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Hello everybody, my name is ScribbleWobbles, and I'm just a dude who discovered osu a few days ago and I'm freaking loving this game!

I've always had a love for rhythm games, and before osu, I had thought that good ones had died out. I was wrong; this game is phenomenal! I enjoy every aspect of it and I cannot wait to play more maps and someday create my own!

Thanks for having me, it's a joy being here. :)


Welcome to osu!
Thanks to a random youtube i know about osu!
How did you discover osu? :D

Also welcome to the forum's! :D
I'll hope you become a pro beatmapper ^^

Let me give you some tips to play osu! if you don't mind :3

- Use keyboard buttons and not mousebuttons for clicking (Default is z x)
- Have a good desktop (so you can move your clearly
- Or buy a tablet :d

And that's all the tips i have xD
Don't really play the standard mode much though :3
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Thanks for replying! :D

I discovered osu! randomly looking for a song on YouTube as well.

I quickly discovered how much easier it is to use the keyboard + mouse instead of just the mouse alone, so thanks for that one! :)
My PC can run everything on great settings, so lag and stuff isn't an issue.

Thanks! My goal is to become a great player/beatmapper, perhaps even the best some day >:D

-Best Regards

Welcome o/

Looking forward to seeing you in #1 ^^

Feel free to add me if you want to chat :3 I don't play a lot of standard though :roll:
welcome to osu
if u need help contact me or the admins and stuff
Welcome to the forums .

If you need any assistance, feel free to shoot a PM and I'll be glad to help .

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