
Hello community!

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Hi osu community!

I actually created my account 9 months ago, but I'm new to the forums so I thought I'd introduce myself.

My real name's Jonny, I'm currently a high school student and I'm from Canada. I love any video game that requires mechanical skill or strategy. My favourite games are probably League of Legends (inb4 not another one of these LoL scrubs again, pls no h8), Team Fortress 2, and now osu!

I heard of osu through a League of Legends streamer "flosd" or "boxbox" on Twitch, and I was like WOW COOL WOW when he played some really fast maps, so I thought I might try it myself. Only probably in the past week I've been playing consistently and going try hard, but before that I just kind of played occasionally then gave up.

I think my goal is to be able to play the FREEDOM DiVE 4D map (it just seems so fun). I'm not even close right now, but eventually I will :). Once I can do that, I'll just be done with everything and my life will be complete (notrly).
Welcome to osu! man. If you have a problem or need any assistance, just join the #help channel or private message me if you wish. I hope you'll have a blast here with the osu! community.
Cerulean Veyron
Welcome to the forums, headphase!

omg, i play LoL too~ Good luck passing freedom dive :3/
Welcome to the forums~ :3
Welcome to the forums and a late welcome to the whole community behind this game~! ^-^
Mr Capuce
welcome to osu! Mr. headphase :oops:
Raisha Millenia
Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay ;)
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Thanks everyone :)
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