
M2U - The Prince of Darkness

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BPM: 160.000

~NyaKun's Ruby Mix~
00:03:978 (1) - remove new combo
00:30:978 (5) - new combo
01:20:478 (1) - remove new combo
01:35:478 (3) - new combo
01:47:571 (7) - ^
01:49:165 (1) - end on 01:51:978, remove hitfinish

~Street mix~
01:49:071 (1) - end on 01:51:978

~Club mix~
00:10:728 (9) - new combo
00:10:821 (1) - remove new combo
00:21:040 (1,2,3) - no D:
00:39:040 (7) - unsnapped
00:51:228 (8) - new combo
00:51:509 (1) - remove new combo
00:54:228 (8) - new combo
00:54:509 (1) - remove new combo
01:00:978 (14) - add hitfinish
01:18:884 (8,1) - too far
01:46:353 (5) - new combo
01:46:446 (1) - remove new combo
01:46:728 (4) - new combo
01:46:821 (1) - remove new combo
01:47:103 (4) - new combo
01:47:196 (1) - remove new combo
01:48:978 (1) - end on 01:51:978

Topic Starter

00:21:040 (1,2,3) - no D:
if someone else complains about that - I'll change that moment
Neo Adonis
Video offset: 900

You aren't using the correct snap, so I can't judge that. However, you can let it, because the map is still funny.
00:29:290 (2,3,4) - Use the same snap than the 1/1 beat notes, creating a confusion. Change it.
00:44:290 (2) - Why don't you add a hit circle when the slider starts and move the slider 1/2 beat later? (obviously the slider must finish at the same time you put it)
00:45:790 (2) - ^
00:47:290 (2) - ^

[Street Mix]
You should use a lv 3 grid (not necesary)
00:27:040 (3) - One lv 2 grid to the left
00:36:978 (2,3) - Wrongly snapped
00:41:478 (4) - One lv 2 grid up
01:04:540 (5,6) - You must move these objects ensuring 01:04:540 (5,6,7) are well snapped. It's up to you how, but here it goes an example:

01:06:415 (8) - Wrongly snapped. Try moving 01:06:040 (7)
01:14:384 (1) - Move one lv2 grid left and resnap the other circles 01:14:853 (2,3,4). You'll ensure 01:15:884 (1) will be correctly snapped ^^

[Club mix]
You should use a lv 3 grid (not necesary)
00:03:228 (5) - Wrongly snapped

Good map!!
Topic Starter
thanks, working...

All done, except for

00:29:290 (2,3,4) - Use the same snap than the 1/1 beat notes, creating a confusion. Change it.
I'll make NyaKun handle that, I'm too lazy :D

01:04:540 (5,6) - You must move these objects ensuring 01:04:540 (5,6,7) are well snapped.
I used 0.5 sisatnce snap for whole red combo, moving 5 and 6 kinda makes me move other ones and that's kinda painful beacause of long pauses between beats =/ Though I'll keep that in mind
Why is there only a Hit cirle Overlay ????? if you have more skin elements, you should full submit
Why is there Kiai only in NyaKun's?

[club Mix]
00:21:040 (1,2,3) - no.

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Sushi971 wrote:

Why is there only a Hit cirle Overlay ????? if you have more skin elements, you should full submit
Why is there Kiai only in NyaKun's?

[club Mix]
00:21:040 (1,2,3) - no.

overlay is here by mistake, thanks.
Kiai will be something I'll think about after all other work, people still got complains about other things.
And yeah, second complaint about that place, I'm changing it, ok.
Could do with an easier difficulty, but fine.
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yeah, added kiai
Hujibayasi Kyou
good make :D
Thanks for allowing me to map Taiko map.
Well this worth Oni ★X9, so quite hard.
(I thought long continous notes suits this song, so that makes the map harder...)

Oh, and you can change the name of the diff. anyway you want.

Download: M2U - The Prince of Darkness (TKiller) [lepidon! - Taiko Oni].osu
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I wasn't able to see a single flaw in your map.

[Nyakuns Ruby Mix]
00:24:609 - - Sure you don't want any hitsounds in this section? Soft whistle would fit good on every 4th beat. Uh huh.

[Street Mix]
Fine. A bit too spammy with repeating sliders... But it's just me. :P

[Club Mix]
00:03:978 (1) - Have a Finish here. Will fit together with the very first note that also had a Finish!

Okay. Nothing really wrong. Have a star!
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will add tomorrow, too lazy at the moment
All timing sections that change the volume/type of hitsound of a note/s should be put at least 1/4 back on the timeline just in case someone hits the note early. Please change the timing sections accordingly.

Needs an easier diff

NyaKun's Ruby Mix
00:06:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - I believe the combos here should be split by 4 instead of 6 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
00:48:935 (x) - The timing section here should be moved to 00:48:978 so it will be on the note itself

Street Mix
I just don't like how you used the 1/4 sliders with repeats too much.

Club mix
Capitalize the m
Just my opinion but the note streams here are way too much.

I don't mod taiko - sorry.
00:44:290 (2) - Too close to 1.

00:48:228 (5,6,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,1,2,3,4) - I dislike this. The repeats are very inconsistent and random.

Topic Starter
now to think about what to do with those sliders D:

But yeah, I agree, they are overused.
ruby mix - preview point: 48978
other 3 diff's - preview point: 49071
delete osb from folder
I would put a 1 second lead-in time for all diff's
why not have stack leniency the same on all diff's..

ruby mix:
seems fine

street mix:
I didn't have too many problems with repeats so meh

club mix:
00:22:353 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - make all this into a perfect square?
00:55:165 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could be made more interesting
wow at all the stacks..

cant mod

Irc mod~
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James2250 wrote:

street mix:
I didn't have too many problems with repeats so meh

club mix:
00:55:165 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could be made more interesting
more interesting, huh. Well, maybe, but can't imagine a nice pettern for that place D:

And I've already changed hard diff a bit, too much people complained about sliders. Hope it's a little better now.
Well, the repeats aren't as confusing anymore. I'll proto this.
minor fix based on youngdow's modding.
If you think this one better, plz update. Thank you.

Download: M2U - The Prince of Darkness (TKiller) [lepidon! - Taiko Oni].osu
Topic Starter
Sorry. *Pop*

Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to.
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these.
Red = major issues. you need to change these .

  1. Shouldn't "djmax" be in the source?
    1. Add 2-3 seconds of lead-in? the map starts pretty quickly
  2. Grey hitcircles play terribly in Tag. Is there some other colour you could use instead?

00:59:478 (1,1) - Why not make these like the repeat sliders before, and have a space between each one. even to experienced players, sliders like this can be annoying, so it will be a nightmare for new players.
01:24:228 (2) - end this repeat slider here? give the player some breathing room for the next beat. This is supposed to be the easiest difficulty, mind. ;)

Im not keen on jumps in easy/normal difficulties, but these are not too bad, so they can stay.


'tis fine


00:54:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - having stacks, that are only 1/4 apart each, with spacing like this is sure to make people rage. You should close these gap up, or put them in some other pattern.
01:27:228 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Is there some other way you could lay these out? I had trouble reading these on my testrun because of all the overlapping.

Nice. Some of the patterns in Club Mix were a bit dodgy but it was solid. When you're done with my fixes I'll re-protobubble.

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on request, modding 1 diff quickly:

- Club Mix
  1. First 3 kiai times don't make sense, remove those.
  2. 01:12:978 (1,2,3,4) - This little spacing is really weird after all those big 1/2 and 1/4 jumps, fix that.
  3. 01:27:228 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Fix this pattern, it's really unreadable. (maybe a pattern like this? open spoilerbox)
Topic Starter
you saved me
I decided to send my combo mods to you, to save you and I some time. If you agree with some, just change out the ones you disagree. If you disagree with all, feel free to completely ignore.

NyaKun's Ruby Mix
Kiai time at the end doesn't have an end point. Please set one.

Combo Mod~
Download: M2U - The Prince of Darkness (TKiller) [NyaKun's Ruby Mix].osu

Nazi Mod~
00:12:978 (1) - Move down 2 grids, so when playing, it'll be in middle of field.

Street Mix

Combo Mod~
Download: M2U - The Prince of Darkness (TKiller) [Street Mix].osu

Club Mix

Combo Mod~
Download: M2U - The Prince of Darkness (TKiller) [Club Mix].osu

PM me In-Game once you've taken a look at the combo mod, then I'll *try* to do a bit more modding.

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The grey hitcircles are still there, but since tag mode has its own colours now, It doesn't bother me.

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

1) Changes "Nyashkakun" to "NyaKun" in tags? Because Nyashkakun is banned, changes to NyaKun

[NyaKun's Ruby Mix]
00:12:978 (1) - Move 1 grid down?

I can't find more issue :cry:
M2U make some scary song and scary movie, lol
Good Map
[Training] irc modded D:
How many stars :O Great map btw.

[NyaKun's Ruby Mix]

Add more hitsounds, and this will be better.

00:27:040 (3,4,1) - Replace this notes correctly, please.
00:27:978 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:29:290 (2) - New combo.
01:10:728 (1) - Remove new combo.

[lepidon! - Taiko Oni]

Add the same lead-in of the other difficulties.
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Great. Here it is your deserved bubble!

this map do not fit kiai time .
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Actually, I disagree with that, kiai is mostly placed where piano is strong and fast, but no hitsounds on objects, so it adds accent at those points.
cool map, well made.

only problem i got is that those kiais.. too distracting..

i think its really better to remove those kiais, for less distraction..


ok rank
Wait, taiko map without go-go time(kiai)? that's just ridiculous. All taiko map except very old one has kiai time, and I didn't noticed about exculding all kiai time? :(

Well anyway it ranked, but maybe no good with taiko. It breaks the rule, but no one will complain about that except few taiko players...

Anyway, 'I am the Lord thy BAT, Thou shalt have no complains before me', maybe.
Kiai mode in Taiko isn't as distracting as it can be on osu! standard, so yeah, basically that's the problem :/

I agree with you on what you said, so maybe you should've talked with TKiller to add kiai only on your Taiko diff, it isn't a problem for ranking a song... But yeah the map is ranked already so I don't know if you can do something now =(
'I am the Lord thy BAT, Thou shalt have no complains before me.
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LirsRosso wrote:

why ranked Club Mix
I dunno, I don't like this map, I knew pretty much nothing about mapping when made it.

It meets ranking criteria though, I think. And some people actually DO like hardest diff of this set.
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