Welcome to osu!
I have no complaints about your timing at all. Every circle you place is on beat. The patterns are even beautiful to watch at Edit Mode. In other words, it's your first map and already you show the marks of a very good beatmapper.
how many difficulty versions of this map can you clear? I looked at your maps before you updated them, and Easy is better now, fortunately; I think I remember consecutive sliders starting at each corner of the grid! It's much better now, but the spinner at the end is rather long, you may want to shorten it a little.
Normal starts off good, but goes crazy after 01:28:25 or so and has some definite spacing issues, e.g. the diagonal combos starting at 00:43:25. The distance between the third circle of the green combo and the first one of the orange combo is too long for a player to make the jump on time, particularly considering this is a Normal difficulty beatmap. Also, the last two combos in that group (blue and red) have the 1-2 grid distance be double the 2-3 distance, even though the beats have the same distance between them on the timeline!
Hard is at least Insane (wtf @ red combo @ 00:14:54 that follows the percussion!).
Insane is...a whole new category of its own. Spinners on top of spinners on top of beats? I don't know how anyone could clear it as is, although our Hall of Famers never cease to amaze.
On one hand, I don't wish for modding to block or twist a beatmapper's creative ideas to conform to standards, especially since you appear to be a talented beatmapper right off the bat. As I said, your map sounds and looks nice on the Editor. On the other hand, most (almost all?) people will not be able to reproduce that result, especially in Hard and Insane. Of course, as difficulty goes up, a beatmap should become harder to clear, but I think this is a bit too much. I think your changelog reflects that, as almost all changes are about lowering difficulty.
So, here are my suggestions:
- The most important thing is to ensure a constant Beat Spacing on all your difficulties, as this will make them far easier to play as appropriate to their difficulty level. As a general, nebulous exception,
sometimes you might ignore beat spacing and place beats farther apart than they should in order to make an Insane map more challenging or to allow for a nice pattern, but even then it should be used sparingly.
- Normal has some Hard elements, particularly towards the end. You could try toning it down a little, or adapting it to make it the Hard version.
- Similarly, Hard is at least Insane! You could either tone it down and leave it as Hard, or make it your new Insane.
need to spend less time "postmapping". All this applied to the version you had before Kharl's initial comments (now edited due to your update - god, this beatmap is being modded/updated at the speed of light!)