
Noob's Sig Shop

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I like to mess around with graphics sort of stuff, and it'd be my pleasure to try and make some signatures.
What I'll need from you to make a signature:
-An image, like a picture of a character (Hint: I like making siggys of Touhous!)
-The size that you want the final signature to be (in pixels)
-Any text you want and what kind of font you want it in. A specific font isn't necessary but it'd be nice if you have at least a general idea of the font you want.
-Any other requests, or what you want me to do with the image. Something like, "I want it to look dark," or "I want you to highlight the eyes."

Since I'm doing this just for practice, don't expect a lot. But, please, even if you're not sure that you want one, give me a request. I'll try!~
Daichi Shinku
I think the thread name could be better...
like sirscrafty Signature Shop or something...

anyway, good luck with the thread :3
Good luck!
Raisha Millenia
Good luck! putting some Examples will be good
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