
Questions for you to answer

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AxE Rayden
I saw a few good questions on gamers and thought i would ask you all.

1. What's your real name and gamer tag?

2. What's your hometown and your birthday?

3. Why do you play video games?

4. What game got you started in gaming and what is your game now?

5. What year did you become a professional gamer?

6. What's your highest gaming accomplishment?

7. Does gaming help you in the dating scene?

8. Whats your best story from or something that happened while playing games?

9. What are your passions besides gaming?

10. What's your advice for young gamers?

Post your thread there instead. It will be appreciated more rather than here

You can also go to Survey forums and post it in there
I'll be nice and answer 'cause I'm bored
1. What's your real name and gamer tag? This is the internet, what the hell is gamer tag?

2. What's your hometown and your birthday? No comment, 14 January

3. Why do you play video games? Because video games are fun

4. What game got you started in gaming and what is your game now? Mario Bros, mostly osu!

5. What year did you become a professional gamer? If by professional you mean getting money, I haven't become one yet, and probably never will

6. What's your highest gaming accomplishment? I'm top 500 in my country on osu!

7. Does gaming help you in the dating scene? NO

8. Whats your best story from or something that happened while playing games? I learned English

9. What are your passions besides gaming? Reading and basketball

10. What's your advice for young gamers? Play classic titles
1. What's your real name and gamer tag?
Brendan (My last name is rare so no). And my old gamertag was DinosaurKing01 (I didn't name it after the game/anime)
2. What's your hometown and your birthday?
The place where I live now, November 7
3. Why do you play video games?
Because I'm an autist
4. What game got you started in gaming and what is your game now?
Pokeman Sapphire and LeafGreen, my game now is osu!, TF2, CS:GO, and I'm starting to get into Quake.
5. What year did you become a professional gamer?
i've always been a 1337 mlg pR0 g4M3r
6. What's your highest gaming accomplishment?
Literally what?
7. Does gaming help you in the dating scene?
Probably not
8. Whats your best story from or something that happened while playing games?
Me and some friends destroyed a hacking town in Minecraft and got the owner of the town to ragequit.
9. What are your passions besides gaming?
Fapping vigorously
10. What's your advice for young gamers?
Don't act better than you really are/ don't get mad when people are better than you at the game. (I just saw a kid doing both of these in TF2).
1. What's your real name and gamer tag?
Its not Hermoine. See to the left for the gamer tag.

2. What's your hometown and your birthday?
Why do you want to know that? Creepy as fuck man.

3. Why do you play video games?
Uuuh... because they're fun maybe?

4. What game got you started in gaming and what is your game now?
Uh, some old supermario game maybe? Theres no game thats "my game".

Couldnt really tell, i owned (and still do) some of the earliest consoles such as the Nintendo Entertaiment System (NES), GameBoy, PlayStation 1 or this sega catridge thingy.

5. What year did you become a professional gamer?
Why do you even assume people here are professional gamers? Play for fun.

6. What's your highest gaming accomplishment?
Eh... 100%ing a fair bit of RPGs? Building huge structures on sandbox games? Not spending tons of money on steam for games id never play anyways?
How do you even measure the highness of accomplishments for such things, diverse as they are?

7. Does gaming help you in the dating scene?
What the fuck man. Why should it and why does it matter?

8. Whats your best story from or something that happened while playing games?
Theres no single "Best" moment from all these years.

9. What are your passions besides gaming?
You seriously dont need to know this.

10. What's your advice for young gamers?
Play for fun.
1. What's your real name and gamer tag?
Nobody needs that / Shared account with my brother, won't tell it here.
2. What's your hometown and your birthday?
cf. Granger's answer
3. Why do you play video games?
For fun, for challenge and nothing else to do of my free time, sometimes.
4. What game got you started in gaming and what is your game now?
Doom II on PC / mostly osu! right now, with a random MMO from time to time (currently : Dragon Nest)
5. What year did you become a professional gamer?
6. What's your highest gaming accomplishment?
100% achievements on Super Street Fighter 4
7. Does gaming help you in the dating scene?
Not that much personally, maybe when I was younger. But now I just think it brings a crapton of crispy dramas.
8. Whats your best story from or something that happened while playing games?
I've met my first gf via Ragnarök Online (not LDR). Luck ftw
9. What are your passions besides gaming?
stalking people nothing worth mentioning
10. What's your advice for young gamers?
Don't get mad over a game, and if you do (and it happens to most people, you're most likely not an exception), learn to take it over yourself, don't just insult people via chat / microphone (even worse, CoD kids please stahp).
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