
[o!m] Notes's transparency

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I hope i'm at the right place to post. I can't change transparency of my notes in the o!m mod, regardless of the skin i choose.
When I try to change it directly in xK.ini nothing happen.

I searched on the forum but i found nothing, so I missed something in options or is it a bug ?

I specify, I have 0% transparency, all my pictures in all my skins are PNG and everything else works fine.
inbee ID
Change Skin?
Edit it manually via Photoshop / GIMP / Paint.NET
Can't guarantee pure success but that will do.
Topic Starter

inbee ID wrote:

Change Skin?
I have this problem with all my skin.

OsuMe65 wrote:

Edit it manually via Photoshop / GIMP / Paint.NET
Can't guarantee pure success but that will do.
It works, it isn't really convenient, but at least I can do it for my main skin, thank you !
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