
Multiple Background Layers With Parallax/Depth

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +4
Topic Starter
Random Rambling
I actually thought of making a feature request for this a bit after the triangles were implemented, but never got around to it.
Then I saw the xmas background also having a depth/weight value (not sure how this is coded, but I'll go with depth for now).
Which is pretty much half of what I was going to make the feature request about.

Feature Request
My suggestion/request is as following;

Allow multiple background layers (.png for transparancy) to be used in a skin.
Additionally, allow for control over the layer(s) in the skin.ini.

As I said previously, I have no idea how this is coded and if it uses a weightage or depth system, but going with depth...
Assuming the camera is looking toward -X, it right now it would look somewhat like this;

  • Camera:
    X 500
    Y 0
    Z 0

    Osu! Cookie:
    X 250
    Y 0
    Z 0

    X 0
    Y 0
    Z 0

    X -250
    Y 0
    Z 0
Now what I would like is something like this:

  • Camera:
    X 500
    Y 0
    Z 0

    Osu! Cookie:
    X 250
    Y 0
    Z 0

    X 0
    Y 0
    Z 0

    Background Layer 1:
    X -250
    Y 50
    Z 50

    Background Layer 2
    X -320
    Y 0
    Z 100
Basically allow the user to control the XYZ co-ordinates of one, or multiple layers of the background.
Or if it's a weight system allow users to define the weight of the background layer(s) (together with an offset for positioning?).
This would all be definited by a few lines in the skin.ini

I think some really cool skinning-related stuff could be done with this.
And while background skinning is supporter only,
it would allow people that don't have supporter to enable/disable/tweak the 'movement' effect to their desire.

After Word
I may or may not try to make a video demonstrating this.
(Though if that happens it will be a replication of the osu! menu, not edited footage of the actual game.)
If that does happen I'll update the post with it.
EDIT: Video demonstration added.
Edit 2: Replaced the Video Demonstration with an every so slightly better one (in termls of demonstration purposes).

But for now, that's about it.
- Marco -
Cool! <3
Ayy Lmao. Yes.
Although the parallax effect on osu! is a new thing, multiple layers will make osu! looked like 3D

it would allow people that don't have supporter to enable/disable/tweak the 'movement' effect to their desire.
btw, nice video xD
Topic Starter

marcostudios wrote:

Cool! <3
I guess? hehe

Fr33z3R wrote:

Ayy Lmao. Yes.

chong601 wrote:

Although the parallax effect on osu! is a new thing, multiple layers will make osu! looked like 3D
Well, depending on how one uses it, it can.
That being said though, the video example I made was literally 2d layers in 3d space, and in-game it doesn't work that way.
So I'm pretty sure it uses a weight system, which doesn't skew the 2d layers.
I guess I could have replicated a weight movement system, though it would have been a pain in the ass.

chong601 wrote:

it would allow people that don't have supporter to enable/disable/tweak the 'movement' effect to their desire.
Yup, this might even be a bigger deal than the multiple layers when it comes to the request itself. But ohwell.

chong601 wrote:

btw, nice video xD
Lol. No comment :p
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