A long time in the coming, partly due to my absence from my home country in January and a long list of bugs that I wanted to fix before releasing another build. In fact, this build has over 60 fixes for tracked bugs, as well as a lot of untracked ones. There are also a fair share of editor, multiplayer and interface improvements, which while most players won't notice due to the subtleness, should improve the overall osu! experience.
p.s. please check out and vote for the latest community voice poll!
2010-02-24 (b1458)
(+) Usernames are clickable in chat logs.
(+) Ability to select local colour for tag mode multiplayer games.
(*) Lobby filter options more compact. Searching for text overrides all filters.
(*) Scoreboard updates in multiplayer games are less frequent, and only occur after the first 10 seconds in.
(*) Extended chat search filter overrides "Friends Only" selection.
(*) Many fixes and improvements to input handling.
(*) Mouse cursor hides during break/intro/outro time.
(*) ~30% first-load / 90% retry improvements on maps.
(+) New expanded layout for seekbar.
(+) Ability to move all storyboard events by arbitrary time.
(+) Support for floating point frame delays in storyboard. More accurate animations in general.
(*) Reorganisation of windows menu system. Should make more sense now.
(+) Full-screen toggle (alt-enter) works from song selection, options, lobby, special mode select etc.
(*) Song select interface improvements.
(*) osu!direct panel improvements.
(*) Extended user panels don't move as much. Huge performance improvements.
(*) Switching to and from test mode is around 95% faster for storyboarded maps.
(*) Respacing of all in-game dialog popups to allow use of Segoe UI on Vista/Win7.
(*) Many many bug fixes.
b1458 available at 2010-02-23 20:11
b1460 available at 2010-02-23 20:58 (contains bug-fixes).
Full Changelog:
p.s. please check out and vote for the latest community voice poll!
2010-02-24 (b1458)
(+) Usernames are clickable in chat logs.
(+) Ability to select local colour for tag mode multiplayer games.
(*) Lobby filter options more compact. Searching for text overrides all filters.
(*) Scoreboard updates in multiplayer games are less frequent, and only occur after the first 10 seconds in.
(*) Extended chat search filter overrides "Friends Only" selection.
(*) Many fixes and improvements to input handling.
(*) Mouse cursor hides during break/intro/outro time.
(*) ~30% first-load / 90% retry improvements on maps.
(+) New expanded layout for seekbar.
(+) Ability to move all storyboard events by arbitrary time.
(+) Support for floating point frame delays in storyboard. More accurate animations in general.
(*) Reorganisation of windows menu system. Should make more sense now.
(+) Full-screen toggle (alt-enter) works from song selection, options, lobby, special mode select etc.
(*) Song select interface improvements.
(*) osu!direct panel improvements.
(*) Extended user panels don't move as much. Huge performance improvements.
(*) Switching to and from test mode is around 95% faster for storyboarded maps.
(*) Respacing of all in-game dialog popups to allow use of Segoe UI on Vista/Win7.
(*) Many many bug fixes.
b1458 available at 2010-02-23 20:11
b1460 available at 2010-02-23 20:58 (contains bug-fixes).
Full Changelog:
(+) osu!direct panel shows above extended chat.
(+) [major] Web: User Page system implemented for subscribers.
(+) [major] Added support for showing IME in-game (partial, but usable).
(+) Usernames are clickable in in-game chat (brings up user menu).
(+) Support for floating point frame delays in storyboard.
(+) Spectator list fades out with scoreboard if set to hide during play mode.
(+) Show preview point on seekbar in editor.
(+) Osz2 now checks for video data availability by passing a video-specific integrity test.
(+) Full-screen toggle (alt-enter) works from song selection, options, lobby, special mode select etc.
(+) Ctrl-Shift-L in editor reloads all sprites. Ctrl-L doesn't.
(+) Bancho sends "player skipped" messages back to osu!.
(+) Attempt to retrieve beatmapSetId from folder (helps combat duplicate maps).
(+) Added utility app for creating XNB textures without XNA game studio crap.
(+) Added tooltip to tag colour dropdown.
(+) Added ranking screen header back to TeamVS ranking.
(+) Added notification sound when beatmap upload completes.
(+) Added message notification of a problem when ranking fails (ban/inactive/password etc.)
(+) Added ffmpeg DLLs to build process.
(+) Added confirmation dialog when resetting current timing section from menu.
(+) Added a color combo dialog to choose a custom combo color in multiplayer tag mode.
(+) Added Bancho welcoming (where did this go?).
(+) Added AIMod menu item (File menu).
(+) Added 'source' to beatmap listing and info pages.
(*) osu! mode mouse cursor disappears while idle in breaks/intro/outro time.
(*) mapping contest and tournament stuff
(*) changed mirror url.
(*) [major] Improvements to readability of editor seekbar.
(*) [major] Huge sprite loading changes. Performance increases throughout.
(*) Usability changes to SongSetup dialog. Added warning about automatic saving on confirm.
(*) Updated main menu copyright to 2010.
(*) Unnecessary banchobot cast removal.
(*) Typo in BSS script.
(*) Testing new bancho server (use public for old).
(*) Storyboard load/sort order fixes.
(*) Stop disposing textures on osu! exit (slight performance gain).
(*) Special BSS upload permissions accounts can now make changes to song metadata.
(*) Song selection interface usability changes.
(*) Song selection fixes (randomness, selection colours, code cleanup).
(*) Slight change to subscription system to allow tournament winner prizes.
(*) Show IP address to those who are banned (useful for tracking ban queries).
(*) Send login credentials when doing osu!direct search.
(*) Scoreboard updates in multiplayer games are less frequent, and only occur after the first 10 seconds in.
(*) Revert "(*) Fixed i163 (Editor SB alignment)."
(*) Respacing of all in-game dialog popups to allow use of Segoe UI on Vista/Win7.
(*) Removed old debug code.
(*) Removed ctb not-ranked message.
(*) Refactor of multiplayer tag combo colour code changes.
(*) Reduce speed of seeking when dragging a selection on editor timeline.
(*) Reduce scoreboard update rate, and add initial delay.
(*) Project file updates. Pre/Post-build commands got lost some
(*) Project file updates. Error checking on exit (when saving osu!.db).
(*) Potential performance increase during drag operations in editor.
(*) Performance improvement for map thumbnails (avoid php invocation).
(*) Osz2 now skips hashing video data and missing video data no longer affects the file integrity test.
(*) Osu!p2p downloads are now user cancelable
(*) Osu!P2P now supports novideo and video osz2 formats to be interchangeable between peers.
(*) Optimalised osz2 to be 3 times faster than osz1 when exporting.
(*) Only tweet commits that affect the web side of things.
(*) Music controller not shown in osu!direct (looks ugly with overlap).
(*) More scoreboard alignment adjustments.
(*) More changes to scoreboard colours, plus fix for incorrect tag rank displays.
(*) Minor usability adjustments to Song Setup dialog.
(*) Minor storyboard editor alignment tweak.
(*) Minor looping performance enhancements.
(*) Minor improvement to slider curve calculation performance.
(*) Merge branch 'master' of github.com:peppy/osu
(*) Lobby text search bypasses other filters temporarily. Filter panel is more compact and prettier.
(*) Limit maximum userlist refreshes to one per second.
(*) Increased precision of editor drag selections (playfield).
(*) Imrpvements to spacing of elements at bottom of editor interface.
(*) Improvements to dynamic sprite loading code.
(*) Improve HP calculation performance on maps with large storyboards.
(*) Holy shit I pwned the editor-test mode transition some. and some more.
(*) Handle exceptions while processing folders (UnauthorizedException)
(*) HUGE storyboard load and display performance improvement (~6x).
(*) Get rid of crappy XNA timing code for forced vsync scenarios.
(*) Further login window layout fixes.
(*) Fized issue #181 (Savelog filename does not contain the appropriate channel).
(*) Fixed world map accepting clicks when it shouldn't.
(*) Fixed the multiplayer scoreboard showing the lowest scoring player as ??.
(*) Fixed tag coop mode not being exitable.
(*) Fixed storyboard load order bug when startTime == endTime for an event.
(*) Fixed spriteManagers not disposing display-order optimised sprites which are yet to be displayed.
(*) Fixed spinners spinning too fast.
(*) Fixed song resetting to previewpoint on song select screen.
(*) Fixed slight stutter when exiting lead-in time.
(*) Fixed sending PMs not appearing correctly in chat (first outgoing).
(*) Fixed ranking screen errors when user is banned or ranking response fails.
(*) Fixed random null crash when disposing temporary sprites.
(*) Fixed progress pie polygon not fading out during intro time.
(*) Fixed profile history stats/graphs that weren't displaying correctly.
(*) Fixed potential crash during play mode.
(*) Fixed post escaping problem.
(*) Fixed pause arrows being skinned by current beatmap skin.
(*) Fixed osu! taking too much priority while inactive.
(*) Fixed osu! login window appearing in wrong location when game does not have focus.
(*) Fixed occasional crash when attempting to open URL in fullscreen mode.
(*) Fixed nullref crash in SpriteManager.
(*) Fixed multipart slider calculation issue.
(*) Fixed mouse cursor disappearing during play time.
(*) Fixed mouse cursor disappearing during play time.
(*) Fixed minor typo on welcome email.
(*) Fixed minor typo on options dialog.
(*) Fixed match setup UI alignment.
(*) Fixed kiai triggering incorrectly in some editor test mode scenarios.
(*) Fixed jukebox playing from preview points.
(*) Fixed issue #164 (osu!direct is available when logged off).
(*) Fixed issue #148 (updater not getting correct working directory in some odd cases).
(*) Fixed i99 (Editor doesn't reset cursor when swapping modes).
(*) Fixed i89 (Changed way first additive storyboard event is drawn).
(*) Fixed i73 (Alt-# in chat fails in editor).
(*) Fixed i3 (Multiplayer Rank Display).
(*) Fixed i207 (Sliders are out of place in the editor in OpenGL).
(*) Fixed i206 (hitcircleoverlay.png is grey tinted for sliders in OpenGL).
(*) Fixed i205 (Crash on entering Song Select).
(*) Fixed i203 (Multiplayer: last two positions shown as ??).
(*) Fixed i201 (Playfield moved down).
(*) Fixed i199 (Only a slider's control points should have priority over the seekbar).
(*) Fixed i198 (Trigger loops not playing).
(*) Fixed i196 (Slider placement goes wrong when left-clicking last point).
(*) Fixed i194 (Offset wizard auto-download of tutorial endless loop).
(*) Fixed i192 (Chat hover highlight delays tab switching).
(*) Fixed i189 (Fullscreen editor/test mode).
(*) Fixed i187 (Test Mode: Autoplay behaviour unchangeable during ending spinner).
(*) Fixed i186 (Test mode crashing).
(*) Fixed i185 (Changing playback speed in editor affects song select).
(*) Fixed i184 (Editor crash on corrupted map).
(*) Fixed i183 (storyboard transformations in incorrect time order cause sprites to not load).
(*) Fixed i179 (Background dissappear as soon as you play a beatmap).
(*) Fixed i169 (Extracting maps is very slow on thumbdrives).
(*) Fixed i168 (AIMod doesn't reset when changing difficulty).
(*) Fixed i166 (Passing old score puts you at #41)
(*) Fixed i165 (linear slider algorithm bug).
(*) Fixed i163 (Editor SB alignment).
(*) Fixed i162 (1/4 second delay when selecting on the timeline)
(*) Fixed i160 (HP bar doesn't redraw itself when windowed osu! is moved around).
(*) Fixed i158 (Audio lead-in causing two skip buttons at map's start).
(*) Fixed i157 (Slider-end stacking oversight).
(*) Fixed i156 (Slider's apperance is mangled if rendered partially offscreen).
(*) Fixed i154 ("Start game!" when you aren't host).
(*) Fixed i153 (/me behaviour wierd).
(*) Fixed i149 (Search query becomes "type to begin!").
(*) Fixed i147 (Grid snap set in the menu but not actually set).
(*) Fixed i146 (Caret does not wrap in some input fields).
(*) Fixed i142 (fail-background not scaled).
(*) Fixed i140 (Recently added beatmaps don't appear in the "Jump to..." jukebox search).
(*) Fixed i139 (Other spectators (0) displayed).
(*) Fixed i138 (osu!direct treats osu! forum links incorrectly).
(*) Fixed i137 (Overlapping text in Edit's song select).
(*) Fixed i134 (Slider length snap incorrect for inherited sections with BPM multipliers).
(*) Fixed i133 (Auto in Test mode misses or 50/100's 1/4 streams).
(*) Fixed i132 (SBE layer toggles and sprite list inconsistent).
(*) Fixed i128 (Delete key deletes character AND map) - shift-delete works to delete maps now.
(*) Fixed i127 (Skin preview out-of-sync with VBR mp3s).
(*) Fixed i126 (hitcircleoverlay.png uses additive blending for sliders in OpenGL).
(*) Fixed i123 (Lead-in Time text labels misaligned).
(*) Fixed i121 (Taiko play field off-centre again).
(*) Fixed i120 (World Map markers misaligned in the editor).
(*) Fixed i119 (Widescreen + fullscreen in lobby).
(*) Fixed i118 (Widescreen flashlight issues).
(*) Fixed i117 (Skins causing incorrect combo colors).
(*) Fixed i116 (Slider recalculation becoming null object reference).
(*) Fixed i110 (Priority does not lower when a modal dialog is up).
(*) Fixed i105 (Song preview doesn't change when two maps have the same mp3 filename).
(*) Fixed hard crash when Tahoma is not installed on system (warns user actively).
(*) Fixed fullscreen toggling while refreshing song select (F5) in edit mode.
(*) Fixed fullscreen toggling not working at all.
(*) Fixed editor dirty state not set when adding/changing background.
(*) Fixed dispose error with bg files that are also included in SB code.
(*) Fixed disable mouse buttons option not disabling tablet clicks.
(*) Fixed changelog page not displaying correctly.
(*) Fixed beatmap import code not working at all.
(*) Fixed alignment of main menu notice.
(*) Fixed a possible threading crash in SpriteManager.
(*) Fixed a null refference when trying to change the music if no beatmap is available.
(*) Fixed a hard crash when trying to play a taiko-specific beatmaps that has corrupt/missing audio.
(*) Fixed Osu!direct crashing because cache loading of undownloaded sprite failed.
(*) Fixed Osu! animations not reversing under some conditions.
(*) Fixed FastEditor flag causing saves to not be triggered.
(*) Fixed Bancho connection problem for some users.
(*) Fixed BSS form oops.
(*) Fix unnecessary text showing on ranking panels in Tag Coop
(*) Fix text field cursor visible on song select.
(*) Fix storyboard loops not loading correctly.
(*) Fix rare crash with new animation frame sync algorithm.
(*) Fix private changes showing up on changelog page.
(*) Fix match not completing when failing in TagTeam.
(*) Fix loss of white selection position on song select after searching.
(*) Fix location of scoreboards on Tag/Vs ranking screens.
(*) Fix links getting stuck after clicking user links.
(*) Fix i144 (Date wrong in results after spectating).
(*) Fix i107 (SB: frameDelay not correctly utilized).
(*) Fix for frameDelay being slightly off in storyboard scripting.
(*) Fix for frameDelay being slightly off in storyboard scripting.
(*) Fix for chat name colours being incorrect after highlight + tab switch.
(*) Fix flags enum being read incorrectly.
(*) Fix file move operations not working across drives.
(*) Fix bancho exploit with certain usernames.
(*) Fix another random freeze when activating IME (alt-shift).
(*) Fix #3 for i59 ("This is the latest ranked copy" showing after editing map).
(*) Fix #2 for i58 (Star Difficulty Rating disappears afting deleting timing sections).
(*) Fix #2 for i34 (Right-click menus show default skin).
(*) Fix #2 for i28 ([Editor] Slider does not have priority over seekbar).
(*) Fix #2 for i18 (Disable mouse buttons in autopilot doesn't work).
(*) Fix #2 for i142 (fail-background not scaled/displaying).
(*) Fix #2 for i12 (In game user avatar not updated when relogging/changing users)
(*) Fixed #84 "ends in N days" is covered by the ranking's title.
(*) Final fix for old osu version animation speeds.
(*) Extended chat search filter overrides "Friends Only" selection.
(*) Ensure mouse is visible at least three seconds before gameplay starts.
(*) Disabled custom font overriding (screws with kerning?).
(*) Constants rename, version bump, and changelog.txt deprecation.
(*) Clicking retry on ranking screen making ranking dialog appear instantly.
(*) Changelog loads previous pages on request. Style changes also.
(*) Changed send buffer for Bancho (was way too small).
(*) Changed score display to fixed-width to offset i191 (Scores >=100m off-screen).
(*) Changed mode-specific setting to drop-down menu in Song Setup.
(*) Changed import of noVideo maps to offset i159.
(*) Changed colour scheme for tag scoreboard entries.
(*) Changed behaviour of confirmation before exit - defaults to false but still triggers when necessary.
(*) Changed accuracy display to use fixed-width spacing.
(*) Change mouse clicks in taiko mode to only press one button rather than both.
(*) Bump up beatmap version.
(*) Another fucking alignment fix.
(*) Animation fix (Should have been committed earlier...).
(*) Always uploads jpeg format screenshots (Shift-F12).
(*) Added some misc files to git's ignore list.
(*) Added "SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute" to native calls for performance boost.
(*) AIMod no longer seeks to 0ms when selecting an error that has no specific time set.
(*) Default selection to "back to menu" when hitting up at pause screen.
(*) Changed order of current song metadata display at song select.
(!) SpriteManager code cleanup.
(+) [major] Web: User Page system implemented for subscribers.
(+) [major] Added support for showing IME in-game (partial, but usable).
(+) Usernames are clickable in in-game chat (brings up user menu).
(+) Support for floating point frame delays in storyboard.
(+) Spectator list fades out with scoreboard if set to hide during play mode.
(+) Show preview point on seekbar in editor.
(+) Osz2 now checks for video data availability by passing a video-specific integrity test.
(+) Full-screen toggle (alt-enter) works from song selection, options, lobby, special mode select etc.
(+) Ctrl-Shift-L in editor reloads all sprites. Ctrl-L doesn't.
(+) Bancho sends "player skipped" messages back to osu!.
(+) Attempt to retrieve beatmapSetId from folder (helps combat duplicate maps).
(+) Added utility app for creating XNB textures without XNA game studio crap.
(+) Added tooltip to tag colour dropdown.
(+) Added ranking screen header back to TeamVS ranking.
(+) Added notification sound when beatmap upload completes.
(+) Added message notification of a problem when ranking fails (ban/inactive/password etc.)
(+) Added ffmpeg DLLs to build process.
(+) Added confirmation dialog when resetting current timing section from menu.
(+) Added a color combo dialog to choose a custom combo color in multiplayer tag mode.
(+) Added Bancho welcoming (where did this go?).
(+) Added AIMod menu item (File menu).
(+) Added 'source' to beatmap listing and info pages.
(*) osu! mode mouse cursor disappears while idle in breaks/intro/outro time.
(*) mapping contest and tournament stuff
(*) changed mirror url.
(*) [major] Improvements to readability of editor seekbar.
(*) [major] Huge sprite loading changes. Performance increases throughout.
(*) Usability changes to SongSetup dialog. Added warning about automatic saving on confirm.
(*) Updated main menu copyright to 2010.
(*) Unnecessary banchobot cast removal.
(*) Typo in BSS script.
(*) Testing new bancho server (use public for old).
(*) Storyboard load/sort order fixes.
(*) Stop disposing textures on osu! exit (slight performance gain).
(*) Special BSS upload permissions accounts can now make changes to song metadata.
(*) Song selection interface usability changes.
(*) Song selection fixes (randomness, selection colours, code cleanup).
(*) Slight change to subscription system to allow tournament winner prizes.
(*) Show IP address to those who are banned (useful for tracking ban queries).
(*) Send login credentials when doing osu!direct search.
(*) Scoreboard updates in multiplayer games are less frequent, and only occur after the first 10 seconds in.
(*) Revert "(*) Fixed i163 (Editor SB alignment)."
(*) Respacing of all in-game dialog popups to allow use of Segoe UI on Vista/Win7.
(*) Removed old debug code.
(*) Removed ctb not-ranked message.
(*) Refactor of multiplayer tag combo colour code changes.
(*) Reduce speed of seeking when dragging a selection on editor timeline.
(*) Reduce scoreboard update rate, and add initial delay.
(*) Project file updates. Pre/Post-build commands got lost some
(*) Project file updates. Error checking on exit (when saving osu!.db).
(*) Potential performance increase during drag operations in editor.
(*) Performance improvement for map thumbnails (avoid php invocation).
(*) Osz2 now skips hashing video data and missing video data no longer affects the file integrity test.
(*) Osu!p2p downloads are now user cancelable
(*) Osu!P2P now supports novideo and video osz2 formats to be interchangeable between peers.
(*) Optimalised osz2 to be 3 times faster than osz1 when exporting.
(*) Only tweet commits that affect the web side of things.
(*) Music controller not shown in osu!direct (looks ugly with overlap).
(*) More scoreboard alignment adjustments.
(*) More changes to scoreboard colours, plus fix for incorrect tag rank displays.
(*) Minor usability adjustments to Song Setup dialog.
(*) Minor storyboard editor alignment tweak.
(*) Minor looping performance enhancements.
(*) Minor improvement to slider curve calculation performance.
(*) Merge branch 'master' of github.com:peppy/osu
(*) Lobby text search bypasses other filters temporarily. Filter panel is more compact and prettier.
(*) Limit maximum userlist refreshes to one per second.
(*) Increased precision of editor drag selections (playfield).
(*) Imrpvements to spacing of elements at bottom of editor interface.
(*) Improvements to dynamic sprite loading code.
(*) Improve HP calculation performance on maps with large storyboards.
(*) Holy shit I pwned the editor-test mode transition some. and some more.
(*) Handle exceptions while processing folders (UnauthorizedException)
(*) HUGE storyboard load and display performance improvement (~6x).
(*) Get rid of crappy XNA timing code for forced vsync scenarios.
(*) Further login window layout fixes.
(*) Fized issue #181 (Savelog filename does not contain the appropriate channel).
(*) Fixed world map accepting clicks when it shouldn't.
(*) Fixed the multiplayer scoreboard showing the lowest scoring player as ??.
(*) Fixed tag coop mode not being exitable.
(*) Fixed storyboard load order bug when startTime == endTime for an event.
(*) Fixed spriteManagers not disposing display-order optimised sprites which are yet to be displayed.
(*) Fixed spinners spinning too fast.
(*) Fixed song resetting to previewpoint on song select screen.
(*) Fixed slight stutter when exiting lead-in time.
(*) Fixed sending PMs not appearing correctly in chat (first outgoing).
(*) Fixed ranking screen errors when user is banned or ranking response fails.
(*) Fixed random null crash when disposing temporary sprites.
(*) Fixed progress pie polygon not fading out during intro time.
(*) Fixed profile history stats/graphs that weren't displaying correctly.
(*) Fixed potential crash during play mode.
(*) Fixed post escaping problem.
(*) Fixed pause arrows being skinned by current beatmap skin.
(*) Fixed osu! taking too much priority while inactive.
(*) Fixed osu! login window appearing in wrong location when game does not have focus.
(*) Fixed occasional crash when attempting to open URL in fullscreen mode.
(*) Fixed nullref crash in SpriteManager.
(*) Fixed multipart slider calculation issue.
(*) Fixed mouse cursor disappearing during play time.
(*) Fixed mouse cursor disappearing during play time.
(*) Fixed minor typo on welcome email.
(*) Fixed minor typo on options dialog.
(*) Fixed match setup UI alignment.
(*) Fixed kiai triggering incorrectly in some editor test mode scenarios.
(*) Fixed jukebox playing from preview points.
(*) Fixed issue #164 (osu!direct is available when logged off).
(*) Fixed issue #148 (updater not getting correct working directory in some odd cases).
(*) Fixed i99 (Editor doesn't reset cursor when swapping modes).
(*) Fixed i89 (Changed way first additive storyboard event is drawn).
(*) Fixed i73 (Alt-# in chat fails in editor).
(*) Fixed i3 (Multiplayer Rank Display).
(*) Fixed i207 (Sliders are out of place in the editor in OpenGL).
(*) Fixed i206 (hitcircleoverlay.png is grey tinted for sliders in OpenGL).
(*) Fixed i205 (Crash on entering Song Select).
(*) Fixed i203 (Multiplayer: last two positions shown as ??).
(*) Fixed i201 (Playfield moved down).
(*) Fixed i199 (Only a slider's control points should have priority over the seekbar).
(*) Fixed i198 (Trigger loops not playing).
(*) Fixed i196 (Slider placement goes wrong when left-clicking last point).
(*) Fixed i194 (Offset wizard auto-download of tutorial endless loop).
(*) Fixed i192 (Chat hover highlight delays tab switching).
(*) Fixed i189 (Fullscreen editor/test mode).
(*) Fixed i187 (Test Mode: Autoplay behaviour unchangeable during ending spinner).
(*) Fixed i186 (Test mode crashing).
(*) Fixed i185 (Changing playback speed in editor affects song select).
(*) Fixed i184 (Editor crash on corrupted map).
(*) Fixed i183 (storyboard transformations in incorrect time order cause sprites to not load).
(*) Fixed i179 (Background dissappear as soon as you play a beatmap).
(*) Fixed i169 (Extracting maps is very slow on thumbdrives).
(*) Fixed i168 (AIMod doesn't reset when changing difficulty).
(*) Fixed i166 (Passing old score puts you at #41)
(*) Fixed i165 (linear slider algorithm bug).
(*) Fixed i163 (Editor SB alignment).
(*) Fixed i162 (1/4 second delay when selecting on the timeline)
(*) Fixed i160 (HP bar doesn't redraw itself when windowed osu! is moved around).
(*) Fixed i158 (Audio lead-in causing two skip buttons at map's start).
(*) Fixed i157 (Slider-end stacking oversight).
(*) Fixed i156 (Slider's apperance is mangled if rendered partially offscreen).
(*) Fixed i154 ("Start game!" when you aren't host).
(*) Fixed i153 (/me behaviour wierd).
(*) Fixed i149 (Search query becomes "type to begin!").
(*) Fixed i147 (Grid snap set in the menu but not actually set).
(*) Fixed i146 (Caret does not wrap in some input fields).
(*) Fixed i142 (fail-background not scaled).
(*) Fixed i140 (Recently added beatmaps don't appear in the "Jump to..." jukebox search).
(*) Fixed i139 (Other spectators (0) displayed).
(*) Fixed i138 (osu!direct treats osu! forum links incorrectly).
(*) Fixed i137 (Overlapping text in Edit's song select).
(*) Fixed i134 (Slider length snap incorrect for inherited sections with BPM multipliers).
(*) Fixed i133 (Auto in Test mode misses or 50/100's 1/4 streams).
(*) Fixed i132 (SBE layer toggles and sprite list inconsistent).
(*) Fixed i128 (Delete key deletes character AND map) - shift-delete works to delete maps now.
(*) Fixed i127 (Skin preview out-of-sync with VBR mp3s).
(*) Fixed i126 (hitcircleoverlay.png uses additive blending for sliders in OpenGL).
(*) Fixed i123 (Lead-in Time text labels misaligned).
(*) Fixed i121 (Taiko play field off-centre again).
(*) Fixed i120 (World Map markers misaligned in the editor).
(*) Fixed i119 (Widescreen + fullscreen in lobby).
(*) Fixed i118 (Widescreen flashlight issues).
(*) Fixed i117 (Skins causing incorrect combo colors).
(*) Fixed i116 (Slider recalculation becoming null object reference).
(*) Fixed i110 (Priority does not lower when a modal dialog is up).
(*) Fixed i105 (Song preview doesn't change when two maps have the same mp3 filename).
(*) Fixed hard crash when Tahoma is not installed on system (warns user actively).
(*) Fixed fullscreen toggling while refreshing song select (F5) in edit mode.
(*) Fixed fullscreen toggling not working at all.
(*) Fixed editor dirty state not set when adding/changing background.
(*) Fixed dispose error with bg files that are also included in SB code.
(*) Fixed disable mouse buttons option not disabling tablet clicks.
(*) Fixed changelog page not displaying correctly.
(*) Fixed beatmap import code not working at all.
(*) Fixed alignment of main menu notice.
(*) Fixed a possible threading crash in SpriteManager.
(*) Fixed a null refference when trying to change the music if no beatmap is available.
(*) Fixed a hard crash when trying to play a taiko-specific beatmaps that has corrupt/missing audio.
(*) Fixed Osu!direct crashing because cache loading of undownloaded sprite failed.
(*) Fixed Osu! animations not reversing under some conditions.
(*) Fixed FastEditor flag causing saves to not be triggered.
(*) Fixed Bancho connection problem for some users.
(*) Fixed BSS form oops.
(*) Fix unnecessary text showing on ranking panels in Tag Coop
(*) Fix text field cursor visible on song select.
(*) Fix storyboard loops not loading correctly.
(*) Fix rare crash with new animation frame sync algorithm.
(*) Fix private changes showing up on changelog page.
(*) Fix match not completing when failing in TagTeam.
(*) Fix loss of white selection position on song select after searching.
(*) Fix location of scoreboards on Tag/Vs ranking screens.
(*) Fix links getting stuck after clicking user links.
(*) Fix i144 (Date wrong in results after spectating).
(*) Fix i107 (SB: frameDelay not correctly utilized).
(*) Fix for frameDelay being slightly off in storyboard scripting.
(*) Fix for frameDelay being slightly off in storyboard scripting.
(*) Fix for chat name colours being incorrect after highlight + tab switch.
(*) Fix flags enum being read incorrectly.
(*) Fix file move operations not working across drives.
(*) Fix bancho exploit with certain usernames.
(*) Fix another random freeze when activating IME (alt-shift).
(*) Fix #3 for i59 ("This is the latest ranked copy" showing after editing map).
(*) Fix #2 for i58 (Star Difficulty Rating disappears afting deleting timing sections).
(*) Fix #2 for i34 (Right-click menus show default skin).
(*) Fix #2 for i28 ([Editor] Slider does not have priority over seekbar).
(*) Fix #2 for i18 (Disable mouse buttons in autopilot doesn't work).
(*) Fix #2 for i142 (fail-background not scaled/displaying).
(*) Fix #2 for i12 (In game user avatar not updated when relogging/changing users)
(*) Fixed #84 "ends in N days" is covered by the ranking's title.
(*) Final fix for old osu version animation speeds.
(*) Extended chat search filter overrides "Friends Only" selection.
(*) Ensure mouse is visible at least three seconds before gameplay starts.
(*) Disabled custom font overriding (screws with kerning?).
(*) Constants rename, version bump, and changelog.txt deprecation.
(*) Clicking retry on ranking screen making ranking dialog appear instantly.
(*) Changelog loads previous pages on request. Style changes also.
(*) Changed send buffer for Bancho (was way too small).
(*) Changed score display to fixed-width to offset i191 (Scores >=100m off-screen).
(*) Changed mode-specific setting to drop-down menu in Song Setup.
(*) Changed import of noVideo maps to offset i159.
(*) Changed colour scheme for tag scoreboard entries.
(*) Changed behaviour of confirmation before exit - defaults to false but still triggers when necessary.
(*) Changed accuracy display to use fixed-width spacing.
(*) Change mouse clicks in taiko mode to only press one button rather than both.
(*) Bump up beatmap version.
(*) Another fucking alignment fix.
(*) Animation fix (Should have been committed earlier...).
(*) Always uploads jpeg format screenshots (Shift-F12).
(*) Added some misc files to git's ignore list.
(*) Added "SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute" to native calls for performance boost.
(*) AIMod no longer seeks to 0ms when selecting an error that has no specific time set.
(*) Default selection to "back to menu" when hitting up at pause screen.
(*) Changed order of current song metadata display at song select.
(!) SpriteManager code cleanup.