I used to play Osu, a lot. I loved playing it, loved listening to the music and watching my rank and scores go up/down. But I don't play it as much as I used to and it is pretty simple. My musical taste have moved on. All I see is 50000 different copies of the same anime intro done 20 different ways. This was fun for a while but I can't understand why some people havn't tried to expand the range of songs? The search function fails me a lot but there just isn't much there to begin with. I want to play Osu, and I loved playing Osu, but I just wish it had more english/ Today's Alternative music instead of the 50th song from Infected Mushroom. So my question is, Is there a reason for this? What keeps you guys from playing the same anime intro 50000 times over? (Sorry if wrong post area)