Quick quote from the tournament thread.
A list of CURRENT players in TWC can be found here: https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Taiko_World_Cup ... rticipants
Some information we should try to compile includes:
Hopefully everyone is willing to participate here to make the commentary during the stream great!
We should attempt to compile some information for the commentators to use during the live stream so that they can provide more input to the viewers.Mr Color wrote:
Hey guys, Mr Color here coming in a little bit before this whole ordeal starts. As you guys know I'll be once more taking part in the play-by-play commentary for the event. I just wanted to introduce myself to the community once again in the middle of all the pre-cup drama. If you guys want to send me any pointers of things you feel I should mention on air about certain players, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the maps that will be used, I will of course be studying up to offer the most insightful commentary possible, but I won't refuse a little help doing that, so by all means feel free to hit me up with a forum PM and I'll make sure to note down any interesting info you guys will send my way.
You guys have a good one, and I'll see you for the drawings!
A list of CURRENT players in TWC can be found here: https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Taiko_World_Cup ... rticipants
Some information we should try to compile includes:
- Playstyle
- Strengths (ie: good at 1/6 patterns or something)
- Weaknesses (ie: lower accuracy than most players)
- Difficulty (if free mod try to compare difficulty with HD compared to HR)
- Type of map (Streamy? More technical map with harder patterns? etc.)
- Players who are notable on that map (ie: players who have top 50 on the map)
Hopefully everyone is willing to participate here to make the commentary during the stream great!