
Osu!Replay2Dropbox=Safe4Ever (Copy your replays to Dropbox!)

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ECHO Note: Your private information is being sent to FBI HQ at %DATE%, %TIME%

I am not responsible if your computer burns, your phone starts sending SMSs at 4am, Peppy bans you for no reason of if your dog suddently becomes Cookiezi.

So this was more of a joke, but since this has some potential (even tho this is a simple task), I made a batch file to copy your replay files to your Dropbox!
Note that this deletes by default the replays stored in osu!/Replays.

How to configure
Since your osu! and Dropbox folders may be anywhere in your pc (and I'm not tech savvy enough to automatically detect them), you will need to set their paths in the script to work. It's a really easy process!

1. Locate you osu! and Dropbox path (the one where you store your things dummy)
For example, my paths to them:

2. Copy them and edit the batch file.
Replace these lines with your own paths. It should turn from this,:

to this (note that I already set my path to my own replays folder, in my case being \Public\Osu!Replays ):

NOTE: USE ALWAYS "QUOTATION MARKS" TO ENCLOSE YOUR PATHS (it may work without them, who knows)

3. Done! Now every time you open the script it will make what you want

- I wanted to use a program to make a sfv file to check the integrity of files.
Tried cfv but for some reason it won't detect the replays. I will work around it later

Download original file: Version 2 Dev 2 "I LOVE PETTANKO <3" (Written spontaneously, DEFINITELY NSFW)
Download censored file: Version 2 Dev 2 "I Love -censored- <3"

Comment my masterpiece :D
Full Tablet
You could move the replay folder to your dropbox folder and make a symbolic link in the osu! folder so the game writes the replays directly to the dropbox folder.
Just that old replays stopped working for me anyway.
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Full Tablet wrote:

You could move the replay folder to your dropbox folder and make a symbolic link in the osu! folder so the game writes the replays directly to the dropbox folder.
I didn't thought about that.
My original idea was to crc32 the replays and then copy them to the dropbox (either doing an sfv or marking the crc in the filename). Since the purpose is to store them I think it would be useful to have something to check if the file is ok.
I do not know of a program that is able to do it to all files, like for eg. OptiPNG:
optipng.exe *.png
(where * opens all of the png files in the folder)

I will continue to research.
Seems neat.
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