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Mystearica's User Page wrote:

Hi all,

Wondering why I have no new postings of maps? Well, I've decided to truly "retire" from that business. I have tried to commit to this numerous times to no avail in the past.

As such, please do not send me more requests for modding or mapping. I will not accept any request under any circumstance. If you would like to contact me, you can do so through MSN or email.

Needless to say it was fun, mapping and playing. Cheers to the many friends I have enjoyed conversing with, cheers to the new mappers and players that are surely to come. It was always my goal to achieve something, but I am honestly unsure if I have done that here. Perhaps I have succeeded in making a crappy name for myself? Well, if so then at least I have achieved something.

So you probably won't see me around much more. I will still log in once in a while to see some friends and you are always welcome to contact me then.

Merci tout le monde!
Alicia M.

유저 페이지

끊는다는 소리 같음
힝 스테리카가ㅜㅜ
어쩐지 새벽에 안보이더라 했어
1년간 재밌었는데
/me goes to MSN to connect with her lol.

접는다는건 맵핑을 말하는 거구
그냥 심심할 때 들어왔다 나가는 수준정도일 듯
Hurude Rika
그 사이에 쿠키님은 스테리카님을 훌쩍 넘어가심
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