
Hello i am Gadian

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Hello my Name is Erik or ingame Gadian.

I am 19 years old and have been playing osu for now something over 3 months.
I am living in Siegen, Germany atm.
I am really enjoying my stay in the osu community so far and hope i will stay here longer.
Also i am streaming osu sometimes XD
So if you want to come and join me at some point:
The Channelname derives from my previous osu name.

See ya all :D
Cerulean Veyron
Hello, Gadian! Welcome to the forums!

Enjoy osu! Cya in-game :3/
Hi there! o/

It's a pleasure to meet you. :)

Enjoy your time here in osu! and it's community!

May we cross paths in-game. :D
Hi Gadian
Welcome Gadian
Raisha Millenia
Hi! Welcome to the forums
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