
osu! IRC beta (2014-08-17 Update Beta v1.0.13)

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osu! IRC

What is osu! IRC?
osu! IRC is an IRC Program which designs for osu! only. Users could send Channel message, PM message(connect with in-game chat) and even perform a /me third-person action! The UI is very simple.

Please leave me some comments and suggestions if you want or if you find a bug

Newest Version: Beta 1.0.13b

Download link:
Beta 1.0.13b (RAR)


Now working on:
Language Translation

Thanks to the following translators:
Français(Franch) - MrCraftCod
Malay - mintong89
Italino(italian) - marcostudios
한국어(Korean) - koreapenguin

Update history:
√Beta 1.0.10 -> Beta 1.0.13b
[Add] Language Selection: English(Default), Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Français, Malay, Italino, 한국어
[Add] Friend List (not osu!friends, add manually by command /addfriend)
[Add] Command: /addfriend /delfriend
[Add] Channel List at the upper-left
[Fix] Font Display Problem
[Fix] Some user affacted by SystemColor of current system theme
[Fix] Change Ping label color and font so as to raise visibility

√Alpha build 0009 -> Beta 1.0.10
[Add] Ping Display
[Add] Remember password and other data
[Add] Join,exit channels using /join, /part commands
[Fix] no message display using /me in client
[Fix] completely solve richTextBox Color display error problem

√Alpha build 0007->0009
[Program] Optimize program efficiency
[Add] Login box
[Add] /me, /help commands
[Fix] Can't click links in richTextBox

√Alpha build 0007
[Program] Completed the basic program using SmartIRC4Net API
Wow nice!
Awesome !
This is unnecesery really. You have (x|hex|aqua|ice)chat, mIRC and hundreds more IRC clients readily available that do the same thing but better.
Not to piss on your fire or anything but you also don't provide sourcecode like most of these clients do and you're sending passwords to the server too so who's to say you're not doing a dodgy move.

Just my 2c
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Corin wrote:

This is unnecesery really. You have (x|hex|aqua|ice)chat, mIRC and hundreds more IRC clients readily available that do the same thing but better.
Not to piss on your fire or anything but you also don't provide sourcecode like most of these clients do and you're sending passwords to the server too so who's to say you're not doing a dodgy move.

Just my 2c
I feel so sad to hear you said that. What dodgy move you think I would do with useless IRCPassword? spam someone and let all user get ban? Also, I have not sending passwords to the server! I don't know what you see in the program but the password just send to only.

This program doesn't like other software you mentioned, it just 115KB in 1file. portable, tiny and simple to use! I would do my best to add more feature to this program! It just a beta which I would like to invite some osu! users to try my program, okay?

source code are also provided here
Uploading your code to github would go a long way to making people more comfortable about using this!
Not sure if it is only my pc but the area where you write, it has white background and the text is white
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Norppis wrote:

Not sure if it is only my pc but the area where you write, it has white background and the text is white
UI are different for other theme or windows
my system is Windows8.1 with default theme

but your white background is pretty creepy
Seems nice.
Well done but unneeded.
Looks nice maybe I will use it.
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If anyone want to help translate this program, please contact me with this
Although I never going to use this, it'd be cool for others to have:
  1. Logging,
  2. A proper friend list with notifications,
  3. Ability to set highlights and, when highlighted, be able to jump to the place in chat where highlight occured.
Without these.. well, it's yet another IRC client with a limited number of possibilities one can enjoy.

TicClick wrote:

Although I never going to use this, it'd be cool for others to have:
osu! logs are biiiiiiig but there's technically no need for that since I already do logs for the whole of osu!, sans #lounge and the likes.
Perhaps if op were to hook my logs it'd make it easier for people as they can have them on a desktop experience as so to speak with 100% of the logs and day.
but what about private chats, Corin?
- Marco -
There is an option in osu! to save them
yaaa updated korean!
i wish this was crossplatform :( suddenly its c# if someone is interested i can make a wineskin wrapper so people can use this on MAC also.
Right now using normal IRC for osu, so dont know whats profit of this application.
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