
Okay, where's my mouse ? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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Well, hi ! My name's Kamikaz, I'm 16 and I have a bad english ! (yes, you could think I'm French, because actually I am xD)

I discovered osu! for a long time ago thanks to a friend but I never went on the forum so that's why I'm introducing myself. :)

In osu!, I'm mainly playing CtB and default mode, I also try to make some beatmaps ! (I'm working on 3 beatmaps but I never finish 'em, don't ask me why, I wouldnt know which response I should give, just know that I'm a slacker :o (thx google trad))

Well, that's all .. xD
Vuelo Eluko
welcome and it might be a bit too early to make maps before you've played enough maps to know what really makes good maps good. kind of like how writers have to do a lot of reading first.

You'll probably just end up remapping them later anyway.
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Indeed ! Osu's sayin I have over 692 beatmaps, I'm always trying to play to the maximum beatmaps i can, but yes, I think I don't have played that much beatmaps .. :/

Bonjour et bienvenue!

It seems that we're quite a lot to come over there when we've started osu! for a long time...

About mapping, I totally agree with Riince, it's quite the same process as writting.
Experience is one of the keys. I started mapping 2 maps when I was still a noob at osu! and... I now know that those songs were almost unmappable XD. The more you'll play maps, the more you'll play "bad" maps and really good ones. (I now have something like 2000 maps, and I suppress the ones I don't like at all...)
When you feel you're more experimented, the second key is to hang on. Don't let down your maps, work regularly on them to improve them slowly.

Oh, and mind the timing. It's been said over and over again, but it really is one of the central points which makes a map difficult or easy to map and later, to play ;p
(I'm only a osu! mode player, but I assume it's the same for all modes)

Enjoy your time here!

Welcome! :)
Hello and like others up here i agree, before starting mapping play more beatmaps :D
I'm playing about year osu and still don't know how to create true good beatmap but who knows? Maybe you will incrase faster editing skills and become famous mapper? Good luck anyway.
Hi and welcome TheKamikaz :)
(just a simple greeting :P )
I'm really late, but welcome to the forums !

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot a PM, I'll be glad to help .
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