
Belated introduction ^_^

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I seem to have a habit of introducing myself months after I join groups. (I did this last time in another community :P)

Anyway, my username is to the left (sorry for the way it is. It's also a bad way of hiding my name I suppose :oops: ) and like what the title says, I've been around since February 2014, silently climbing through the mountain of ranks called osu! I only dived into the forums a few weeks ago.
I also rarely post in forums due to my shy personality so this is taking quite a lot out of me. (probably gonna spend 20 mins checking over this to make sure I get it right the first time!)

I'm also 'overly friendly'. Someone told me that my over-friendliness would end up being my cause of death. :lol:

Leave a question for me (If you want. You don't have to). I listen to others' opinions ^_^ (related to above statement)

I hope we can get along and I also hope that my forum senpais can teach me the proper 'forum etiquette' for this community! :D
Greetings, welcome to the World of Osu!

Don't worry, barely anyone introduces themselves right away. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if there's a player still playing on Offline mode who could beat every Osu! player combined.

I sure hope to god I don't have to spell your name in a spelling bee or something ;_; I would be out before I can even open my mouth.

Haha! Your kindness can never kill me! I am invincibleeeee-... *dies* (sounded way more awesome in my head. had explosions and everything)

Another akward turtle to join the akward turtle club :o I welcome thee!
( heck, this entire reply is akward D: )
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Xtrmite wrote:

Greetings, welcome to the World of Osu!

Don't worry, barely anyone introduces themselves right away. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if there's a player still playing on Offline mode who could beat every Osu! player combined.

I sure hope to god I don't have to spell your name in a spelling bee or something ;_; I would be out before I can even open my mouth.

Haha! Your kindness can never kill me! I am invincibleeeee-... *dies*

Another akward turtle to join the akward turtle club :o I welcome thee!
( heck, this entire reply is akward D: )
Thank you for the warm welcome :) . I like that idea: ''secret osu prodigy hiding in a cocoon waiting for the right time to emerge into a majestic butterfly of hit circles and sliders!'' :lol:

Believe me my username is a handful when I use my phone to log in T_T
Warm welcomes are our specialties in this forum. We always hand out free blankets! (they cost about 3 pounds so you'll have to pay for em someday)
Hope you'll enjoy the forums and don't be afraid to talk to players or add them. (might be one of the most serious things i've said in an introduction so far. what is this sorcery D:)

P.S: I ate it.

Xtrmite wrote:

Warm welcomes are our specialties in this forum. We always hand out free blankets! (they cost about 3 pounds so you'll have to pay for em someday)
Hope you'll enjoy the forums and don't be afraid to talk to players or add them. (might be one of the most serious things i've said in an introduction so far. what is this sorcery D:)
those blankets are not cheap ;-; we need to start handing out tablets, they'll be cheaper XD
Welcome to the osu! community, (instert that huge username here) c:
I hope you enjoy all your moments here~
and there's no problem in being "over-friendly", just be yourself and you'll be welcome here anytime :)
Welcome to the osu! community. :3
Welcome to the osu! community!
I too am shy :o
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BufaK wrote:

Welcome to the osu! community, (instert that huge username here) c:
I hope you enjoy all your moments here~
and there's no problem in being "over-friendly", just be yourself and you'll be welcome here anytime :)

Harumi wrote:

Welcome to the osu! community. :3

[Bystander] wrote:

Welcome to the osu! community!
I too am shy :o
Thank you very much guys. Glad to be here! :D
Sorry for the late response. I was asleep because I had school tomorrow (final year in high school :) )

BufaK wrote:

those blankets are not cheap ;-; we need to start handing out tablets, they'll be cheaper XD
I want one of those tablets, though I don't think I'll benefit from it. T_T
I'm left handed, but I can only play in a right handed orientation and I can't hold a pen with my right hand. :(
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