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My name is icexpanda but you may call me james.

So i have recently been attracted to osu! By several of my friends, after around two hours of playing osu! my mouse hand started to hurt now is this normal or will my hand get worse the more i play?
This community is the kind i would like to stay with for a long long time.
Have a nice day everyone! 8-)
Hi! o/

It's a pleasure to meet you. :)

I think that the more you play, the more your body gets used to it.

But I wouldn't over-do it at the beginning.
Hallo there o/
Welcome to the forums :)
Hi icexpanda, welcome to the forums!

Give it some rest, it should be okay in a while, I guess...

icexpanda wrote:

So i have recently been attracted to osu! By several of my friends, after around two hours of playing osu! my mouse hand started to hurt now is this normal
Hi! Welcome to the forum :)
If your wrist hurt, you need a break. I guess you dont wanna any
injury. Also RSI is not a nice thing to have.
Heyo James, welcome to osu!

Try to enjoy your stay, even though anything regarding this game may get really frustrating every once in a while.
Cerulean Veyron
Hello, icexpanda! Welcome to the forums!
Hello ice , Welcome to the forums :D
Raisha Millenia
Welcome James!
Welcome Jaimz Hope you play osu for 100 more years :D
welcome to oss m8!
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