
What kind of patterns/whatever do you dislike?

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I hate when I have to click.

I hate when mappers pull out jumps out of nowhere just to make the map harder.

I hate when the hitsounds are a complete mess.

I hate when stuff gets covered by another note (hidden sliders, small slider repeats, etc.)
I love pentagonal notes and note patterns, either in a pentagon, or as a symetrical pattern.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I love all, but huge jumps with a half beat difference.
Are you kidding? Those are the most fun.

I just hate it when a map is boring, that's about it.
Sup A Noob

rust45 wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I love all, but huge jumps with a half beat difference.
Are you kidding? Those are the most fun.

I just hate it when a map is boring, that's about it.
I wasn't really serious when I said that. Jehovah Yahveh's helping me with these crazy jumps.

So if I were to summarise what I hate now, nothing.

But I do hate failing songs I wasn't supposed to fail.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Jehovah Yahveh's helping me with these crazy jumps.
There are jumps in that map?
Sup A Noob

strager wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Jehovah Yahveh's helping me with these crazy jumps.
There are jumps in that map?
Real fast slider "jumps", and some normal jumps, in a sense. Apparently after passing Jehovah Yehveh on a regular basis I started doing better at jumps.
- Streams, rapid 1/4th beats or whatever the hell these things that require you to spam Z/X are called
- Bland patterns
- No curves
- Hold Sliders out of nowhere
- Sudden/random speed changes
- Skins that make you unable to see the approach circles/bad skins in general
- Bad contrast between the colors of hit circles and backgrounds
- playing
- probably a lot more
ninja spinners and small back and forth sliders >.>
Only ones I can personally note are:
A - Spinner traps (Spinner followed by a note so shortly after that its near crazy (and/or the note is placed in a real awkward place after the spinner))
B - Notes that follow a really weird or unnoticeable beat, that is annoying..
Since i play Taiko it will be a Taiko thing.

The one thing i hate are the hidden notes underneath the end of a slider... you can't see until you are too late unless you know it's there.
The one thing i hate are the hidden notes underneath the end of a slider... you can't see until you are too late unless you know it's there.
Have not experienced this yet myself but can imagine it being a pain XD
When there are lots of different colors close to each other and its extremely confusing, especially with sliders.
i like everything that makes people rage

conversely you may guess at what i hate
Shohei Ohtani
I play CtB, and what I dislike are repeating sliders that force you to keep going left and right, as it's impossible or requires intense percision to just sit there and catch all of it.
I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.

Mogsworth wrote:

I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.
Exactly. Beatmap need not be crazy difficult to be great. I see some mappers try to force beatmap to be more difficult. As a result, beatmap doesn't fit into the music. :?

-Notes right after spinners (mainly those that aren't in the center because I always find myself too far away from the note to hit it)
-Odd patterns with stacking (it's fine if it seems to go with the song, but there are some things that are unnecessary and hard to read)


-Spinners right after notes (I think the note is part of the spinner and miss it D:)
-Big back-and-forth 1/2-beat jumps
-Maps that are full of hard-to-hit sequences that make me want to pull my hair out (


-Seemingly random patterns
-Really fast 1/4 beat streams that contain an impossible-to-hit mixture of red and blue notes
-Long streams of 1/8 notes (as well as short 1/8 streams on anything above ~130 BPM)
Unintuitive jumps, ugly overlaps, sliders that try to be perfect but fail at it, too much copypasta, sacrificing intuitivity for pretty patterns.

Subjective stuff.

Larto wrote:

sliders that try to be perfect but fail at it

Larto wrote:

sacrificing intuitivity for pretty patterns.
The mapper must suck pretty bad to make a pretty pattern unintuitive.

Also mechanical maps that sync one line too faithfully and/or use robot spacing & boring patterns.

MetalMario201 wrote:

They are usually as perfect that the eyes of a normal player won't notice anything odd about them =(
-Terrible hitsounds, especially Normal Whistle. The most hated one is whistle slider. O.O

-Note hidden under a slider. Notes stacked at the start of the previous slider. I love notes stacked at the end of slider though.

-Box mapping.

-1-2 seconds break between each vocal line in a vocal song.

-And also, breaks that are too short, like 1-4 seconds long, hate that.

-Back and forth beats.
-Jumps (Especially back and forth ><).


-Slider speed changing.

-Maps that doesn't let me finish to full combo in the end...

-Patterns that are hard to follow.

-Why can't some maps offer solid play...?

*Sigh* :|

Maybe in the later future, I'll have the skills to do them :)

Mogsworth wrote:

I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.
I was going to say something but now I don't have to

deathstreams are particularly notorious for doing this

Mogsworth wrote:

I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.
Because this is a music game, anything that doesn't go well with the music, is ridiculous
Deathstream is one, another is random spinner
Tiny sliders.
Sliders with a note at the end.
Huge stacks of notes. Like 20+
mostly jumps, i suck at jumps >_>
ninja spinners, tiny circles
A long series of sliders with mini deathstreams in between.

I hate slider jumps when the slider leads to left and you have to jump right or otherwise.I often let go off the ball a bit too early and so I get a stupid '100' ~.~
2x speed up slider + jump around the screen

ex :
I have a dislike for patterns that go in a series of outward motion, spread from the centre. Especially when it goes on for like 3 or more seconds. Does get to me.
Jumps (I can do 'em most of the time, even on insane, they just frustrate me)
Ninja Spinners
Notes appearing on screen while the spinner JUST appeared. You know what? I just hate spinners that aren't at the very beginning or end of a section/map.
Ninja spinners.
Long spinner.(30000+ bonus except one at the end)
Circle right after a spinner.
Long distance jump.
Circle that hidden under score burst.
Slider speedup.
Streams that don't have the notes really close together.
Fast notes that are place in a square shape or something along those lines, fuck that shit.
Post-Spinner notes.

ctb: a note right after spinner
Arusha Shuna
osu! : Box mapping, ugly sliders, horizontal back and forth
Taiko : dkkdkkdkk and/or kddkddkdd
CtB : Large jumps with no hyperdash
Squares, more than anything else. Any pattern in a square or diamond shape will screw me up.

Also any note immediately after a slider (1/4th or sooner).
Notes right after spinners.

Especially if the spin was a quick one :

mekadon wrote:

Taiko:dddkdddkdddk,ddkddk,kkdkkdkkd,dddk,kkkd,and most double 1/4 notes
My Taiko orz patterns
3 1/4 change streams (dddkkkd etc)
1-2-1-2 1/3 or 1/4 change streamd (ddkddkd , dkkdkkd etc)(I should practice on X-DAY orz)

Firo Prochainezo
Damn streams.
Damn streams indeed.
I can't rumble pattern. damn
Topic Starter
Wierdly I can clear hitcircle-only deathstream but when it involves them with repeat sliders together then I'll fail.
Also hold slider for me in osu!

For ctb, I hate stuff that goes right after a spinner.

Still the same thing in Taiko though
Whole damn of 1/4 streams like Mystearica's map.
To be honest, after all this time of playing i still have no clue what 1/4 (1/3 or 1/2) stream or notes or whatever they are.

I just hate those stacks of notes where their are breaks in the middle so you have to stop briefly than 1 note than another brief pause and continue with some more stacks of notes all in one really big stack of notes (don't know if there is a name for it but whatever)
Long and hard streams.

storm704 wrote:

To be honest, after all this time of playing i still have no clue what 1/4 (1/3 or 1/2) stream or notes or whatever they are.
The fractions refer to the distance between each note relative to the beat. So a 1/2 stream would have a note every half beat. In musical terms, 1/1 would be a quarter note, 1/2 would be an eighth note, 1/4 a sixteenth, etc.

makkura wrote:

Long and hard streams.
That's definitely not what she said.
tempo changes

sure they're cool and all, but a massive motherfucker in taiko. especially if they don't make any sense [ie not timed to the music at all]
Ninja spinners.

And the one thing that really, really pisses me off...randomly placed circles with short timing. You'll have people making stars, hexagons, circles, all kinds of crazy shit that'd be great and fun if the circles were ordered in a straight line, but no, you're going to have to cross over half a dozen times to hit six circles.

And let's not forget tons of overlapping on a map you're trying to Hidden.
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