
Poor Tengu

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사건의 전말은 모릅니다. -_-
쿠키지님이 텐구님의 본캐여서 잘린건지, 텐구님이 다른 어떤 아이디(쿠키지 제외)의 부캐여서 잘린건지 저도 몰라요.

17:59 <JarJarJacob> : "Retained account:"
17:59 <JarJarJacob> : What.
17:59 <strager> : no wonder Cookiez was so good =]
18:00 <strager> : Lybydose: First play zzzzzzzz
18:00 <strager> : today that is
18:00 <strager> : Found this map yesterday <3
18:01 <strager> : hmm what is this
18:01 *strager is listening to (IOSYS - Artificial Children)[]
18:01 <strager> : wtf
18:01 <strager> : that doesn't match the music
18:01 <strager> : that shit wasn't spaced right
18:01 <strager> : HOW THE win IS THIS RANKED
18:01 *Agent_Spin_Here is editing (Masashi Hamauzu - Showing Heart "Dance of the Cornered
18:02 <Agent_Spin_Here> : How did this win the contest
18:02 <Agent_Spin_Here> : seriously
18:02 <Agent_Spin_Here> : Were there really no good entries
18:02 <JarJarJacob> : Really that bad?
18:02 <Agent_Spin_Here> : it's pretty awful
18:02 *strager is playing (IOSYS - Artificial Children)[] [Lunatic]
18:02 <JarJarJacob> : Gens makes some pretty fun maps sometimes though...
18:02 <strager> : Sakura
18:02 <strager> : who is that
18:02 <JarJarJacob> : Hm, let's take a look.
18:03 <strager> : fuck this map it's horrible
18:03 <Greendam8> : ?
18:03 <strager> : Let's insert random patterns which look pretty but don't match shit in the music
18:04 <JarJarJacob> : Mash...
18:04 <BanchoBot> : (6-nylon)[] unlocked the "500 Combo (any song)" achievement!
18:04 <JarJarJacob> : This is a lot better than what I had done
18:04 <Agent_Spin_Here> : So?
18:04 <Agent_Spin_Here> : It's still shit#
18:04 <JarJarJacob> : No, not really.
18:04 <JarJarJacob> : It flows very well.
18:05 <Agent_Spin_Here> : the rhythms are awful
18:05 <JarJarJacob> : No they aren't.
18:05 <Agent_Spin_Here> : and the stacks are ew
18:05 <JarJarJacob> : Shitty ending though
18:06 <JarJarJacob> : Can't really blame him though.
18:06 <BanchoBot> : (mynameiseddy)[] unlocked the "S-Ranker" achievement!
18:06 <Vamp> : I don't like the song...*tumbleweed*
18:06 <JarJarJacob> : "x3ns0r 17.44"
18:06 <JarJarJacob> : Is it bad that I laughed?
18:09 <butter9546> : come
18:09 <strager> : wtf
18:09 <strager> : Agent_Spin_Here: Are you raging at this too
18:09 *strager is playing (Masashi Hamauzu - Showing Heart "Dance of the Cornered Rat")[] [Hard]
18:09 <strager> : Even mine was better
18:09 <Agent_Spin_Here> : Yeah
18:09 <Lybydose> : did you even submit a map strager?
18:09 <JarJarJacob> : Are you people doing this on purpose?
18:09 <JarJarJacob> : :(
18:10 <strager> : Lybydose: No, I just made an [Insane]
18:10 <strager> : which is easier than this [Hard] 'cus it actually matches music
18:10 <strager> : and wtf
18:10 <strager> : copypasta?!?
18:10 <strager> : D=
18:11 <Agent_Spin_Here> : I know right
18:11 <jericho2442> : first thing i see when i log on is rage, nice XD
18:11 <Agent_Spin_Here> : Copypasta isn't even suitable here
18:11 <strager> : lol why did I set OD10
18:11 *strager is playing Masashi Hamauzu - Showing Heart "Dance of the Cornered Rat" [strager's Intense]
18:11 <JarJarJacob> : silly strager
18:12 <BanchoBot> : (tomitake007)[] unlocked the "Catch 20,000 fruits" achievement!
18:12 <strager> : it's funner though
18:12 <Youmu_-_Konpaku> : hi strager
18:12 <strager> : hi person
18:13 <strager> : yeah OD8 works much better
18:13 <jericho2442> : OD8 is mostly the best one
18:13 <ykcarrot> : Hi strager
18:13 <strager> : Hi person
18:13 <ykcarrot> : Can I ask something?
18:13 <OH-SHI-> : What a terrible crash..
18:14 <ykcarrot> : Tengu's account is disappeared
18:14 <BanchoBot> : (Hatsune Miku - Triple Baka [Hard])[] has been played 60,000 times!
18:14 <ykcarrot> : Can you check it what is wrong? ;_;
18:14 <Tengu> : Hey, I'm glad has disappeared. Why do this?
18:14 <Tengu> : T_T
18:14 <strager> : ykcarrot: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=28462
18:15 <ykcarrot> : oh well. got it thanks.
18:15 <Tengu> : oh...
18:15 <strager> : He's banned
18:15 <strager> : Talk to peppy to repeal the ban
18:15 <Youmu_-_Konpaku> : strager show me your god knows
18:15 <strager> : Look on my profile
18:15 <strager> : durrr
18:16 <strager> : Uploading Agent_Spin_Here
18:16 <JarJarJacob> : Please don't upload him
18:16 <Tengu> : It's me and the others cookiezi
18:16 <strager> : But he fits through the tubes
18:16 <peppy> : not banned
18:16 <peppy> : deleted
18:16 *peppy renames thread
18:16 <JarJarJacob> : Speaking of which.
18:17 <JarJarJacob> : Mash, have you played GO!GO!MANIAC yet?
18:17 <strager> : well apparently Tengu's still here without a profile
18:17 <strager> : xD
18:17 <Lybydose> : which one?
18:17 <peppy> : !kick Tengu
18:17 <peppy> : they're what?
18:17 <Agent_Spin_Here> : Yes
18:17 <JarJarJacob> : Isn't it funny?
18:17 <strager> : Who?
18:18 <Agent_Spin_Here> : it's pretty bad
18:18 <JarJarJacob> : God, you people.
18:18 <strager> : inorite
18:18 <JarJarJacob> : These maps really aren't that bad.
18:18 <JarJarJacob> : Can't you complain about actually bad maps instead?
아 쿠키님 아이디삭제당함 ?

ㅡㅡ 페피왜이럼? 코리아유저 다 삭제하네 아오

민엽님 정보에 의하면
쿠키지님이 텐구님거로 잠깐 한 적 있다고 하는데
아무래도 그게 걸린것 같네요.
쿠키지님이 워낙 굇수니까 아마 일부 유저들이 !멀티 찍어보라고 건의한듯..? -_-
이전부터 쿠키 핵설은 조금씩 나돌고 있었고요

텡구님이 아직 알려지지 않은 이유로 인해 (소문에 의하면 랭노 부탁이라고 하더군요) 아이디를 쿠키님한테 잠시 양도하고

쿠키는 텡구로 접속해서 하루에 4억씩 찍고 그랬는데

그냥 조사차 운영진에서 쿠키 찍어봤는데 부계정이 꽤나 많은 수로 뜨면서

텡구도 같은 아이피로 접속된 부계정 중 하나로 취급되어 정지당한겁니다

피플님은 그렇다 쳐도 이번 건 사정설명하고 복귀시키도록 해야겠군요
이건 정말 어떻게 해야할지 ._.;;;;
페피한테 어떻게해서 쿠키지님이 탱구님 아이디를 쓰게 되었는지를 설명해도 결국 멀티계정을 쓴거나 다름없다고 할지도 모르니 섬뜻 뭐라하기도 뭐하네요;;; 그래도 일단 찔러보곤 봐야겠죠
ofc에서 글보고 처음에 쿠키=텐구 말이 잠깐 나돌고나서
텐구씨가 쿠키씨한테 랭킹좀뛰어달라던 내용을 뎃글다시고서 아니라는건 알게 되었는데
과연 페피가 이 사실을 믿어줄지가...
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인간님은 다소 억울하지만 이번일은 할말 없네요
벌써8달이나 됐네

Tengu wrote:

벌써8달이나 됐네

추억의 텡구

Tengu wrote:

벌써8달이나 됐네
Dark Layer
난 또

이 일이 또 일어난 줄 알아짜나... 갑자기 스레드가 올라와서 ㄷㄷ....
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