
What if everyone but you is a robot?

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Hey, the names Trill, Trillion, Trilliono, oTrilliono, OoTrillionoO, or whatever concoction that beautiful mind of yours can come up with. I'm a 15 year old with a passion for whatever I'm using to pass the time. I've been playing Osu! for a bit under two weeks. Originally I used my mouse for about 4 days before trying to use my drawing tablet (A Wacom Intuos which I'd previously purchased to fuel my desire to go into 3D Graphic sculpting) For the next 6 days I've been playing using only my tablet, but just today found out you can use your keyboard alongside it. I've only tried using my keyboard for a few songs but have seen only improvement, so I'll probably be sticking with Keyboard + Tablet.(I went from an 86% to 97% on my first try using Keyboard + Tablet on a song)

I've always loved rhythmic things, at a young age I'd gone into drumming and have always loved using things such as dance machines. I hope we can get along well. I don't expect to use the forum all that often, but I expect to be on Osu! quite a bit. And yeah.... that's all I've got to say, I've got quite a boring life between school, work, and games. :D Once again, I hope we can get along swimmingly! :D
Welcome to osu! Trill~
Cerulean Veyron
Hello, Trillion! Welcome~ Your title got my attention c:
Welcome! Hope you have a good time.
Raisha Millenia
Welcome to osu!
Welcome to osssss!

hey my name is Mep, Meph, Mephi , or Mephisto just choose one
WelcOme to OoSsssss
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Thank you all for the warm welcoming :D
Welcome to the osu community, Trillion! :)

Enjoy your stay! :D
"What if everyone but you is a robot?" - good question indeed. Idk the answer.

Welcome to osu! Trill, have fun~
Welcome to oss
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