00:16:784 (1) - I think the clap at the start of this slider is a mistake, adjust the green timing sections.

Fix them and I'll be able to rank this.
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for now , im on IRC via my phone i will fix it tommorow, and rank POB tommorow , also.
Fine now.

Epic lol

Congrats :D
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Thanks~ =D
GG Mec ^w^
Heart fixed.
Un rythme attrayant, des paroles qui nous apparent beaucoup sur la vie, la recette idéale pour une map réussie ! :D

(A quand petit poney :p)
bumpy :3

Sander-Don wrote:

bumpy :3
Ce ne pas de importance, parce-que c'est dans un beatmap thread...
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OzzyOzrock wrote:

Sander-Don wrote:

bumpy :3
Ce ne pas de importance, parce-que c'est dans un beatmap thread...
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