About the limit on the number of times you get an abortion, it's a bit tricky. Females who work as a prostitute for a living may have to resort to multiple abortions within a small timeframe. Considering the situation, many can't afford to raise a child. Yes they could use condoms, but most likely their clients would prefer going without it. The prostitutes could use birth control pills, but there's probably a slim chance of pregnancy.
On the other hand some prostitutes who has sex with every guy possible just for pleasure and money and has no problems with finances or medical issues is something else. Those type of people should be denied getting too many abortions. It's like getting banned in a game, you won't be able to play it until the ban gets lifted. When I said, "For the females that use abortion as some sort of "birth control", that's something unacceptable," I meant these type of people. However this restriction can cause other issues (ex. child abuse). Getting consistent abortions compared to child abuse is much better. It might leave an awful aftertaste knowing that some women are abusing abortions just because they can, but it's better than abusing a child.