
Alphaville - Forever Young - Remix

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Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010 at 22:21:39

Artist: Alphaville
Title: Forever Young (Remix)
Tags: Ultimate
BPM: 137,35
Filesize: 4932kb
Play Time: 03:14
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,1 stars, 141 notes)
  2. Normal (3,9 stars, 299 notes)
  3. Ultimate's Remix (4,93 stars, 491 notes)
Download: Alphaville - Forever Young (Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hope you all like this one :)
Yo! sup man, long time no see/map xD.


BPM: 137,355
Offset: 190

awesome song, this will be good =D

i'm actually starring this map becouse of the song choice, i'm getting really tired of the chinese crap
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Aweeesome, I was getting rusty :p

and thx :D
Eeh man!

New Timing and Offset: (~ 09/05/2010 - 17:07 PM ~)

BPM: 137,350

Final Version: (~ 09/05/2010 - 17:07 PM ~)
Download: Diff, hitsound, BG,

File Contains:

- Newest diff
- Normal clap hitsound
- Background
- Replay of me SS'ing it
It's a fairly good map. :) You can has star! XD

-You have a few errors to correct in your mapping criteria, open your AiMod.
00:16:335 (5) - Snap this circle on the grid.
00:37:303 (5 6 7) -This part of the combo feels odd going from the angle it's at. Move 7 somewhere else?
00:37:303 (5 6) - Insert a hit circle on the red tick in between these two.
00:42:763 (1 2) - Insert a hit circleon the red tick in between these two.
01:03:950 (1) - Snap this circle on the grid.
01:58:118 (6 7) - Insert a hit circle on the red tick in between these two.
02:02:705 (2 3) - Insert a hit circle on the white tick in between these two.
02:09:476 (6) - Clap.
02:30:445 (1 1 1 1 1) - This is highly confusing. Do something that doesn't involve consecutive 1s.
02:45:952 (8) - Move this to the left white tick.
02:57:092 (7- 10) - You were going to the tempo of the lyrics and then this random tempo comes in out of nowhere. Make it consistent with the lyrics or remove it.

-I love your combos at 00:40:361-00:42:108, and the like. It's beautiful. :)
-Open your AiMod, you have 166 spacing errors.
01:23:390 (10 or 11) - Move this more consistent with the rest of the combo.
01:35:403 (6) - This slider is weird and goes off in the opposite direction of the rest of the combo, either remove or turn it into a hit circle.
02:59:276 (6) - ^
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Thx Chubi, but the map has no mistakes whatsoever.

The spacing errors you were talking about are not errors at all. This is what you call, intuitive spacing.

Try asking a MAT (A member of the "Mapping Assistance Team") on how to improve your modding skills.

Once you have learned to mod without AIMOD, then you are good to go.

I appreciate your suggestions and your time.

chibi-lucky wrote:

-Open your AiMod, you have 166 spacing errors.

Great map dude :D
I like it b^_^b

Ultimate wrote:

Eeh man!

New Timing and Offset: (~ 09/05/2010 - 17:07 PM ~)

BPM: 137,350

Final Version: (~ 09/05/2010 - 17:07 PM ~)
[attachment=0:839c3]Diff, hitsound, BG,[/attachment:839c3]

File Contains:

- Newest diff
- Normal clap hitsound
- Background
- Replay of me SS'ing it

Aww you messed it up :/.. you didnt add the background the custom hitsound nor the offset.
You changed my map in a way i can't SS it anymore and it looks / sounds really crappy :(
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli

Ultimate wrote:

Aww you messed it up :/.. you didnt add the background the custom hitsound nor the offset.
You changed my map in a way i can't SS it anymore and it looks / sounds really crappy :(
Something is wrong with the offset.

If I use the previous one, normal difficulty sliders will get destroyed.

I didn't like the background nor the combo colours that matched your difficulty, so I didn't use them.

I will add the custom hitsound, I forgot doing so.
foreverrrrrrrrrrr foreverrrrrrrrrrrr younggggggg

Sir Minelli wrote:

Ultimate wrote:

Aww you messed it up :/.. you didnt add the background the custom hitsound nor the offset.
You changed my map in a way i can't SS it anymore and it looks / sounds really crappy :(
Something is wrong with the offset.

If I use the previous one, normal difficulty sliders will get destroyed.

I didn't like the background nor the combo colours that matched your difficulty, so I didn't use them.

I will add the custom hitsound, I forgot doing so.
Thx for the explaination =D, will need the custom hitsound, that's all ^^.
I will also take another look @ the offset,, for some reason it doesn't match anymore I noticed..
Tty soon! have a kudosu star :P
really good map...plz BATs rank this map really fast!!!!
Suerte Minelli, Buen Map ^^
Excelente. =D

- Tienes un .osb en el folder, ya sabes qué hacer con eso...
- Renombra Normal Plus a Normal+, para que quede más con los mapas de ahora. Esto es más una sugerencia, pero bleh.
- Trata de acortar los combos mayores de 10...
- No vas a mover esto a Pending?
- Las tags no son las mismas en todas las dificultades.


00:47:805 (5) - Suena muy raro.


02:30:463 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - A mucha gente no le gusta eso. Sólo digo. =/

Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Gracias por el mod y la estrella.

No lo paso aun a pending por que va a tener un story board con effectos.

Voy a considerar los cambios, lo de los 1's los puse ahi por una cancioncita que suena de fondo y le da colorsito jajaja a mi novia le gustó, claro que puede influir cuando haces tag por supuesto, pero bueno ya vere.

Gracias por todo :)
Este mapa esta increible!!! Espero que lo rankeen rapido :D
was forced to play all diffs, and rechecks in edit, Map looks really awesome
Remove "Alphaville Forever Young" from tags in all diffs, it isn't suppose to be there, it's already in title and artist, being in tags is useless
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli

EEeee wrote:

was forced to play all diffs, and rechecks in edit, Map looks really awesome
Remove "Alphaville Forever Young" from tags in all diffs, it isn't suppose to be there, it's already in title and artist, being in tags is useless
lame ass mod. kudosu for u.
lol, hey couldn't find anything in the map hahaha
Two whopping minutes on the end is unmapped, please shorten the mp3

Maybe remove the credits stuff in the down-right corner. (It bugs me :P

Add Ultimate to tags

(Suggestion) Raise circle size.
00:47:805 (5) - Please extend this by 1/4, it sound so bad right now. Also, remove the clap on the slider end

13 number long combos in a Easy is bullshit. So here's a combo mod too.
00:31:642 (5) - New combo
00:38:631 (5) - ^
00:46:931 (4) - ^
00:53:484 (3) - ^?
00:59:600 (3) or 01:01:347 (4) - ^
01:04:842 (6) - ^
01:08:337 (9) - ^
01:14:452 (4) - ^
01:17:947 (6) - ^
01:21:442 (9) - ^
01:31:926 (5) - ^
01:34:547 (9) - ^?
01:45:905 (6) - ^
02:10:368 (3) - ^
02:13:863 (6) - ^
02:17:357 (10) - ^
02:24:347 (4) - ^
02:27:841 (6) - ^
02:31:336 (9) - ^
02:38:326 (4) - ^
02:41:820 (6) - ^
02:45:315 (9) - ^
02:54:926 (7) - ^
02:58:857 (9) - ^?
03:08:904 (5) - ^
03:13:273 (8) - ^?

Add Ultimate to tags

WTF why having a break in the start of a chorus.

Also please use claps every second white tick all the time instead of just sometimes

02:30:463 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Why the new combo spam?

Why not make the kiai time constant with the other difficulites.
The current kiai time placement is stupid.

Well that's it, pretty good song/map.
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
I'll have to say: Very nice mod post Xgor.

Fixed 90% of it. The rest will remain.
espero que ya terminen de rankear el mapa
hasta mientras terminare el mio


Your difficulty is awesome, Ultimate <3
Why so unranked?
This should be ranked.

Change the Normal Plus diff name to just Normal?

Delete the first random kiai timing on ultimate diff that last for like 3 notes and starts on a blue tick: 01:35:093 -

Also on Ultimate's diff: 01:34:438 - Raise the volume a bit? Dont hear the 4 at all

Call me after or just post and ill bubble
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Thanks, all done.

The low volume at Ultimate's diff on that particular beat was increase by 0.5 even though that's still low, I like it.

Sir Minelli wrote:

Thanks, all done.

The low volume at Ultimate's diff on that particular beat was increase by 0.5 even though that's still low, I like it.
I'm on my laptop right now, going to set my comp back up in a few, will bubble then. Hold on :P

At last!!! congratz bro :)
^_~ Grats Minelli!
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
hehe that was fast.

Thanks you guys.
Oh shit, this got ranked.
I almost thought you gave up on this.
Gratz on the rank.

Sir Minelli wrote:

hehe that was fast.

Thanks you guys.
I got yo back son ;)

Awesome maps should not be sitting in pending for 9 months.
sexy mapset ;)
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
haha thanks all :) glad you liked it.

Ultimate's difficulty is really good..

Sir Minelli wrote:

haha thanks all :) glad you liked it.

Ultimate's difficulty is really good..
Thx man <3 I'm sorry i haven't been online for a while again.
I'm really glad you are still osu'ing and getting maps ranked, really awesome!
Hope to be online soon again.
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
I'm really glad you are still osu'ing and getting maps ranked, really awesome!
Umm yeah of course *cough* <__<'' ummm right >,> *whistle*

(haven't been online for a while tbh :p ... well 4 months but haven't been active whatsoever cause of work and stuff...
Even though I had to come back to get this ranked :3)

yuzzzzz! :)

Sir Minelli wrote:

I'm really glad you are still osu'ing and getting maps ranked, really awesome!
Umm yeah of course *cough* <__<'' ummm right >,> *whistle*

(haven't been online for a while tbh :p ... well 4 months but haven't been active whatsoever cause of work and stuff...
Even though I had to come back to get this ranked :3)

yuzzzzz! :)
hehe xD I've got thesame problem atm so it's coincidence i guess :P.
<3 ya man!

Ultimate wrote:

Yo! sup man, long time no see/map xD.


BPM: 137,355
Offset: 190

awesome song, this will be good =D

i'm actually starring this map becouse of the song choice, i'm getting really tired of the chinese crap
bom mapa.

monstrata tinha que aprender mais com Larto, Sir Minelli, Doomsday, RandomJibberish, Gonz e por aí vai...
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