Please disable "Letterbox in Breaks" in ALL diffs, so your BG don't get cutted off >< and, about BG, your current one don't fit. Better an 1366x768 JPG image. Some suggestions: (Get the "BG number..." link where an 1366x768 image awaits for you. The "From" addresses are their respective sources.
BG number one - From
http://www.zerochan.net/1077594#full (Resized version:
BG number two - From
http://wallpaperscraft.com/download/hat ... /3840x2160 >
BG number three - From
http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/hatsune-mik ... miku-photo>
BG number four - From
http://www.wallpaperup.com/70383/dinahf ... aloid.htmlWell, you are free to choose one for all diffs, or apply one for each diff, or whatever...
took the first, awesome [Lunaticy]
♥ Very impressive, lots of creativity and surprising moments ^.^ Hope
lewa-chan and WWW like it so tight ~.~
02:37:096 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - This is very very very linear compared to overall flow on map >< and how to arrange these seven notes in a fancier/better way??? Hm... I can remember that Gonz map (the part 03:08:721 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - at diff [o3o] at mapset
Nicki Minaj - Super Bass (
picture here) has 9 notes, but pattern can be adapted to fit to 7 notes, so you can get one of the versions below:
- Version 1 : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/2563727 - like 'original', or
- Version 2 : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/2563747 - a bit twisted by inverting (6,2) from the Version 1, or
- Version 3 : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/2563753 - more twisted by V-flipping the triangle (2,4,6) and adjusting position of notes (3) and (5), keeping them mirrored.
the third pattern feels very nice! taken!02:38:835 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern, in flow, is better than the last 7 notes (on your original mapping), however the seventh note (7) feels a bit apart of it >< (just a feeling ><)
I am not sure about this^^ just wait for more mods maybe it will get mentioned again^^[Hard]
01:35:357 (4) - Please end the slider tail on 01:35:792 -
01:38:401 - Map this part too.
done both, dunnowhatthissliderwasaboutiguesshewantedattentionorsomethingo.o* In general, the Hard diff feels needing a bit more work... well, just a bit in some little parts, mostly the ones after 02:09:270 -
mhm i dont exactly know now what kind of work, the rythm placement or what in particular? [Normal]
02:37:096 (1,2) - Please stack their tails at their respective nearest white lines. (curiously, I got noticed by the slider tick near their tails like this pic >
http://puu.sh/eJGw1/b99041eae2.jpg )
02:40:574 (1,2) - ^
loltheseattentionneedingslidersagaino.o thanks^^ fixed it[Easy]
♥ 03:01:444 (1) - Needs some nazi-polishing, but it's very good (the pattern's soul feels very good *o* ) (:
glad you like it^^ in my eyes it is symmetrically D: i hope it is otherwise i need glasses!