
Ryoko Shintani - Sekai de Ichiban Boku ga Suki! (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 2:32:29 PM

Artist: Ryoko Shintani
Title: Sekai de Ichiban Boku ga Suki! (TV Size)
Source: Damekko Doubutsu
Tags: animals opening op
BPM: 136
Filesize: 16520kb
Play Time: 01:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Useful (2.65 stars, 81 notes)
  2. Usefuller (4.52 stars, 115 notes)
  3. Usefullest (4.99 stars, 177 notes)
  4. Useless (1.18 stars, 56 notes)
Download: Ryoko Shintani - Sekai de Ichiban Boku ga Suki! (TV Size)
Download: Ryoko Shintani - Sekai de Ichiban Boku ga Suki! (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
3/31 - This is my first ever attempt at beatmapping! :D go easy on me. >.>; Before I add the next two difficulties, I wanted to make sure I was on the right track, so lemme know what you think!

- Made all of Sakura301's spacing changes in Useful, added a preview point, and made a few other minor tweaks along the way.
- Added background image, removed unnecessary tags, and snapped that one weird unsnapped note in Usefuller.
- Trying to add a higher quality video without subs and credits, but my editing software crapped out on me. :/
- Took eee's suggestions for Useful and Usefuller.
- ADDED USEFULLEST DIFFICULTY! I feel like it might be a little bit uh...over the top? At least in the beginning. After that I was pretty hard pressed to put in enough notes to prevent too much life drain. ^^;
- No sound effects in Usefullest yet, and Useful and Usefuller could probably use some tweaks.
- Made a small adjustment to the positioning of a few notes in Usefullest to make it less repetitive.
- Removed an extra .osb from the song folder.
- Made LKs' spacing tweaks in Usefuller, as well as a few other little spacing changes.
- Put in ALL the sound effects (hopefully) for Usefullest and did an almost total overhaul of the sound effects for Useful and Usefuller. I kinda feel bad now that I still haven't mapped Useless yet because that means I'm gonna have to do that entire map from scratch! >w<; Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get to play the game...
- Made a bunch of changes to the sound effects again, mostly volume this time.
- Incorporated most of Senbon's suggestions and removed that stupid extra .osb again!
- Realized how little I actually knew about what I was doing when I made Useful, so went back and made it all look nice and pretty.
- ADDED THE LONG AWAITED USELESS DIFFICULTY! C'mon, you know you've wanted it for a long time now.
- On top of that, I also put in the sound effects, so it's more or less finished.
- Finally replaced the existing video with a subless, creditless, higher quality version.

And with that, I think I'm ready to move this on over to Pending! x3

- Switched around a few notes in Useless.
- Incorporated some of Shulin's suggetions and made some of his fixes.
- Added opening and op tags.
- Removed the the tag "useless" because, as LoweH pointed out, that can already be found in the dificulty name. Heheh, jeez, this map pratically tags itself!
- Made Breeze's hitsound changes and adjusted the spacing on a note in Usefuller.
- Tried to get rid of that extra .osb AGAIN.
- Removed "anime" tag.
- Finally caved and upped the circle size in Usefullest.
- Made a minor positioning adjustment to some notes in Useful.
- Made one of roxkyuubiforever's slight note changes in Useful difficulty.
- Switched Preview Point to DJPop's suggestion as well as made a slight positioning adjustment to a note in Usefullest.
-Made wmfchris's symmetry adjustment in Usefullest.
The difficulty names are just hilarious XD love em

Dont forget to add a background and a preview point =P (and no, the video doesnt count)
00:14:588 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing
00:16:794 (6,7) - Spacing
00:18:558 (1) - Maybe cut by 2 white ticks? (Suggestion)
00:22:529 (2,3) - Spacing
00:26:058 (2) - Spacing
00:34:000 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing
00:39:073 (2) - Spacing and you can keep: 00:40:397 (1) - After the spacing fix, its a new combo so it counts as a jump even if small
00:43:264 (1) - Umm dunno if cutting this spinner will do, but i suggest you maybe replace it for a slider, or else you will have to cut it to: 00:44:147 to make sense with the song

Dont forget to add a background and a preview point =P (and no, the video doesnt count)
00:14:147 (8,2) - The repeat is hidden by the combo burst
00:16:573 (6) - Spacing
No other errors were found

Umm dunno how there are more spacing errors on Useful than Usefuller, anyways, if you want a re-mod send me a forum PM and i'll see what i can do about a star
Topic Starter

Sakura301 wrote:

The difficulty names are just hilarious XD love em Thanks. :3

Dont forget to add a background and a preview point =P (and no, the video doesnt count) Added a preview point, but what do you mean when you say to add a background but the video doesn't count?
00:14:588 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing Fixed
00:16:794 (6,7) - Spacing Fixed
00:18:558 (1) - Maybe cut by 2 white ticks? (Suggestion) I think I'll keep it as is. I don't want it to be too short for the difficulty. ^^;
00:22:529 (2,3) - Spacing Fixed
00:26:058 (2) - Spacing Fixed
00:34:000 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing Fixed
00:39:073 (2) - Spacing and you can keep: 00:40:397 (1) - After the spacing fix, its a new combo so it counts as a jump even if small Fixed, and decided to change the spacing for the new combo anyway. A little jump like that felt awkward.
00:43:264 (1) - Umm dunno if cutting this spinner will do, but i suggest you maybe replace it for a slider, or else you will have to cut it to: 00:44:147 to make sense with the song Hm...I brought it down by one white tick to go with the vocals better and leave more time for that next note, but I still think I wanna keep the spinner for now.

Dont forget to add a background and a preview point =P (and no, the video doesnt count)
00:14:147 (8,2) - The repeat is hidden by the combo burst Ooh, nice one, thank you! Fixed.
00:16:573 (6) - Spacing ?
No other errors were found

Umm dunno how there are more spacing errors on Useful than Usefuller, anyways, if you want a re-mod send me a forum PM and i'll see what i can do about a star
Whew! Thank you so much for your help! There are a bunch of reasons why Useful was probably worse than Usefuller...It was the first one I did, and I wasn't quite sure what I was doing yet. My grid was only at x2, and I didn't even start using distance snapping 'till the very end. I can't believe I forgot to go back and fix all those spacing issues...Anyway, by the time I moved on to Usefuller, I had pretty much figured it out. ;)
Ok remodding then
You can remove anything in tags that is already on any place in the other spaces (except for guest diff user names)
which means u can remove: damekko doubutsu (coz its in source) sekai de ichiban boku ga suki (coz its already in Title) Ryoko Shintani (coz its already in Artist)

You need a background, the background is used as a thumbnail for your song on the beatmap list and has become a requirement for ranking beatmaps.
No problems found this time, good job!

Again you need a background for the same reasons as in [Useful]
00:11:054 (1) - Object isnt snapped (make sure you snap this note well to the timeline, you may need to zoom in to notice it)

All minor stuff, so u get +Star
Topic Starter

Sakura301 wrote:

Ok remodding then
You can remove anything in tags that is already on any place in the other spaces (except for guest diff user names)
which means u can remove: damekko doubutsu (coz its in source) sekai de ichiban boku ga suki (coz its already in Title) Ryoko Shintani (coz its already in Artist) Ah, okay, thanks. I wasn't sure about that at first so I just included everything to be safe.

You need a background, the background is used as a thumbnail for your song on the beatmap list and has become a requirement for ranking beatmaps. Oh, I see, thanks for clearing that up for me. Background image added!
No problems found this time, good job!

Again you need a background for the same reasons as in [Useful]
00:11:054 (1) - Object isnt snapped (make sure you snap this note well to the timeline, you may need to zoom in to notice it) Hm, that's odd. Don't know how that happened, lol. Fixed.

All minor stuff, so u get +Star Yay, my first star ever! :D
Thank you so much for the re-mod!
eeemod GO!!!

01:11:941 (2) - Spacing messed me up here :(
01:17:455 (x) - No note/endpoint here for the "HEY!!!" :?:
that is all... very nice

00:27:823 (7) - one more reverse on this
01:00:470 (1) - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
that is all... again... very nice

This is VERY GOOD for a first map, good luck on getting this ranked.
Topic Starter

eee wrote:

eeemod GO!!!

01:11:941 (2) - Spacing messed me up here :( I was afraid of that when I first laid those notes, but I figured I'd just leave it be unless someone said something. Fixed~
01:17:455 (x) - No note/endpoint here for the "HEY!!!" :?: Something else I was thinking about but decided to ignore unless someone said something. Extra note added.
that is all... very nice

00:27:823 (7) - one more reverse on this Hm, I see what you're going for there. Okie doke, added.
01:00:470 (1) - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xD
that is all... again... very nice

This is VERY GOOD for a first map, good luck on getting this ranked. Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it!
Thanks for the mod, eee! :)
uesless .osb . remove

[00:46:352] why not set preview point here?


[00:53:41] no whistle here


[00:58:70] move 1 grid up
[01:14:58] 1 grid left?



fun map

Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

uesless .osb . remove Hahah...useless .osb. :roll: Removed~

[00:46:352] why not set preview point here? Feels a little too close to the end for me. :/


[00:53:41] no whistle here Mmm, I actually think I like it there, sorry. ^^;


[00:58:70] move 1 grid up Ah, I see. Makes it look a little more even, thanks. :) Fixed.
[01:14:58] 1 grid left? I don't know how you spot little things like that. x3 Fixed.



fun map

Thanks for your help! :D
Feel free to take or leave any suggestions. :D


You have two .osbs. Delete them and full submit. Capitalize edit on (TV edit) and full submit.


00:39:073 (2) - Align the ends together.
00:42:161 (3) - New combo.
01:05:985 (6) - Align more diagonally with (5).


00:14:147 (8) - New combo.
00:17:897 (x) - Add note.
00:37:088 (5) - Finish on beginning.
00:41:720 (5) - Whistle.


00:11:941 (5) - New combo.
00:12:823 (6) - ^
00:17:897 (7) - Finish.
00:22:529 (5) - New combo.
00:23:411 (5) - ^
00:40:397 (6) - ^
01:04:882 (6) - ^
Topic Starter

Senbon wrote:

Feel free to take or leave any suggestions. :D


You have two .osbs. Delete them and full submit. Ah, my bad. I did delete it before, but I didn't know I had to do a full submit. Thanks, and fixed~ Capitalize edit on (TV edit) and full submit. Fixed.


00:39:073 (2) - Align the ends together. Done.
00:42:161 (3) - New combo. I would, but it's in the same phrase of the music as the end of 00:40:838 (2) so it doesn't feel quite right to me, sorry. :/
01:05:985 (6) - Align more diagonally with (5). I wasn't even thinking of that when I made it, but I like it, thanks! Changed.


00:14:147 (8) - New combo. Done.
00:17:897 (x) - Add note. Felt a little out of place, so it's still out for now, sorry. ^^;
00:37:088 (5) - Finish on beginning. Mm...I do kinda want one at 00:37:308, but there's no note there, and 00:37:088 feels a little too early.
00:41:720 (5) - Whistle. Added.


00:11:941 (5) - New combo.
00:12:823 (6) - ^
00:17:897 (7) - Finish.
00:22:529 (5) - New combo.
00:23:411 (5) - ^
00:40:397 (6) - ^
01:04:882 (6) - ^
Did most of those. ;D
Thanks for your suggestions, Senbon! :D
Requested mod session go~... And fails :D
Really good for the first beatmap, just can't find something wrong
Topic Starter

Thunderstorm wrote:

Requested mod session go~... And fails :D
Really good for the first beatmap, just can't find something wrong
Oh...well...thank you for your failure! xD But really, I appreciate you taking the time to look at it anyway, thanks. :3

-- This should be TV Size instead of TV Edit?
-- Remove "anime" tag.
-- Try and make break time the same on all difficulties to give your mapset structure.


00:18:669 (1) - Same thing I said about this spinner on [Useful]
00:51:647 (3,4) - Use a slider here.
01:05:764 (3,4) - Use a slider to make the rhythm easier.


00:18:558 (1) - Why a spinner here when there is a break on other difficulties?
00:40:617 (x) - Note
00:42:382 (x) - ^
00:43:264 (1) - Move back to the red tick.


-- I don't this is a word either.

00:15:249 (x) - Note?
00:42:161 (6) - Remove finish. (Whistle might be better alternative)
00:42:602 (8) - ^



-- I don't think that's a word is it?
-- + 1 circle size please, small circles aren't very popular.

00:27:713 (4,5,6) - Sliders here would make this a whole lot easier to play.
00:39:624 (4) - Move to white tick (00:39:735). Add clap, remove finish.
00:41:389 (3) - Move to white tick (00:41:499). Add clap, remove finish.
00:50:544 (x) - Note?
01:07:088 (1,2) - Change to "soft" hitsounds. Add clap to 01:07:088 (1) -

Good overall.
~ Star
Topic Starter

Shulin wrote:


-- This should be TV Size instead of TV Edit? Looks like it's more popular to say Size instead of Edit, so yup, I'll change it!
-- Remove "anime" tag. Why? ^^;
-- Try and make break time the same on all difficulties to give your mapset structure. I get what you mean about giving it structure, but I still think it works pretty well anyway. The easier difficulties match and the harder difficulties match. I feel like I'd be dragging down the hard ones or pulling up the easy ones by making them all totally consistent. ^^; The extra spinners in the easier diffs also add more chance for score variation for the extra intense players. ;D


00:18:669 (1) - Same thing I said about this spinner on [Useful]
00:51:647 (3,4) - Use a slider here. I was hoping to break up the repetitiveness of the same pattern over and over again, but I was worried that I might throw people off. Guess I'll change it, then. Thanks. :)
01:05:764 (3,4) - Use a slider to make the rhythm easier. Same as above, fixed.


00:18:558 (1) - Why a spinner here when there is a break on other difficulties?
00:40:617 (x) - Note Including this and the next note at 00:42:382 felt like to many notes for this difficulty, and even makes it a bit more challenging than Usefuller since that uses sliders here.
00:42:382 (x) - ^
00:43:264 (1) - Move back to the red tick. Fixed.


-- I don't this is a word either. Heheh, I know they're not words, I'm just making a joke.

00:15:249 (x) - Note? Mm...I dunno...I keep playing through it over and over again, and it just feels a little out of place to me. Like, I know it fits with the beat, but it just seems like too many notes for that part.
00:42:161 (6) - Remove finish. (Whistle might be better alternative) The finishes are supposed to signify that the song is about to intensify again. >:3 Plus, though I did like the whistle, they were kind of lost in all the whistles around it so the notes stopped sounding special at all. :(
00:42:602 (8) - ^



-- I don't think that's a word is it?
-- + 1 circle size please, small circles aren't very popular. They may not be popular, but I've definitely seen them around enough. The problem with the next size up is that it causes certain parts (especially the beginning) to be too cluttered. :< Besides, this difficulty is supposed to be INTENSE! and I'm not even using the smallest size. ^^;

00:27:713 (4,5,6) - Sliders here would make this a whole lot easier to play. Mm, I didn't have a problem with it. ^^; It's not so bad if you use two fingers. :3
00:39:624 (4) - Move to white tick (00:39:735). Add clap, remove finish. This actually matches up with the bass line, so moving it would put it out of place. I also don't like the sound of the clap. :/
00:41:389 (3) - Move to white tick (00:41:499). Add clap, remove finish. Same as above.
00:50:544 (x) - Note? Uwah, sorry, but a big no to this one. >.< Not only is there nothing in the song for it to match up with, but that's just too many notes, even for this difficulty! D:
01:07:088 (1,2) - Change to "soft" hitsounds. Add clap to 01:07:088 (1) - Reeeally not a fan of the soft clap, sorry. ^^; Though you did give me the idea to tweak the volume a little bit on (1). I made it quieter so the finish on (2) stands out more. :)

Good overall.
~ Star
Sorry I didn't take many of your suggestions, but I really appreciate you taking the time to help me anyway. ^^ If I get any other comments about those things in the future I'll be sure to give them a second thought. :)

Remove TAG useless on song setup, you already have in difficulty

00:54:294 (1) - Remove new combo here

00:40:617 - Add a beat here (?)
00:42:382 - Add a beat here (?)
01:05:764 (5) - New combo here

It's fine ~

00:45:470 (3) - Add hitsound whistle (?)

Topic Starter

LoweH wrote:

Hai Hello. :3

Remove TAG useless on song setup, you already have in difficulty Oh, you're right! I had left that in the tags because it's part of the translation of the title. I hadn't thought of the difficulty name, thanks. :)

00:54:294 (1) - Remove new combo here I admit it might seem a little odd, but it's supposed to set aside 00:53:411 (1) as a special cymbal crash instead of just the first note in a new combo.

00:40:617 - Add a beat here (?) Second person in a row to tell me this and 00:42:382! D: Sorry, I'm still really not so sure I like this. :( This difficulty is supposed to be pretty easy, and I don't want there to be too many notes. Plus I still feel like it works well as-is.
00:42:382 - Add a beat here (?)
01:05:764 (5) - New combo here I don't wanna do that because it's all in the same phrase of the music.

It's fine ~ Thanks. :3

00:45:470 (3) - Add hitsound whistle (?) All the other difficulties have a beat there but no whistle on it, so I think I should leave it out of this one as well for consistency. ^^;

Thanks so much for your mod, LoweH. :) Sorry it took me so long to get to it, but y'know, school and all. :/ Also, sorry I didn't take many of your suggestions either...Perhaps I should be a bit less stubborn in changing my map? :<
  1. I got 2 osb.file in you song folder, both of them are useless, please delete them then do a full-submit
  2. Please remove anime opening op in tags since they contains too much
  1. 00:39:294 (1) - Add finish
  2. 00:41:058 (1) - ^
  1. 00:20:764 (S) - Spinner ends here sounds, emm, werid, maybe lower hitsound a bit?
  2. 00:35:764 (1,3) - No whistle, use finish instead
  1. 00:42:161 (6,8) - No finish
  2. 01:09:735 (3) - Sapcing too close, anyway, played well
  1. Hircircle Size 1 more larger better, no one like small note :o
Others are all fine
First map? That's amazing, good job!
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

  1. I got 2 osb.file in you song folder, both of them are useless, please delete them then do a full-submit Agh, how does this thing keep finding its way back in! DX Fixed, hopefully~
  2. Please remove anime opening op in tags since they contains too much But then my map would only come up if someone was searching for it, specifically. I'd want them to find it if they were just searching for anime in general, wouldn't I? ^^;
  1. 00:39:294 (1) - Add finish I like it, thanks. Added. ^^
  2. 00:41:058 (1) - ^ Also added.
  1. 00:20:764 (S) - Spinner ends here sounds, emm, werid, maybe lower hitsound a bit? Ends in the same spot as the spinner in Useless, actually. ^^; Changed the hitsound to a finish to match, though.
  2. 00:35:764 (1,3) - No whistle, use finish instead Ooh, good call. It matches all the other diffs better that way. :D Fixed.
  1. 00:42:161 (6,8) - No finish Hm, okay. Second person to say this. I changed 'em to whistles.
  2. 01:09:735 (3) - Sapcing too close, anyway, played well Hm, that's odd. I don't know how that slipped by! I flipped (3) and (4) here, so that should fix the spacing problem. :)
  1. Hircircle Size 1 more larger better, no one like small note :o You're the second person to say this too! >.< But I'm really not so sure about this. The larger circles make the beginning way too cluttered, and like I said to the last person, they may not be popular, but I've seen them around enough, and this difficulty is supposed to be HARD! ^.^ And besides, they aren't the smallest size, right? :roll:
Others are all fine
First map? That's amazing, good job! Thank you! :D
Thanks a ton for the mod, Breeze! And a kudosu star too? :O Thank you so much! >w< I promise I'll make this map worth it!
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Are breaks necessary? Delete them and add some circles/sliders/spinners
    • Add kiai


  • • You might want to consider bringing down the slider velocity a bit. Might be a bit too fast for beginners.
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Are breaks necessary? Delete them and add some circles/sliders/spinners The parts where I added breaks are pretty boring parts of the song, so there aren't many opportunities for notes. The breaks in the beginning are especially necessary in the harder difficulties since they start off so crazy. ^^; But in the easier diffs, I actually do have spinners instead of breaks already. ;)
    • Add kiai I was thinking about it, but I don't really feel like there's a good place for it since the song is so short and there isn't really any one place that stands out too much, sorry.


  • • You might want to consider bringing down the slider velocity a bit. Might be a bit too fast for beginners. Hmm, that is a good point...My only concern about that is that it would then change the spacing of every single beat, as well as change the length of the sliders, changing the spacing even more. I wish I had thought of it sooner, but this deep into the mapping it doesn't feel like a good idea. :(
Thank you for the mod, xxheroxx. :)
We meet again
Red = Major issue, you should fix this
Purple = Issue, It's better if you fix this, and can sometimes pass if justified
Blue = Minor issue, you can ignore if you dont want to change
Green = Feedback / Comments
Black = Suggestion
Remove anime from tags since it will be added as genre when it gets ranked
Sine this is your first beatmap i wonder if you've ever heard of kiai time? it makes a star fountain appear when it begins and all notes start flashing to the beat, it's used for emphasizing a part of the song like chorus, if you have heard of kiai and just dont like using it, dont think it would look good here then just ignore this comment:
00:46:352 - This would be a good place to start kiai time.
And all mappers should learn from you, you being your first map and you managed to map 4 full difficulties that are coherent in start/end times, while people tend to make easier diffs end halfway and makes you go "wah? where's the rest?" or just get 4-5 guest diffs to complete their beatmap sets

00:36:647 (2,3) - 1.5 beat distance may be confusing for newbies, try turning this into a slider instead
00:57:382 (X) - Add a note
00:58:264 (X) - Add a note
01:01:794 (X) - Add a note
Note: Was reading through previous mods on this, one thing, you shouldnt need to worry about having too many notes on the easiest diff, just about not having them on upbeat and offbeat ticks too often and always having multiples of 1/1 ticks of distance between notes, which means if you think you SHOULD have a note in a shorter distance just use a slider that ends there, easier for newbies to read.

Looks fine to me.

[Usefuller] Nice diff name choice... LOL
Looks fine to me.

[Usefullest] Another wierd but funny diff name
Circle size +1 (that means bigger) Small hitcircles are long gone, no one uses them anymore and they annoy any person that plays the map

Umm i notice you have been working on it pretty well, keep up the good work, Good Luck!~
Hey uhh I can't find anything wrong with this one! i hope you get ranked!
Topic Starter

Sakura301 wrote:

We meet again Heheh, yes we do, thanks for coming back. :)
Red = Major issue, you should fix this
Purple = Issue, It's better if you fix this, and can sometimes pass if justified
Blue = Minor issue, you can ignore if you dont want to change
Green = Feedback / Comments
Black = Suggestion
Remove anime from tags since it will be added as genre when it gets ranked Heheh, wheh it gets ranked? Okay, removed.
Sine this is your first beatmap i wonder if you've ever heard of kiai time? it makes a star fountain appear when it begins and all notes start flashing to the beat, it's used for emphasizing a part of the song like chorus, if you have heard of kiai and just dont like using it, dont think it would look good here then just ignore this comment: Actually yes, I have heard of it. ^^ I was thinking about using it, and I do like the time you chose, but as much as I'm tempted by all the pretty lights...I don't feel like it's necessary in this song.
00:46:352 - This would be a good place to start kiai time. ^
And all mappers should learn from you, you being your first map and you managed to map 4 full difficulties that are coherent in start/end times, while people tend to make easier diffs end halfway and makes you go "wah? where's the rest?" or just get 4-5 guest diffs to complete their beatmap sets Oh wow...thank you so much! That's really nice of you to say that! >.<

00:36:647 (2,3) - 1.5 beat distance may be confusing for newbies, try turning this into a slider instead I agree that it may be a little tough for newbies, but I really feel like it fits well with the flow of the music, and 00:33:999 (1,2) also have the 1.5 beat distance already, which should hopefully tip them off to these notes here. Any other 1.5's are pretty separate from one another so they can't provide that hint like that, so they've already been turned into sliders. :)
00:57:382 (X) - Add a note Ah, sorry, I can't put these in. :( Adding these three notes would make this part of the map identical to the Useful difficulty.
00:58:264 (X) - Add a note ^
01:01:794 (X) - Add a note ^
Note: Was reading through previous mods on this, one thing, you shouldnt need to worry about having too many notes on the easiest diff, just about not having them on upbeat and offbeat ticks too often and always having multiples of 1/1 ticks of distance between notes, which means if you think you SHOULD have a note in a shorter distance just use a slider that ends there, easier for newbies to read. Thanks for taking all that time to go through the other posts! I'll keep this in mind in the future. :D

Looks fine to me.

[Usefuller] Nice diff name choice... LOL
Looks fine to me.

[Usefullest] Another wierd but funny diff name
Circle size +1 (that means bigger) Small hitcircles are long gone, no one uses them anymore and they annoy any person that plays the map Waaah oh fine, you guys win, I'll change them...Farewell, my beloved small circles. ;_;

Umm i notice you have been working on it pretty well, keep up the good work, Good Luck!~ Thanks for noticing. :3 And thanks for your support!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you modding my map a THIRD time! Thank you very much, Sakura!
Topic Starter

devondevondevon wrote:

Hey uhh I can't find anything wrong with this one! i hope you get ranked!
DEVONDEVONDEVON! Thank you very much! I'm glad you like the map. :)
And with that, i now deem this map of good quality, take my Pink Star
Kawainess Seizure <3

00:36:647(2,3) - The whole song flows really nicely except these two notes. A newbie player may think that the (3) ends at 00:37:529 (White tick). It's not wrong, but it's just to prevent. So could you please make a slider at 00:36:647 and end it at 00:37:308?

00:38:632(1) - Maybe move it 1/2 foward? (00:38:852) Sounds better~
00:40:397(1) - ^ (00:40:617)


Sorry, I suck at modding Insanes so I won't even try >_>

It's pretty nice map and this song is so cute~~

Topic Starter

Sakura301 wrote:

And with that, i now deem this map of good quality, take my Pink Star
P-Pink star? I will very happily accept it, thank you! :D
Topic Starter

roxkyuubiforever wrote:

Kawainess Seizure <3 I know, right? x3

00:36:647(2,3) - The whole song flows really nicely except these two notes. A newbie player may think that the (3) ends at 00:37:529 (White tick). It's not wrong, but it's just to prevent. So could you please make a slider at 00:36:647 and end it at 00:37:308? We already talked about this a bunch in the chat so I won't write it all out again. |3 I think since I'm so on the fence about this, I'll say three's the magic number, like I did for circle size. I'd like it to stay as it is, but if a third person comments on it then I'll definitely change it. :)

00:38:632(1) - Maybe move it 1/2 foward? (00:38:852) Sounds better~ Hm, actually, I don't like this one...
00:40:397(1) - ^ (00:40:617) ...but I DO like this one! Changed.


Sorry, I suck at modding Insanes so I won't even try >_> Heheh, that's alright, don't worry about it.

It's pretty nice map and this song is so cute~~ Thank you~ :3

Thanks for the mod, roxkyuubiforever. :D And double thanks for all the help last night!
Why you named the difficulties 'useful, useless' ?

Set preview point to 11,058 or 46,352 (choose one).

00:17:235 (4) - add hitfinish at start
00:18:558 (1) - end on left red tick
00:27:823 (4) - add hitfinish at start

00:17:235 (7) - add hitfinish at start
00:18:558 (1) - end on left red tick
00:27:823 (4) - add hitfinish at start


00:36:647 (3,4) - move down 1 grid (Lv3)
00:53:852 (1) - move up 1 grid (Lv3)

Good song, good map :D
As your request. Sorry for the delay.

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. Oh, the filesize is quite big. Consider compressing the video?
2. Good song anyway.
3. Add a kiai time from 00:46:352 until 01:17:455.

Oh, I found some little jumps @@~

Yeah nice.

00:27:823 (7) - Let's make it a little neater. Move one tiny grid left.

00:39:624 (4) - Sounds weird. Move forward one 1/4 tick.
00:41:389 (3) - ^
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

Why you named the difficulties 'useful, useless' ? The title of the show the song is from means "useless animals." It's a show all about these these animals that are well, useless, and they live useless lives together in the useless forest in a strange depressing happiness. :3

Set preview point to 11,058 or 46,352 (choose one). You're the second person to say 46,352, and I was thinking maybe my preview point wasn't the best yeah, I'll change it to that. ^^

00:17:235 (4) - add hitfinish at start There's already a finish on the end, so I don't feel like this is necessary.
00:18:558 (1) - end on left red tick Mm, sorry, I like it here. :(
00:27:823 (4) - add hitfinish at start Combined with the actual song and the next finish at the end of this slider, it just sounds like too many cymbal crashes at once. @_@

00:17:235 (7) - add hitfinish at start These are all the same as in Useless, so same reasons, sorry. :(
00:18:558 (1) - end on left red tick ^
00:27:823 (4) - add hitfinish at start ^


00:36:647 (3,4) - move down 1 grid (Lv3) Ah, I see what you mean, but I think it's fine as it is.
00:53:852 (1) - move up 1 grid (Lv3) That one's tricky because (2) snaps in the same place whether I move (1) or not, but moving (1) does make it more even with how (3) snapped, so then~ fixed.

Good song, good map :D
Awesomeness. Thank you for the mod, DJPop. ;D
Topic Starter

VanMoNky wrote:

As your request. Sorry for the delay. No problem at all, thanks for modding. :)

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. Oh, the filesize is quite big. Consider compressing the video? Yeah, it's a fairly large file, I know, but it's pretty well under the 20mb limit, so it's all good~
2. Good song anyway. Thank you. :3
3. Add a kiai time from 00:46:352 until 01:17:455. I've already discussed kiai time a little bit in the past, and I just don't feel like it works out too well in this song. ^^; 00:46:352 would definitely be the time to start it, but it seems like the only option is, like you put, to make it last untill the end of the song, and I don't want to make nearly half the song in kiai time! D:

Oh, I found some little jumps @@~ Yeeaaah...There are some little jumps, but I promise they're only very little. ^.^

Yeah nice.

00:27:823 (7) - Let's make it a little neater. Move one tiny grid left. Ah, sorry. I think it looks better with the (7) continuing the curve.

00:39:624 (4) - Sounds weird. Move forward one 1/4 tick. These have been mentioned before, but as they are now, they actually match up with the baseline. Also, weird? I like the way it sounds. :<
00:41:389 (3) - ^ ^
Ahh, sorry I couldn't use any of it, but thanks anyway for taking the time to mod. I really appreciate it! ^^
Offset : -4ms

That's all.

0:12:933 (2) spacing,+1 grid
0:25:617 (3) ^
0:36:647 (3) Suggestion: left 0.5 grid?
0:49:882 (2,4,5,7) spacing +1 grid
1:07:920 (1) left 1 grid (symmety)

0:42:602 (8) up 1 grid

0:40:838 (2) spacing +1 grid
1:13:044 (4) ^

Topic Starter

Kecco wrote:

Offset : -4ms

That's all.

Mm, sorry, I'm pretty sure the offset is correct. If it was off, I'm think someone else would have pointed it out by now. ^^; Thank you anyway, though. :)
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

0:12:933 (2) spacing,+1 grid
0:25:617 (3) ^
0:36:647 (3) Suggestion: left 0.5 grid?
0:49:882 (2,4,5,7) spacing +1 grid
1:07:920 (1) left 1 grid (symmety) Fixed. :)

0:42:602 (8) up 1 grid

0:40:838 (2) spacing +1 grid
1:13:044 (4) ^

Um, sorry, but I didn't really understand why you wanted me to make most of those changes. ^^; Other than the one I fixed, everything seemed okay with the rest. Thank you for your help, though! :)
AdRon Zh3Ro
[:]You can change
[>>]You need to change

:Reduce OD to 5.

Nothing more to add...
Topic Starter

adron zhero wrote:

[:]You can change
[>>]You need to change

:Reduce OD to 5.

Nothing more to add...
Mm, sorry, I think that's fine as it is. Thank you anyway for the mod! :)



01:02:235 (7) - add new combo
01:03:558 (1) - remove new combo
01:03:999 (2) - add new combo
01:05:764 (9) - add new combo

- Why does the difficulty has "Use" in common?
- 00:46:352 Kiai?

00:18:558 (1) - No Finish
00:37:308 (3) - ^
00:27:823 (4) - Finish in Start, no hitsound on the last
00:42:382 (3) - No Whistle
01:13:264 (4) - ^
01:05:764 (3) - Whistle
01:08:411 (1) - Clap

00:40:838 (2) - No whistle in start
00:47:676 (2) - Clap
00:49:882 (1,3) - ^
01:00:470 (1) - No Finish in the end
01:07:970 (1) - Whistle
01:13:044 (4) - No Clap
01:13:705 (6) - Finish

00:18:117 (b) - Add a Spinner or something, since useless or useful does.
00:24:735 (1) - IMO, this should go to 00:24:680, but it sounds weird..
00:27:823 (7) - Finish in start
00:40:397 (3) - New combo
00:42:161 (4,5,6) - Make a better line
00:42:823 (1) - No Finish, end at 00:44:367
00:54:294 (2) - No Clap

00:14:147 (x) - Add note?
00:18:117 (b) - Same with Usefuller

Topic Starter

dksslqj wrote:




01:02:235 (7) - add new combo
01:03:558 (1) - remove new combo
01:03:999 (2) - add new combo
01:05:764 (9) - add new combo
Sorry it took me so long to reply, I was away for a little while. @_@ Also really sorry you had to wait so long to hear this: I think the combos fit better the way they are now. ^^; Thank you anyway for the mod. :3
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