Disclaimer: Not sure if this exists already - tried searching some keywords on mania editors and got a ton of results but I didn't find anything like this so...
Current Method of note selection (Mania):
- Selecting notes by dragging, which creates a dragbox. All notes in the box are highlighted blue = selected.
- Using ctrl-click to individually select notes which end up being really painful to go through
- Zooming out the timeline needlessly to select a long section of the song
- Dragbox is fixed to your screen instead of the playing field - meaning you cannot select more than what you see unless you use the ctrl key note by note (and that takes AGES) which results in zooming out the timeline needlessly to select a long section of the song efficiently, since you also can't "ctrl" a dragbox - because the moment you click on empty space everything is deselected.
- After the update the dragbox doesn't form unless you click IN the boundary of the playing field - and that means the leftmost/rightmost column (depending where the dragbox origin is) won't get selected NO MATTER HOW CLOSE YOU GET TO THE EDGE - although that can be bypassed by ctrl-clicking the unselected notes - but selecting them all at once is much faster. (10/29 update)
- Prior to the update, with select activated you can select long sections by dragging along the sidebar which created a dragbox. That was also somewhat imprecise but at least it allowed you to select long sections. Now you can't even do that.
- Edit -> New function "Select Section":
1. Dialogue box - "Enter the section to select:"
2. Two blank fields for entering two timeframes using offset format as used in timing (1ms = 1 unit offset as usual) (also allows copying and pasting a note position to directly copy and paste the offset of said note)
3. A button to "Use Current Offset" which autocopies the offset the green line is on (as with timing interface)
4. Two tickboxes - "Include notes which start on first / second offset" (for inclusive/exclusive selection)
5. Press OK
6. Selects every note which starts / is played within the specified timeframes.
- Once a dragbox is created, fix the origin corner in place on the playing field so drag and scroll can be used effectively
- Allow the following sequence if possible: "ctrl+click -> drag (dragbox selection) -> release ctrl and mouse -> ctrl-click -> drag (second dragbox selection - previously selected notes NOT deselected upon creation of the second drag box) -> release ctrl and mouse -> repeat as necessary"
- Allow dragbox formation when you click the outside of the playing field near the outer edge (10-30 pixels on either side of the playing field approxish) (as previously before update) (10/29 update)
Current Method of note selection (Mania):
- Selecting notes by dragging, which creates a dragbox. All notes in the box are highlighted blue = selected.
- Using ctrl-click to individually select notes which end up being really painful to go through
- Zooming out the timeline needlessly to select a long section of the song
- Dragbox is fixed to your screen instead of the playing field - meaning you cannot select more than what you see unless you use the ctrl key note by note (and that takes AGES) which results in zooming out the timeline needlessly to select a long section of the song efficiently, since you also can't "ctrl" a dragbox - because the moment you click on empty space everything is deselected.
- Prior to the update, with select activated you can select long sections by dragging along the sidebar which created a dragbox. That was also somewhat imprecise but at least it allowed you to select long sections. Now you can't even do that.
- Edit -> New function "Select Section":
1. Dialogue box - "Enter the section to select:"
2. Two blank fields for entering two timeframes using offset format as used in timing (1ms = 1 unit offset as usual) (also allows copying and pasting a note position to directly copy and paste the offset of said note)
3. A button to "Use Current Offset" which autocopies the offset the green line is on (as with timing interface)
4. Two tickboxes - "Include notes which start on first / second offset" (for inclusive/exclusive selection)
5. Press OK
6. Selects every note which starts / is played within the specified timeframes.
- Once a dragbox is created, fix the origin corner in place on the playing field so drag and scroll can be used effectively
- Allow the following sequence if possible: "ctrl+click -> drag (dragbox selection) -> release ctrl and mouse -> ctrl-click -> drag (second dragbox selection - previously selected notes NOT deselected upon creation of the second drag box) -> release ctrl and mouse -> repeat as necessary"