
Bancho server testing

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Due to consistently running into problems hosting Bancho on a linux host, I have decided to move it over to a windows server for some testing. Please make sure you apply the latest update to ensure you can connect to the new server location. For IRC users, will be updated in the near future, but for the time being you may use the temporary hostname to connect to the new server's IRC.

Hopefully this will mean greater levels of stability, but I won't make any promises until I have results ;).

peppy wrote:

Hopefully this will mean greater levels of stability, but I won't make any promises until I have results ;).
best of luck~
Sun and Lunar

peppy wrote:

Hopefully this will mean greater levels of stability
hope so
Topic Starter
We're fully moved over now. Please note that older osu! clients will no longer be able to connect to Bancho.
May you live forever in our hearts, non-Windows driven Bancho.

On the other side, increased stability is good.

peppy wrote:

We're fully moved over now. Please note that older osu! clients will no longer be able to connect to Bancho.
so, do I have to re-download osu! ? or will it be working on a while? (cuz mine just says that "osu! will try to re-connect to Bancho later" and stays like that)
21:11 <Loogiesquared> : Bancho is more unstable than HAITI.
21:11 <Kytoxid> : XD
21:11 <whoatefred> : Not cool dude.
21:11 <deathenvy> : XD
21:11 <stat> : <3
21:11 <abaleXe> : :O
21:11 <menonn> : 3<
21:11 <Sun_and_Lunar> : well, this's still test
21:11 <whymeman> : Loogie: wtf...?
21:12 <Loogiesquared> : What, whyme, it's a pretty accurate metaphor.

darkduelmaster wrote:

peppy wrote:

We're fully moved over now. Please note that older osu! clients will no longer be able to connect to Bancho.
so, do I have to re-download osu! ? or will it be working on a while? (cuz mine just says that "osu! will try to re-connect to Bancho later" and stays like that)
You have to update through osu!/osume updater. once that's done, you can connect to Bancho as per usual.
I heard MS servers are like expensive.
Good luck
unable to connect to bancho after applying the latest update. D:
Works good to me.
I still can't connect after the latest update. Please help? My network connection is great. No errors on my computer. Checked if osu had another inwanted/lost folder. Nothing. Help?

EDIT: I just had to restart my comp
Try to restart your computer/connection.

I don't know what you can do...
Why i can't login>.<
I can't connect to Bancho too
Everything works fine except chat part.
TO ALL: Try to wait some minutes with osu! opened... And if nothing happen, I don't know how can I help more...
still can't connect to bancho.
"Connect to bancho...Connect to bancho...Connect to bancho...Connect to bancho......." but no connect xD
I dont know if we can play songs and ranked score..but the chat definitly not work x3
I hope peppy will fix this soon.

Guys be patient, please...
Try deleted(or not) and run the osume.exe to download the latest version osu!. I think it helps.
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I don't know, there should be no reason for it to not connect. I'll change the server configuration back in a day or two but need it left as it is until then. Make sure you give osu! a chance to connect. It will connect on the 4th attempt (which for me and most people takes 8 seconds after startup).

No, deleting files or reinstalling will not change anything.

peppy wrote:

I don't know, there should be no reason for it to not connect. I'll change the server configuration back in a day or two but need it left as it is until then. Make sure you give osu! a chance to connect. It will connect on the 4th attempt (which for me and most people takes 8 seconds after startup).

No, deleting files or reinstalling will not change anything.
I have this problem 3 weeks ago.
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@cartmanRUS: that is likely a problem with your internet or firewall setup, then.
i have this problem aswell, i left osu on today before i went to uni and came back and it was still trying to connect. i deleted osume.exe etc and tried again but it didn't work just like you said.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Well, at least it works!
But it needs a damn long time (4 min.) to connect -.-
Sun and Lunar
uh yay
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Stop posting useless graphs please.
after uploading, it works well. But when I first time run uploader, it says "osume is running" asked if I would like to kill one o.o...
When I upload 2nd time, it woks...
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I have pushed a new update which switches osu! back to the old server. For the time being, testing will occur at random intervals and target idle osu! clients. If you feel like helping, leave osu! open and minimised while you aren't playing for the next week or so. Will keep updates in this thread.
Piece of cake. I'll do that. What kind of testing will you do, peppy?
I only hope, testnig will not occur during the tournament :roll:
It's working! :)
I dont know how well my connection will hold out, but ill keep mine open.
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