When I made the SB for this https://osu.ppy.sh/b/505457 I realized that there is something that was missing that could be really useful for SBing, custom origin points!
Right now you can use TopLeft ,TopCentre ,TopRight ,CentreLeft ,Centre, CentreRight, BottomLeft, BottomCentre and BottomRight. That might seem like enough but there is cases where you would want something more specific.
The way to write it could be something like this
This shouldn't be that hard to implement but would add soo much.
Right now you can use TopLeft ,TopCentre ,TopRight ,CentreLeft ,Centre, CentreRight, BottomLeft, BottomCentre and BottomRight. That might seem like enough but there is cases where you would want something more specific.
In the mentioned map above I wanted to make a leg move with rotation, to do that I have to fit the origin point to the right point. The Green point was where I wanted it and the blue is what it would be if I selected Centre.
I had to split the images up to get the effect as I wanted
That would also open the possibility to using origin outside the object to make one sprite orbit around another very easy.. and so on.
I had to split the images up to get the effect as I wanted
That would also open the possibility to using origin outside the object to make one sprite orbit around another very easy.. and so on.
The way to write it could be something like this
This shouldn't be that hard to implement but would add soo much.