
Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 18 September 2010 at 12:55:57

Artist: Sunpon
Title: Skyscraper Grief
Source: Touhou
Tags: Hijiri Byakuren Cosmic Mind Undefined Fantastic Object Abyss Elemental Records Garven happy30
BPM: 170
Filesize: 10095kb
Play Time: 03:15
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.32 stars, 174 notes)
  2. Garven's Normal+ (4.26 stars, 256 notes)
  3. Happy's Lunatic (4.9 stars, 683 notes)
  4. Taiko (4.89 stars, 575 notes)
Download: Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
[Hard] is in process

Thanks to:
happy30 - for Lunatic diff
Garven - for Normal+ and (partially) for Easy diff,
Rokodo - for Taiko background
It ended up almost being a Normal + ish range of difficulty. If you want me to tone it down a bit, I can.

Also, remove Skyscraper from tags since it's in the title.

Download: Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief (Natteke desu) [Garven's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

It ended up almost being a Normal + ish range of difficulty. If you want me to tone it down a bit, I can.

Also, remove Skyscraper from tags since it's in the title.
It's "Emotional Skyscraper", not just Skyscraper. Will see what others will say
- !@#$%^ .osb file

01:54:820 (4) - wrong spacing

that's all, funny funny, Star*
<3 streams
Red = Major issue, you should fix this
Purple = Issue, It's better if you fix this, and can sometimes pass if justified
Blue = Minor issue, you can ignore if you dont want to change
Green = Feedback / Comments
Black = Suggestion
-Skyscrapper to tags because it's already on Title
Inconsistent mapping, please make sure all your diffs are about the same length (seriously dont be lazy :<)

Looks fine

[Gavren's Normal+] Another +? >_< why do ppl love theese pluses and minuses
All fine

13,323,100 Max Score

Wee, yay for Byakuren's theme =3
Sigh... fine i guess, asking for some coherent quality maps is too much too ask, go ahead and grab the star then
On second thought 2:39 drain time isnt long enough to justify 13m score
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Long Easy diffs are boring, that's why I mapped only half of it.
And the max allowed score is 15 mil. :)
where is the star?! :O
thanks for modding :3
Cyril Scarlet
no no no, that mp3 is horrible. Don't use it.

Use this:

New offset = 13,722

Move all your notes back so that the first slider starts on that timing section.
Kudosu Garven please. Even though it was the same at what Sakura posted, I still think he deserved that kudosu for the "tags" mod
- Decrease HP Drain Rate + Overall Diff. by 1
- Increase Circle Size by 1

Normal Mod~
01:27:290 (1) - Move this beat somewhere else. It looks ugly where it is right now :/
01:28:614 (1,1) - Too short recovery time for an Easy.

Garven's Normal+

Combo Mod~
00:42:114 (4) - New Combo.
00:44:761 (4) - ^

Nazi Mod~
01:36:290 (3) - Make this perfectly stack under 01:35:408 (1).


Combo Mod~
02:21:643 (1) - No New Combo.

Normal Mod~
02:32:584 (1 ~ 13) - Reposition this stream so that:

1 is horizontally symmetrical to 13
2 is horizontally symmetrical to 12 get the idea, yeah?
im going berzerk

Notes so soon after the spinner? :(

01:40:723 (2) - Unsnapped.

00:54:488 (10) - Unsnapped.
02:04:723 (3) - ^
03:03:488 (3) - ^

Sexy stuff.
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Woops, was rushing and forgot to check AIMod. Thnaks :3
Delete the .osb.
Disabling the countdown sounds nicer imo.

Easy felt kinda like a Normal to me, and a few of the notes after spinners were a bit harsh for this.

[Garven's Normal+]

Might as well rename it to Hard.

00:49:369 - Add a note here, or extend the slider to end here?
01:31:546 (5,6) - Consider replacing 5 with just a triplet of notes, since right now it's hard to tell where 5 ends and 6 starts.
01:37:193 (5,6) - ^
02:50:428 (1) - Could look a lot nicer, what is this supposed to be?
02:56:428 (1) - I couldn't really feel what these 2 combos were following.


A lot of the weirdly-shaped streams would be better as smoother curves, I think.

00:29:958 (1) - These repeats are concealed by the hitburst.
01:10:193 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - These 2 combos look a bit weird because the 1-2 spacing is too long. Maybe move them closer? (and move the 5 higher to compensate)
02:09:840 (1) - I think this soft section has too many notes, take a few out and let the player relax a bit here.

Cool mapset, star~

Kytoxid wrote:

[Garven's Normal+]

Might as well rename it to Hard. Way too easy for a Hard. How about we compromise with a Hard- ?

02:50:428 (1) - Could look a lot nicer, what is this supposed to be? I kind of figured it would get this response, but I curved it up a bit better now. As to what it is, here's a hint (adultish language inside):

Download: Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief (Natteke desu) [Garven's Normal+].osu
Taiko Diff is Done > <

hi :oops:
Taiko difficulty looks good, especially with my bg image backing it up. Thanks for the fun difficulty, Natteke. Star!!
Matma Rex
IRC modding go~

[Garven's Normal+]
Pluses in diff names suck.
Consider lowering tick rate.
01:31:545 (5,6,7) - IMO too hard for this diff.
01:37:192 (5,6,7) - ^
02:13:722 (3,1) - spacing?
02:50:428 (1) - no offence, but I don't really like it D:

Topic Starter
Waiting for Garven to take a look.
Thanks :3
00:15:134 (1,2) - overlapping
00:15:840 (3,4) - ^
00:16:722 (2) - move left 1 gaid (lv3
00:21:311 (8) - move up 1 gaid (lv3
00:59:428 (1) - finsh?
01:00:840 (4) - ^
01:02:251 - ^
01:03:663 - ^
01:05:074 - ^
01:06:486 - ^
01:10:193 (1) - spacing
01:11:605 (1) - ^
01:55:193 (5) - spacing?

Matma Rex wrote:

IRC modding go~

[Garven's Normal+]
Pluses in diff names suck. I honestly don't care what it ends up being named. It's just when I posted the difficulty, I commented that the difficulty was in the Normal plusish range, so I guess that's what got it stuck on there. I'm all for Hard - (minus) myself, but I don't think that will fly.
Consider lowering tick rate. At first I wasn't liking the 1 tick, but that might have been at the start of the map. 1 tick sounds fine too, and less score is always a good thing, right?
01:31:545 (5,6,7) - IMO too hard for this diff. Yeah, did those changes from a previous mod without thinking. Eased up.
01:37:192 (5,6,7) - ^
02:13:722 (3,1) - spacing? Redesigned combo bit.
02:50:428 (1) - no offence, but I don't really like it D: Hehe, at the rate things are going, I'll probably just map through it, but I'll give it one more negative vote before I kill it.
Download: Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief (Natteke desu) [Garven's Normal+].osu
Matma Rex

Garven wrote:

Matma Rex wrote:

Consider lowering tick rate. At first I wasn't liking the 1 tick, but that might have been at the start of the map. 1 tick sounds fine too, and less score is always a good thing, right?
Less score does not really matter here, I just think that it 1. doesn't sound too good and 2. is a bit harder.

Oh btw, I didn't star? Starring.
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Matma Rex wrote:

Oh btw, I didn't star? Starring.
You did star this, the server maintenance affected the thread and I've lost some stars from yesterday and also had to re-submit the beatmap
I hate it when the BPM slows to 1/2 speed and the spacing between circles becomes 1/2 because that makes notes with 1 beat in between overlap each other :x

And why is Taiko 1/2 length?

* though
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

I hate it when the BPM slows to 1/2 speed and the spacing between circles becomes 1/2 because that makes notes with 1 beat in between overlap each other :x

And why is Taiko 1/2 length?

* though
Yeah, taiko diff would have a big big combo if I mapped it fully. Rokodo said keep it under 1k so I decided to map it like that.
Could have a larger circle size and more spacing. I think the map would be more fun that way.

00:23:605 (1,1) - Eh.
00:35:075 (1,1) - Eh.
00:46:192 (1,1) - Eh.
01:39:840 (2) - Rotate.
01:41:252 (3) - Rotate more.

Garven's Normal+
Meh, I don't like it.

00:16:369 (1) - Start this on the white tick, please.

Maybe hitsounds could be a bit louder.

01:54:222 (2,3,4,5,6) - Space these further out.
03:17:252 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I don't like this stream.
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Fixed some one easy. where the hell is your star?

Natteke desu wrote:

Long Easy diffs are boring, that's why I mapped only half of it.
where is the star?! :O
thanks for modding :3

Natteke desu wrote:

Fixed some one easy. where the hell is your star?

Just a tip, don't bash at the modders to give you a star. You can remind them to recheck, but, they have a right to give you one or not. If they see something they disapprove of that makes them don't want to give it to you, don't hound then for it. Going around with that attitude is only going to cost you respect with others.

Also, long Easy's are NOT boring. Don't just map it so the map can be rankable. You can still make Easy fun if you try.... :|
Topic Starter
I don't care about respect.
also, only mod related posts in my thread, thx :!:

Natteke desu wrote:

I don't care about respect.
What do you care about? Getting your map ranked? Well too damn bad.

When a moderator tells you "stop doing that," the answer is "sorry, I'll stop doing that," at least when the issue is something as objective and straightforward as "don't be a jerk to people."

Natteke desu wrote:

I don't care about respect.
also, only mod related posts in my thread, thx :!:
You don't care about respect, yet you ask others to respect your wishes for this thread?

:evil: Nice logic! Okay, I'll obey your wish with a mod post that goes with your outlook! I'm glad there's finally a mapper I can be blunt with!

This Easy?

It sucks. It's a halfassed piece of shit. It's pretty clear that you did this just so you could get this map ranked. Remap this POS since it's so fucking bad. It's one of the worst maps I've ever played.

*looks at Hard*

...This map sucks hardcore. It's overmapped in some parts and is way too reptitive in others. This is more boring than the Easy TBQH.

Man, I'm glad there's finally a mapper that doesn't care for respect. It felt sooooooo good to finally go free on a bad map that ruined a great song. Thanks for the opportunity! <3

P.S. I hope this post helps you realize just how stupid you've acted lately and change your attitude. When I was told to stop being so damn annoying I did my best to stop. You? You've made no effort to stop being a jackass. Also, the "I don't care about respect" thing literally just gave everyone the right to be a complete jackass to you, since you've stated that you don't care (and you've proven it in chat ~). :) Good job!

P.S.S. Oh, and if it makes you feel better, any negative response towards this post will prove our point. You've said you don't care about respect and only wanted mod posts in this thread. Therefore, I produced a post that is acceptable according to what you just said. A negative response will prove that you *do* care about respect and are therefore a giant hypocrite.

Man, I'm glad there's finally someone who doesn't care about respect! It's so wonderful!
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no u
*deletes some irrelevant posts and ignores the ruckus above*


It is preferable if you map the full length of the song... but the map does end in a good note. And yeah, I know what you said about mapping long boring Easy's, but I know some BATs that would say otherwise to that. XD XD

00:25:722 (1) - Considering extending this 1/2?


02:50:428 (1) - ... what is this...? XD XD


Um... whoa. XD

Anyway, not much issue. Just give me a note that you are following or not following my suggestion. I will probably bubble the next time I return to this map.
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I will fix these tomorrow, thanks.

MaxwellDemon wrote:


02:50:428 (1) - ... what is this...? XD XD

Go here.

Check the spoiler box for the family-friendly explanation~

I can map through it if you really don't like it, but ... it's my (albeit ugly) baby!
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Ok, extended eazy a little bit IS IT ENOUGH NOW?? and your other suggestions.
Garven seems to like his butterfly art.. Is it really neccessary to remove it? :>

EDT: may I ask why ekaru's post got kudosu'd? I didn't give any. awp, is it you again? :O larto is a badass
+star ;)
Hahaha, if anything, I prefer the previous end point for [Easy]. But since you already mapped it... um... I guess you won't map it the whole way, yeah? :P


It is alright. :P


I'll let that butterfly go, since I actually had a feeling it was a butterfly. XD XD


Well, already said before... intense. :P


Sounds alright.

Feel free to pop your own bubble to fully map the easy. XD XD XD
Otherwise though... bubbled!


Alright, I just got some complaints that this easy isn't partially mapped and that being lazy and long easies are boring are shitty reasons... so, I am afraid I'll have to take that bubble back and ask you to map easy the whole way. If you have any complaints, feel free to PM me and we can talk this out. :P
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Let me guess...... Sakura301?
No, I have a few members from the BAT and GMT that raised their concern over this bubble. :P
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I Lol'd.
No, I'm not going to do so. There are hundreds of other maps with diffs not fully mapped so why picking on my map?

Graveyard go!
That's unfortunate. :/
It was just something that was raised recently, thus quite "newly" enforced. But if you really don't want to, then oh well.
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MaxwellDemon wrote:

That's unfortunate. :/
It was just something that was raised recently, thus quite "newly" enforced. But if you really don't want to, then oh well.
Sorry for your time wasted on this map, I really appreciate it.
I want to do what I want to do, not what others want me to do.
Well, if you can give one good reason to why Easy is half-mapped, then this is considered rankable... though, I, uh... have no idea what accounts for a good reason. :/

I'll ask that on your behalf, so, maybe this map won't have to go down to the graveyard then.
My message contains too few characters. Why did you even bother reading this? Stop highlighting the text. No. Stop it.

Download: Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief (Natteke desu) [Collab lol].osu
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Garven is awesome
Nice song.

Star. :)
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Awesome /o/
orz, irc mod
mod4mods with natteke are fun, orz
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I liked Lunatic the way it is, maybe you should change first post, cause it probably is seriously outdated ^_-.
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happy30 made lunatic for me but im away from my pc for a month.
i'll take a closer look when im back
La Cataline
So old and ugly. D:

Self-mods and some remappings.

Edit: Just noticed that Happy's diff goes further than ours. Shall we catch up or just stay put?

Download: Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief (Natteke) [Garven's Normal+].osu
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