
Blink 182 - The Rock Show

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 4:15:06 PM

Artist: Blink 182
Title: The Rock Show
Tags: Blink182 YGOkid8
BPM: 193.15
Filesize: 5759kb
Play Time: 02:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. Insane (4.91 stars, 358 notes)
  2. Normal (3.96 stars, 205 notes)
  3. YGOkid8's Easy (0.89 stars, 75 notes)
Download: Blink 182 - The Rock Show
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Yeah I mapped this! Got a problem? :p
Looking for guest diffs

Skin elements by LH

Guest Diff By YGOkid8
I see a .osb and there's no SB o.o

Both diffs are fine

Nice map +Double Star!~
General: Awesome map! I like your mapping style, it's unique and enjoyable to play.

00:14:205 (3) - reverse this slider, maybe? It seems to be opposite from where the last one ends, and the next one starts.
Other than that, it's perfect! :)

00:12:652 (1) - It may just be me, but this seems too far away from the rest of the combo.
00:57:384 (6) - Also seems too far away from the rest of the combo.
01:19:440 (4) - seems kind of randomly placed, maybe move it closer to the rest of the combo?
00:25:078 (3) - [Suggestion] How about align both start and end?
00:44:648 (4) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid down and right?
01:11:363 (3) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid up?
01:19:440 (4) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid up and left?
01:41:485 (1) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid down and right?
01:39:621 (1,1,1,1) - [Suggestion] Well... Checked with Grid thing and found little off... But I don't think it's major issue imo. But, I prefer to check them :3 [How? Try parallelogram checking skill orz]
01:54:221 (4) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid down and right?

00:42:784 (4) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid up?
00:55:831 (1) - How about move 2 grid down?
01:17:576 (2) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid down?
01:31:244 (1,2,3) - How about move 1 grid down?
01:34:651 (5) - How about move 1 grid right?
01:41:640 (1,2,3) - How about move 1 grid up?
01:47:387 (2) - ^
01:51:736 (1,3) - How about move 1 grid down?

Nice song :3
And lots of grid suggestions orz... [Sorry ;_;]
Anyway, good luck :3


00:27:563 (3) - lolugly
01:39:621 (1,1,1,1) - NOOOOOOOOOO


00:48:376 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Not liking the spacing between these patterns.
01:23:167 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Not liking the spacing between these patterns.
01:57:949 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - hurrdurr

ztrot wrote:

Yeah I mapped this! Got a problem? :p
Looking for guest diffs
haha yea.. i was looking something like this..
its my fave crappy punk band btw ;)

i'll go with guest. so idk now
I'm getting -6 for the first offset, so please check that.

Normal: fine

00:23:214 (3,4,5,6,7) - I didn't like how 3 and 5 overlapped and 4 and 7 overlapped, so I really advise you change the pattern to something that looks a little neater such as: (moved 2,3,4, and 5 in this pic)
Note: I personally did not like 7's double repeat because the second repeat is pretty hard to see
00:36:261 (8) - same as the note
00:50:239 (2,4) - More overlapping sliders? They look messy, so please arrange them more neatly
00:52:414 (1,3) - ^
00:57:384 (6) - probably will look better if it is under the 1 in the combo

Nice map overall. I dislike the mass amount of copying and pasting, but I guess it is okay. Star.
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Blissy Said: I dislike the mass amount of copying and pasting, but I guess it is okay

B-but I only used it 3 times :(
this is a stupid mod post, no kudosu please.

So that dot in the accuracy % is weird in play mode.

And that's really it, this is a good map.

You wrote:

Looking for guest diffs
i want to map easy pl0x
Topic Starter

YGOkid8 wrote:

You wrote:

Looking for guest diffs
i want to map easy pl0x
rename Hard to Insane.
Maybe add "Blink182" to tags? (incase some people search with no space)
Everything else looks fine.
My diff:
Download: Blink 182 - The Rock Show (ztrot) [YGOkid8's Easy].osu
hitsounds haven't been done, so can you do them?
rename to whatever you want...
feel free to do whatever you want according to mods, I won't mind.
Since no-one gave me anything in #modReqs I'll just be modding this map.

[YGOkid's Easy]
00:18:24 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Don't you think it sounds better if you moved all of those 1/2 backward? Arrange the spacing and put one more repeat arrow at the end of 4.
00:38:12 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - ^

00:39:98 (1) - 0_o, you have got to be kidding me. Move that down.
01:14:77 (1) - ^ but move it up.

In the end, this is visible copypasta.

00:44:95 (1) - Move this one grid down.
01:41:94 (4,5) - Too far apart. And it's confusing.

Sure, it's good enough in my opinion.
Maybe Amplitude in tags for kicks?

[YGOKid8's Easy]
Up the HP Drain and OD a bit. You have to TRY to die on this otherwise.
I agree with MB's suggestion of moving the beats to the offbeats that go with the drums in the song.

00:38:745 (4,1) - This jump intentional? You could probably keep things the same easily enough by removing one repeat on the slider.
01:13:536 (4,1) - ^

Man, the HP drain on this one is brutal. Fun, though. :D
Topic Starter
fixed what i wanted waiting on the kid to tell me if he wants changes done
Ah, this song takes me back quite a bit :P
Didn't found anything to mod, nice map ^^

ztrot wrote:

fixed what i wanted waiting on the kid to tell me if he wants changes done

YGOkid8 wrote:

feel free to do whatever you want according to mods, I won't mind.
star~ =ω=

Add +20ms to the 2nd offset. TOTALLY BETTER. Remember to do this on all the difficulties.

Add YGOkid8 into the tags on all the difficulties.

EDIT: After some IRC talking, +14 to the 2nd offset was better than 20. Bubbled~
Just honor for another ranked song :3

Good job, ztrot :3
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thank you :)

>A map that's not from an anime

I looked back on my difficulty, and I'm sure the HP Drain and Overall Diff. wasn't at 1 when I mapped it... :(
Cool song
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