
syrent tune HD/SD[STD,Taiko,CTB,Mania] update 08-02-2015

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-makoto yuki

another style of syrent skin's

skins information
  1. Version:2.4 & 1.0
  2. Author:-makoto yuki
  3. Size: 13.8 mb(packed)
  4. Gameplay included:

changelog 08/02/2015
  1. add mods icon key 1,2,3,9,10
  2. change version to 2.4
  3. change all taiko-hit***.png
  4. change menu-back
  5. change play-skip
  6. fix skin.ini
  7. fix pause-retry
  8. remove triangle
  9. remove volume bg
  10. remove playfield
  11. remove mania key.ini
  12. remove taiko text font
  13. remove mania coloumn line


Download link

Awesome skin, but I have a problem it says "Error while loading current skin's configuration file (skin.ini). Please check and correct any errors." and doesn't work properly after restarting osu. :(

L-on wrote:

Awesome skin, but I have a problem it says "Error while loading current skin's configuration file (skin.ini). Please check and correct any errors." and doesn't work properly after restarting osu. :(
same for me... oh, syrent song skin also has the same problem :(

L-on wrote:

Awesome skin, but I have a problem it says "Error while loading current skin's configuration file (skin.ini). Please check and correct any errors." and doesn't work properly after restarting osu. :(
Yeah, I got same problem, too. but I fixed that error. (I changed skin.ini file)


Umm... It works only once... it doesn't work twice T_T
Topic Starter
-makoto yuki
sorry about it but i can't fix it for now because i have some work on IRL
Skin looks so cool but if a change the Cursor (because the available one is just unplayable) it makes skin.ini errors -.-
Topic Starter
-makoto yuki
update see on first post*
The download link contains the Syrent Azure skin not syrent tune
Topic Starter
-makoto yuki

Hurriname wrote:

The download link contains the Syrent Azure skin not syrent tune
sorry about it it fixed well thanks for your feedback and about the cursor i'm gonna add it on next update
Now everything is working fine, thanks^^
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