
What is a burai slider?

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I almost feel like I should be afraid to ask this one, but I haven't been able to find the answer anywhere. What exactly is a burai slider? Could someone post pics of an example?
A slider overlapping itself by going straight back into the track from where he came. Sort of unrankable except if done in a not confusing and non ugly way. Extremely bad for easier difficulties. Example:

EDIT: But on rare occasions, burai slider can ALSO refer to multiple sliders changing their speeds very fast in a row, or one slider changing its velocity for no reason at all. But people don't refer to these sliders as burai sliders that often. Example: (Note the BPM sections!)
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Larto wrote:

A slider overlapping itself by going straight back into the track from where he came. Sort of unrankable except if done in a not confusing and non ugly way. Extremely bad for easier difficulties.
Ah, okay, I get it now. I'm working on my first beatmap so I wanted to make sure I didn't already have any of those by mistake. Thanks for your help!

Just saw your edit. Thanks for the additional info. ^^
To avoid Burai sliders or other unrankable sliders, simply keep your slider moving forward at a constant speed without it overlapping itself or other hit objects/sliders.

Do that without making the slider ugly and congrats, you have a rankable slider!
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