
So, this is the introductions page...

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A Cynical Asian
OK, so apparently, this is where players introduce themselves...(?)

So yeah, I'm A Cynical Asian. If you think someone you know is salty, then I'm acidic.
Apparently, I'm the butt of a running gag started by my friends that I look like the supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un.

I mostly play console, but then I discovered this game, first as a buggy version on Android (osu!droid) and then on the PC.

I was pretty happy when I saw that my toaster of a desktop runs osu! just fine. Ironically, my Alienware 14 drops more frames than the desktop.

OK, so is this the relevant stuff or nah? Anyway, I'm happy to be able to be part of the osu! community. Hopefully, it's not like 4chan, where I can't post anything without feeling like I'll look like a newfag.
Raisha Millenia
Hello, Cynical Asian.
Welcome to osu! and the forums! Enjoy your stay~
hi my name is

Welcome to osu!.
Cerulean Veyron
Hello, A Cynical Asian! Welcome to oss! \:3/
That is indeed a introduction.
Welcome to osu! Have fun mate :)
Hello Cynical Asian :)

Welcome to osu! Have a great time, you can contact me anytime ingame if you wish :)


Gray Veyron wrote:

Hello, A Cynical Asian! Welcome to oss! \:3/
Haha so true^^
- Yuuto -
Welcome to the forums, a Cynical Asian :3
Hey I'm a Cynical Asian too! Welcome :3
Welcome to the forums =w=
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