
That fella over there

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*A wild Kempsi appears.* Challenger uses "stream".
It was super effective.

Hey fellow osu staff and members alike, it's come to my attention that this games works like crack and I'm apparently an easy addict.
Been playing constantly for about 2 weeks now not counting the days I was sick and god damn is it fun. Always had a thing for music but I feel like I don't have time to waste on purely listening, I always have to fiddle with something else.
Being very competitive and listening to music at the same time was a no-brainer for me and I don't think I'm leaving anytime soon. Wanna have a game just add me and i'll text you when I get online next time. peace.
Ay welcome to osu! and the community Kempsi \:D/
Raisha Millenia
Hi Kempsi, welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
Welcome to the forums :3 Hope you enjoy it here~
Welcome to the forums m7
- Yuuto -
Welcome to the forums~
Welcome to the forums. Don't die.

GSG95 wrote:

Welcome to the forums. Don't die.
You can't tell him what to do.

Anyway, welcome!
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