
Hello everyone !

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I thought it introduce myself because i started to get a addicted to osu.
First of im my name is Emil and i´m from Denmark. i play a lot of games and my Osu skill level is around 3 star maps. I study music production and make lots of random musical things. If someone wanted i could make a song for a beatmap or something.

See ya ingame :)
Let me be the first to welcome you to the world of osu! o/

Enjoy your stay in this luxurious 4-star holiday resort filled with circles, drums, fruits and keys! ^__^

In all seriousness, may you enjoy your experience with the game and it's awesome community!
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a1l2d3r4e5d6 wrote:

Let me be the first to welcome you to the world of osu! o/

Enjoy your stay in this luxurious 4-star holiday resort filled with circles, drums, fruits and keys! ^__^

In all seriousness, may you enjoy your experience with the game and it's awesome community!
Thank you ;)
Nice, someone else in the music industry :P , welcome to you and have a great time here ^^ !
Raisha Millenia
Welcome, Emil! Enjoy your stay here!
Is that your real name?

brb stealing personal information
Welcome Emil~
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