19:29 Kibbleru: dude
19:29 *Kibbleru is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/493851 Jin feat.LiSA - Yuukei Yesterday]
19:29 Kibbleru: damnae is a god
19:30 pkk: ew
19:30 Kibbleru: just play the map
19:30 pkk: no
19:30 Kibbleru: ull see
19:30 pkk: first i need to mod your map
19:30 Kibbleru: no
19:30 pkk: k fine
19:30 Kibbleru: it uses keysounds
19:30 pkk: wtf
19:30 Kibbleru: keysounds
19:30 pkk: !?!?
19:30 Kibbleru: so
19:30 Kibbleru: the vocals
19:30 Kibbleru: are litteraly
19:30 Kibbleru: HITSOUNDED
19:30 Kibbleru: in
19:30 Kibbleru: its a program damnae made
19:30 Kibbleru: or something
19:30 Kibbleru: play it lmfao
19:30 Kibbleru: so gud
19:30 pkk: ..
19:32 pkk: pretty cool stuff
19:32 pkk: unlike your christmasuu map
19:32 Kibbleru: lol.
19:32 Kibbleru: my christmas map so cool its cold
19:33 pkk: you shot 5 stars at your own map
19:33 pkk: rip your 1 star collection
19:34 Kibbleru: i just wanted it above 12 sp lol
19:34 pkk: wowowow
19:34 pkk: ow
19:34 pkk: background makes this song 100% better
19:37 Kibbleru: i wonder if something like this can be ranked
19:49 pkk: good job kibb, map 100 bpm song nothing for me to mod
19:49 pkk: since i only have like 3 points i'll tell you them over irc
19:49 *pkk is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/530223 AKB48 - Yoyakushita Christmas [Luminous]]
19:49 pkk: 02:07:765 (1) - how about ctrl+g
19:50 Kibbleru: hm
19:50 Kibbleru: damn idk
19:50 pkk: lol me too
19:50 Kibbleru: ill give it further thought
19:50 Kibbleru: i like the flowbreak
19:50 pkk: 02:30:565 (2) - how about moving second last point to the right/down by 2 pixels
19:51 pkk: that way you get 10% more curve
19:51 Kibbleru: moved it down by 1
19:51 Kibbleru: i want it to be somewhat similar to the first part
19:51 pkk: k
19:51 pkk: 02:42:865 (4,5) - I think you can make this look better
19:52 pkk: idk I don't like it LOL
19:52 Kibbleru: uhh
19:52 Kibbleru: even if u say so idk whats wrong with it LOL
19:52 pkk: nvm
19:53 pkk: 02:58:765 (1) - do you want the last part to be straighrt
19:53 pkk: I think it looks too straight
19:53 pkk: maybe move second last point to the left a bit
19:54 Kibbleru: yeah ill agree with that one
19:54 pkk: 03:19:165 (1,2,1,2) - wow so pro
19:55 Kibbleru: mlg
19:56 pkk:
http://puu.sh/d9tfo/f472787af1.jpg 03:51:565 (1) -
19:57 pkk: 04:06:472 - starting from here you can add some green lines to rapidly reduce volume
19:57 pkk: when you're spinning you hear loud as fk ding ding ding noises
19:57 pkk: so you can add some green lines to make them not loud as fk
19:57 Kibbleru: lol i prefer having the kink on the tick
19:58 Kibbleru: ok ill do that
19:58 pkk: also wtf is this 00:01:165 (1) -
19:58 Kibbleru: what
19:59 pkk: lol nothing, see if this is better
http://puu.sh/d9trV/d032c85098.jpg19:59 pkk: nothing wrong with it I just don't like linear sliders that much
19:59 Kibbleru: fycho uses it so i use them too
19:59 pkk: alright if fycho senpai approves then I guess it's fine
19:59 pkk: jk fk linear sliders
20:00 Kibbleru: lol
20:00 Kibbleru: well linear sliders hate u too >:U
20:00 pkk: 00:24:665 (5) - how about whistle on head and tail for these kind of kick sliders
20:02 Kibbleru: idk sounds weird lol
20:02 pkk: lol ok
20:03 pkk: 01:58:765 (1) - please ctrl+g this twice so I don't have to look at slider points
20:03 Kibbleru: k
20:04 pkk: 02:27:565 (1) - I would have preferred a curvier curve here, maybe move last point down a few pixels
20:05 Kibbleru: i moved the middle point instead
20:05 pkk: ok
20:05 pkk: ye that's all I think
20:06 pkk: if I find anything in your hard or normal I will post on forum or message you
20:06 pkk: good song good map good BG
20:06 pkk: rank pls
20:06 Kibbleru: k
20:07 Kibbleru: tks
20:07 Kibbleru: wtf when did i even