
Better Late Than Never?

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Up until now, I never stopped to think about it. I've been playing this game since I was 14 (20, currently) and I've always poked around the forums, but seldom (And I use that word liberally) do I post.

So I figured, at a bare minimum I would introduce myself ~

I've been playing Osu! with strictly a mouse since I started Feb 2nd, 2010.
Honestly when I began playing I had no idea there were any other options.
I started out as a pure CTB player, and slowly migrated away from it entirely.

I most actively played around September of 2010 to about December 2012.
During this time I strictly played Osu! on my bed, without a mouse pad.
I'll allow you to imagine the frustration that ensued.
Most of the time I was laying, so I got used to playing like that.

After that, I moved around to different houses and apartments constantly and my "comfort zone" when playing Osu! was lost.
I no longer had a laptop and had myself a sub-par PC.
I couldn't play ANY maps that had storyboards, and sitting upright playing Osu! was completely foreign to me.

Quite frankly I lost any amount of skill I had once obtained. For anyone who's experienced something similar, it's insurmountably frustrating.
I believe in 2013 I played around ~200 maps in total and I spent most of my time elsewhere on the internet.

The crack-like addiction that is Osu! is a cruel mistress. I just had that itch that no other could satisfy.
So I started playing again. Except this time there are two major differences I noticed:

- The "norm" for beatmaps has become much faster and more difficult that ever before.
- The community has nearly quintupled since I started playing

Which is great! But getting back into the swing of things hasn't been the easiest.
Though, I'm a lot less harsh on myself for being out of practice this time around.

ANYWAY, That's my story. I realize nobody asked for my tale, but thanks for reading if you did ~~ :3
I got a great feeling of nostalgia while writing this, and I think it really answered my hesitations for writing this.

So uh, yeah.
Nice to formally meet you all ~
Nice to meet you too ~

wow your account created 5 years ago 'ω'
Raisha Millenia
hei~ nice to meet you
Welcome! ^^
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