
Question about any way to interact with Osu!

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Does anyone know a way to get the currently playing item in Osu?
I guess i could go by the WindowTitle but that is unreliable and also misses the MapID etc.
So does anyone know a better way?
Is there any interface, or is in any database file of Osu the currently playing song listed which I could then parse of it?
I don't know if these integrations are still working.
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Nathanael wrote:

I don't know if these integrations are still working.

Ye me neither, I'm also unsure how to intercept them, e.g how to get between WLM/Yahoo and Osu and "catch" the data beeing send.. (Never worked with Yahoo/WLM status and I'm completely in the blind at how they communicate)

I saw a post of a guy who made osu!np but he seems to be gone and his downloads as well.

Edit: Seems like they use PostMessage, never was very clever when it comes to that kinda stuff, also kinda doubt you can intercept that.
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This uses the MSN Live Status integration, you might want to ask Piotrekol if you need help t/209616
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